Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 815: 815

Pei Xuan but smile and shake his head, "this is sorry, should not give me!"

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Murong Zhao nodded, "it's for her, I should thank her more."

"Later, next time!" Pei continued to look at Su sugar, eyes are not willing to blink has been looking at, want to put the scene in front of the deep imprint in his heart, in the future in the days not to meet, in order to remember aftertaste.

"Next time we meet, I'll let her do what she likes and live a happy life." Pei made up his mind.

He will no longer be simple, he will no longer be naive, he will certainly grow up to be the most powerful man for her to support the day when she can play freely.

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"Well, I'll be with you." Murong Zhao nodded.

The two teenagers also learned today that they should have a sense of responsibility and commitment as men. Pei Xuan is for Su Tang, and Murong Zhao also appears in front of her.

Youth will eventually grow into a man, either in the passage of time, or at a certain moment, perhaps for a thing, or for a person.

After a while, Murong Zhao had someone come to him to discuss something. Pei asked him to go to work. He stayed here to send Su Tang away. Murong Zhao was the crown prince. He did have a lot of things. So he patted Pei on the shoulder and asked him to leave carefully.

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Pei continued to stand outside, and it was getting dark. Because it was new year's Eve, the whole capital was full of lights. There was a sound of firecrackers outside, and there were children running around. The owner of the inn prepared dumplings to deliver to the guests staying in the inn. In exchange for some red packets and money, the boss's wife couldn't keep her mouth shut.

I don't know when it snowed heavily in the sky. Pei Xuan stood there quietly, and the snow fell thick on him.

Sunuo, who went out to hire a car, came back and told sucang that he had hired the carriage. After that, he let his sister rest. He jumped to pack his bags and was happy to go home.

But sucang went to the window, took a look at the outside, came to close the window, Pei Xuan so can't see sucang.

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"Haven't you left yet?" New year's Eve under the curtain of the capital's extraordinary joy, Su sugar asked just come back orange cat.

Orange cat just went to the Imperial Palace and ordered incense for the old emperor. When she came back, she found Pei Xuan standing outside. She didn't know how long she had been standing outside. She had fallen thick snow on her body, so she told Su Tang when she came in.

"No, it's still standing there. It's strange why the beautiful two legged beast doesn't come in, and the master won't miss him." Orange cat is also strange, why should stand outside to watch.

Su Tang heard the orange cat so puzzled, picked it up and laughed, "awkward boy! You've delivered everything for me, and we'll leave almost! "

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While talking, sucang looked at the other side of the window again. She couldn't help shaking her head because she couldn't see anything when the window was closed. She was really a stubborn boy. She recovered from such a heavy injury, and then she was ill again.

However, she refused to come in. She did not blame him. She was too cold and sharp. She only wanted to achieve the best goal in this way, but forgot to worry about the mood of teenagers.

I hope he doesn't blame her. She's a little tired when she comes to Beijing these days. I don't know when they'll see each other in the future. Although it's a pity, it's OK to separate them like this!

Leave early, so as to avoid him waiting in the snow. Sucang receives her things in the room into the space and confirms that they haven't fallen. She lets the orange cat lie on her shoulder and opens the door.

Outside the door, Sunuo is waiting for her. Her brother and sister come out of the yard hand in hand and get on the carriage.

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