Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 891: 891

Under such circumstances, Murong Zhao, as the crown prince, must be stable. Similarly, as the prince's most trusted person, Pei Xuan also had the opportunity to contact with military power.

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Su Tang believed in the abilities of murongzhao and Pei Xuan. Although they were smart and resourceful, they were not heartless. Especially for Murong Zhao, the old emperor was his own father no matter how many embankments he made.

The crown prince's position has become more and more stable. It is more important for Murong Zhao to keep the Emperor than to fight with his younger brothers. Of course, Murong Zhao could not have failed to take precautions in advance. At this time, Pei's role came.

These two teenagers will surely stabilize themselves and get benefits under such circumstances. Sucang firmly believes in this, so she didn't even say anything or remind her when she left.

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As a matter of fact, they did not surpass sucang's expectation at all. Now everything is going in the same direction as she thought before.

As for Pei Xuan's affairs, this sucang is indeed intentionally guided. In fact, although there is not much time to meet between Su Tang and Pei Xuan, she always teases Pei Xuan, but in fact, Su Tang and Pei Xuan are more familiar with each other.

Therefore, the beginning of deliberately discrediting Pei's reputation was to pave the way for him to take power in the army later. Pei Xuan clearly understood the meaning. Song Yi was just two simple words, but the meaning was not so simple.

Song Yi nods when she sees sucang saying so. He doesn't think that sucang can calculate everything so clearly. Even if sucang is an immortal, it's just a person, not a God.

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But for Pei, Song Yi had some feelings, "he still walked on this road."

Su Tang feels that this feeling is particularly meaningless. "This is his only way out, isn't it?" 020 reading

If the crown prince mu Rongzhao's position is stable, he must be the next emperor. There is no doubt that there are only two kinds of officials in the court: civil servants and military generals.

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After Murong Zhao ascended the throne, there must be credible and reliable people among the officials. In terms of the officials, it is needless to say that Song Yi's sons have done a good job as officials in the local government. Moreover, there are also some good disciples. Although there are some mentally disabled people standing in line with other princes, it is an accident.

Therefore, Murong Zhao does not have to worry about the civil servants, but the general is obviously worse. However, the military power is a very important thing, which can not be left behind. It must be in the hands of people he trusts very much or in his own hands.

Although Pei Xuan is both literate and military, he chose to take the road of military generals, and his future will be brighter. Although he will encounter danger in the army, he wants to get nothing without paying. Isn't that a dream?

Don't think that murongzhao and Pei are in a good relationship now. However good the relationship is, one person is getting better and the other is falling behind. The relationship will also be affected and it is difficult to maintain it.

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No matter what the relationship is, getting better together is the most stable. Pei fan's joining the army is his most correct and inevitable choice. Only when he is stronger can he be the most indispensable assistant of murongzhao, and their feelings and relationship are more stable.

However, Pei Xuan was not suitable to join the army. In a variety of senses, although he was familiar with the art of war and his martial arts were very good, he was not worthy of trust.

"So you deliberately destroyed his original reputation and made him a vicious one?" Song Yi hears Su Tang's words and asks her.

Then he saw that sucang laughed, "it's better than a proud greenhouse flower, isn't it?"

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