Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 793: 793

Su Tang is now a person who died once. Now she is a god beast and a space. She also has a modern memory. In this world, if she is still alive and dies, she might as well hang the southeast branch.

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What can the emperor do? If she dares to let her hold back her grievances, she will get it back. Song Yi says that Su Tang has a wild disposition. There is nothing wrong with her. She will never let herself suffer injustice in her life.

For sucang, reason is not to tell her, grievances are not to her, no one wants to block her way to live a good life, block her to shovel!

Sitting on the sofa on the first floor of the space, listening to the orange cat refute that he is not a cat, sucang picked it up, followed its soft fur, and looked through the window at the bees flying around gathering honey.

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The orange cat squinted comfortably and was silent for a long time. Only then did she hear the girl holding it murmur, "what a pity, I can't see it in person!"

Orange cat's eyes widened in an instant, and then he shivered again. His dark Lori couldn't afford to be provoked. He really couldn't.

However, after something happened that day, Pei Xuan took Su Tang back again. It was strange that the envoy of Zhou Dynasty had been looking at Pei Xuan in the mansion. Before Pei Xuan was always angry and scolded the servants, but this time, when Su Tang came back, Pei Xuan was quite quiet.

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Every day, in addition to taking medicine to recuperate, she would go for a walk in Xiangxue garden or go around the garden of the government. Occasionally, Su Nuo would also follow her. However, Su Nuo felt that her sister was strange and strange. She didn't like to follow her.

There are also some good people in the capital city who want to visit Su Tang on the pretext that Su Tang has been sealed. But most of them are not decent people. Pei Xuan doesn't recognize the title of sucang as a good county leader. He also knows that these people are afraid that they are watching jokes. Of course, he will not let sucang see these people being laughed at. Love 888

So the time passed slowly in such a strange tranquility. Then on December 23, the day of the Chinese new year, Luo Xingchen visited Pei's mansion and told Su Tangluo that he had already entered Beijing and met Luo Xingchen himself. He also had some conflicts.

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Su Tang said that she understood and asked her to keep Luo Xinghe. But Luo Xingchen came here for a few days. Pei's servant was beaten again after several days of silence.

Su Tang was completely silent about this, as if she didn't know anything. After that, Luo Xingchen didn't appear again. But sometimes when Su Tang was talking in the garden, she would mention Luo Xingchen. Every time she went back to the yard, she would be angry.

Zhou court envoy also found such a situation. He went into the palace and explained to the old emperor that Pei's illness was not running away.

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The old emperor was relieved and handed over a lot of government affairs to the crown prince again, which made many princes more nervous and active.

Even though she didn't go out very much, Su Tang could feel that the seemingly calm capital contained huge waves and was ready to submerge more and more people.

Ordinary people couldn't see anything. They began to buy new year's goods. The atmosphere of the Spring Festival was thick in the streets. In the wine shop, the story of the white haired devil was said to be ups and downs by the storyteller. He solemnly announced that he would talk about the big ending on New year's Eve. I don't know how many people are waiting.

The palace is also looking very calm, for the new year's Eve arrangements and preparations, and then the time finally arrived on December 30, that is, new year's Eve.

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