Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 964: 964

Su Yongqiang was surprised to stand up "what?" when he heard about the report

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Su Tang looked at him like this and laughed, "brother Qiang, what are you so nervous about? After receiving the report letter, Su Tang attached great importance to it. At the first time, he investigated the truth of the matter. He specially wrote a book to Qingyuan County Yamen for verification. Later, he found that this was a false accusation. The reason why Su family's farmland was tax-free was not that Lord Lu had enriched his own pocket, but was in compliance with the law."

Su Tang's tone was relaxed, as if he was telling a joke. However, Su Yongqiang's face was not very good-looking. At the beginning of hanging up the field, he specially told the Su family members to keep a low profile and not to spread it out.

On the one hand, because Su Tang said that he was the head of the county, he didn't want to be so high-profile. On the other hand, Su Yongqiang felt that it was not so high-profile that everyone's life was not very good. Their su family got better all at once, which would inevitably cause a lot of troubles.

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Especially now, the village head of Sujiatun is still Wang Changhe. He still has a grudge against them. He should be cautious and keep a low profile so as to avoid unnecessary trouble when he gets there.

But now sucang said that someone reported, and it was reported to the Qingzhou government, that can only prove that it was the people of their su family who spread the news.

And it was passed on to those who had a grudge against the Su family, otherwise there would be no report. Su Yongqiang's is the head of the Su family. It's strange that his face can be good.

"What a shame, what a shame!" Su Yong is not very angry.

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Su Tang looked at him like this and continued to say, "this matter is not a big deal. The general judge has arrested the informer and accused the county Lord falsely. There is always a price to pay." Love reading

It depends on the person who makes the false accusation. For example, if only ordinary people play a few boards, it will be too late. But if the evidence is confirmed, there will be no problem, but if it is a false accusation, the prison bottom will be put through.

Su Tang is now a county Lord at least. Can ordinary people falsely accuse Su Tang? After getting the news from orange cat, she wrote to Lu Qingyun to let him pay attention to her and asked him to punish those who falsely accused her.

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Lu Qingyun also specially sent money to Lu Qingyun. Can Lu Qingyun not understand the meaning of Su Tang? It's good to pass the judgment, and it's a legal matter. It's really strict, and people have been under control for a long time. Lu Qingyun just didn't move before, waiting for Su Tang's news.

When Su Yongqiang heard this, he was also excited, "the Su family..."

"Brother, I'm not made of clay, am I?" Hearing Su Yongqiang's words, he looked up at him and said, "besides, clay figurines still have three points of anger, right?"

The little girl who just said with a smile that she was going to ask for a cup of tea was totally different at this time. She lifted her weight like a light, her tone was light, but she was sharp.

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Su Yongqiang moved his lips and sat down. "Yes, tangnier is right!"

Then Su Tang laughed. "Brother and sister-in-law also know that I didn't mean to be a trouble maker. I just can't go back. It's just that other people bully me. I can bear it. Besides, brother Qiang doesn't have to worry. What's going on? People in the Yamen are still looking into it."

Zhou didn't know the identity of sucang, so she was surprised to see sucang's strong attitude and her men's behavior. However, she knew that her husband must have a reason to do things, so she just watched and didn't speak.

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