Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 883: 883

The family members of the Su family got two good news today. A county head came out of the Su family, which was different from that of ordinary farmers. Even if there was no matter of planting tomatoes and peppers in the back, it would be a great benefit to make the land tax-free for the family members.

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Not to mention that sucang provides a better way to make money for the Su family. When the time comes, the Su family will have a better life. If they have money in their pocket, they will have confidence. When they send more children to school, can they still not have a talent.

If there is a successful one, the Su family will gradually change from an ordinary family to a family that cultivates and studies. Moreover, with Su sugar in it, it can't be said that Su Yongnuo can't help at all on the way to the imperial examination.

How to calculate the fact that sucang became the county leader this time is a great good thing for their su family, so they are all happy and happy, only feel that the future is full of hope.

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Now hearing this, the Su family also looked at Su Tang, who was sitting in the first place. They saw that the little girl was very young, dressed in plain clothes, with a light look. When she spoke, her voice was also light, but the warning was very obvious.

Su Yongqiang heard Su Tang's words and understood what she meant. "We all understand what tangnier said."

"It's good for you to understand me. I'm young, I don't have much experience, and I don't have much contact with the clansmen. So I thought, it's better to talk about this matter with the people who helped me build the house before. I don't feel at ease about it."

Su Tang is modest, but his attitude is firm. When he hears sucang say this, Su Yongqiang and several old people also exchange their eyes.

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There is no objection to sucang's request. In fact, the Su family is so big, no matter how good the foundation is, there are some bad things about rat excrement. 398 Novels

As the head of the clan, Su Yongqiang, as well as the elders who always deal with the affairs of the clan, may know better than anyone else how many people in the Su family can't support the wall with mud.

Su Tang is not willing to take these people with him. In fact, it is justifiable that they are not willing to deal with these people!

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"That's good. I'll tell them when I go back. They'll certainly like it." Su Yongqiang nodded directly.

Su Yongshun also said, "what do you want to do? It's estimated that like our family, thank you from the heart, and don't know how to thank tangnier!"

Su Yongshun's banter eased the serious atmosphere of sucang's speech. With this step, Su Changle laughed and said that he would ask his daughter-in-law to make clothes for his sugar aunt, and the family members also praised Su sugar, full of good words.

When Su Tang saw them like this, she just laughed, "well, I'm not polite. The clothes made by Changle's daughter-in-law are really good. I like it myself, but I'm sorry to open my mouth again. Changle, you've said that. I'm not polite."

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When Su Changle heard that Su Tang ordered his daughter-in-law's clothes, he also laughed happily. "Sugar aunt is polite to us. If you want to say it's her blessing, she can make clothes for the county head's wife. When I go back today, I'll ask her to make two more clothes for Tanggu. Don't dislike it."

"Your daughter-in-law is such a good craftsmanship, who can dislike it?" Sucang is smiling, too.

Su's family were relieved to see that sucang talked to them about their family's problems. Obviously, sucang was willing to get along with the family like this. This is the best thing.

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