Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 841: 841

Zhu Wenzhu's return means that all the affairs of Su Tang in the capital city have been finished, so after the carriage has been cleaned up and arranged, the party embarks on the carriage and embarks on a new journey.

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This time, sucang and Sunuo took a separate car. In addition to the cypress, the rest of them were in another car.

When he got on the bus, Sunuo went to a corner of the carriage. There was a small basket there. He lifted the covering cloth. He took out two bright red peaches. His eyes were wide and his face was full of surprise. "It's true, sister!"

Su Tang looked at his happy look, also smile and wink with him, "be quiet, can't be heard, when did sister cheat you?"

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"It turns out that the river god has been protecting my sister all the time, so my sister can be so good. It's really good that nothing has happened." Su Nuo saw that the peach in his hand was real, and he thought of his sister's terrible injury. His eyes were a little red, and he was very happy.

If the river god has been protecting my sister, she won't be in any danger. It's really good.

Seeing the little guy like this, Su Tang can't help but feel a little sad. She planned everything that day, but she didn't expect to have an accident. Her brother saw her injured appearance with her own eyes.

Compared with Pei Xuan, she said that Su Nuo didn't know anything about it. Seeing her sister who was most dependent on and trusted by herself fell to the ground with a sword, and her whole body was covered with blood, which was a huge injury and shadow for Sunuo.

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Su Tang also knew that it was her fault. Originally, she didn't think of how to explain it. As a result, Su Nuo talked about the river god himself, which made Su Tang remember that there was another one for her to carry the pot for ten thousand years.

He Su said that he su would not grow up with her because he would like to see her grow up. Fleur's novel

In order to prove what she said, Su Tang specially put a small basket in the corner of the carriage of her brother and sister, and told Sunuo that the river god would give her delicious food when he knew she was hurt.

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So Sunuo got on the bus and went to see the basket. Sure enough, he saw the peaches and cherries that Su Tang had put in the orange cat ahead of time. They were all fresh and delicious.

Now Sunuo saw that there was really such a thing, and he believed his sister's words. He heard his sister say that he should keep his voice down. He lowered his voice and said in sucang's ear, "the river god is really powerful. There is no river here. You can come here to protect your sister."

This is really full of childish interest. After hearing this, Su Tang also deliberately whispered, "the river god is a God, so it's easy to go anywhere."

"Yes, the river god is so powerful." Su Nuo's face is full of worship.

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Su Tang also nodded with a smile, and then rubbed the little guy's head. "So don't be afraid that the elder sister will leave you. With the blessing of the river god, my sister will be OK, OK?"

"Well, that sister can't be hurt either." Sure enough, because he believed in the river god, the little guy felt relieved.

Sucang nodded, "OK!"

Then she looked at the two peaches again. "This must be delicious."

Su Nuo also realized in an instant that she gave her sister a "river god, my elder sister and I have one each!"

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