Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 862: 862

After returning to the inn, sucang was not in a hurry. She took her brother to the beach for a walk. She was very relaxed.

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Then on the third day after Sutang finished the shop, the middle-aged man came to Haiyue Inn and saw sucang "met Miss Su."

"Well!" Seeing the middle man coming, Su Tang sat down and talked with him.

Bauhinia came to serve tea for two people. The middle man carefully sat on half of the stool and took a sip of tea before explaining to Su Tang, "I went to see the owner of the big shop first. The young master of the stone family heard that Miss Su only gave 3000 Liang, but he only said that he couldn't. the shop originally charged 5000 Liang at the beginning, but now 4000 Liang has been reduced."

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This person first said this, and finally saw that Su Tang heard these faces also light, it seems that some casual holding the tea bowl in the hand, also a little uncertain about the meaning of sucang, can only continue to talk.

But Zhu Wenzhu standing behind sucang is a pair of eyes, has been staring at sucang and the middle man, hard to learn to improve themselves.

"But I know that Miss Su really wants to buy it, so yesterday I tried to persuade Mr. Shi, who was willing to give up another 3, 500 taels of silver. This morning, I got what Mr. Shi said, and I will come to tell her the good news."

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The middle man's mouth was full of how hard he tried. He was sincere. He could not see anything on Su Tang's face. However, the orange cat on the table beside Su Tang's side moved his ears after hearing what he said

Sucang naturally saw what the orange cat said, and her drooping eyes flashed through the glare of no one to see. As soon as she saw these people that day, she knew that this was not a loyal and honest person. So she clearly took her to see two shops, but the introduction was not true. Baidu Novels

If it wasn't for sucang's sensitivity, she might have paid more for the store.

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Today, I came to talk with Su Tang with my heart hidden. Orange cat has the ability to read the heart. This person thinks that he pretends to be like him. In fact, he has no place to hide in front of Ju Mao and Su Tang.

"In this case..." After that, the middle man couldn't see what Sutang thought. Then he finally looked at Su Tang wiping the tea with the lid of the cup. His voice was light and cold. "I should find someone who has the ability to talk to me about the price."

This person is really a smart person in the world, but others are all fools. Su Tang sneers, trying to gain benefits from her sucang, and doesn't think about whether he has that ability.

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The man didn't expect that Su Tang would say such a thing. He was startled, and then he stood up. "What does Miss Su mean? I've been trying to talk about the price for Miss Su these two days, but I've worn my tongue. The young master of the stone family is willing to let 500 Liang more silver. Miss Su is not considerate. What's the reason for this

this person is originally relying on his lips to mediate to make money, this time is also very fierce, but the voice is bigger, but also more appear to be more than flesh and blood.

In this way, piansu sugar was not affected at all. He continued to sit there. "Shi Jifeng, the third young master of the Shi Family in Danzhou, came to Qingzhuo County in February last year. He bought the land with 3000 Liang silver. He built the Shijia warehouse in half a year. After three months of operation, he decided to sell the Shijia warehouse. At first, he offered 5000 Liang, and half a month ago, he took the initiative to reduce the price to 4000 Liang."

Sucang did not say anything else, but said these in a calm tone. The people did not expect that sucang would say this, and his face changed.

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