Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 971: 971

Su Tang must have its own reasons for doing so. Although Luo Xingchen can't fully know, he will still act according to his own ideas. So he sees that the Imperial Envoys who preach the message are about to arrive. He quickly comes back to tell sucang.

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Su Tang Yu Guang saw her running all the way. She had just entered the door and didn't even drink any water. She opened the drawer beside her and there was a teapot in it. She took it out and said, "drink some water to moisten your throat!"

Of course, it's not in the car. It's made by Su Tang from the space. As soon as Luo Xingchen saw that there was water, she took the kettle and took a big drink to her mouth. The spring water in the space tasted clear, and instantly filled her mouth with fluid, which relieved her of a lot of fatigue.

Luo Xingchen spirit of a lot of "you are outstanding, water is so good to drink!"

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After saying that, changed Su sugar a white eye, asked her "how to go so long?"

Luo Xingchen talked to Su Tang about his time in the capital city. "Well, I didn't think it would take so long. When I arrived, I went to find Murong Zhao, and then told him the purpose. The tribute was very fast, but it took you a lot of time to become the princess."

Hearing that she called his royal highness by his name, Su Tang raised her eyebrows and said, "it seems that you have experienced a lot of things in the capital city."

"Not only ah, I understand a truth, regardless of whether it is us or them, are the same group of troubles." Luo Xingchen sighs very seriously.

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Many people may think that Murong Zhao and Pei Xuan are so powerful that they must live a comfortable life. Before that, Luo Xingchen always felt that she was not easy. At this time in Beijing, she really felt that it was not easy!

Luo Xingchen sighed about this, and Su Tang carefully talked about why she had so much time in the capital, the reason is very simple, because sucang wants the title of princess. Qiqi Chinese website

Murong Zhaoxian found the Tai hospital and specially tested that the clothes and materials washed with soap could effectively prevent the disease from spreading again, which took some time.

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During this period, he also experienced some things. Murong Zhao's action also caused some people's fear. He went to the old emperor to complain. After all, he was too close to the imperial doctor of Tai hospital. I'm afraid it's not a good thing.

Murong Zhaocai first took down the tribute qualification of xingxingtang, and then offered two new vegetable seeds. When he was sued by his younger brother and questioned by the old emperor, Murong Zhaocai brought up the matter of soap.

In any case, it was not taken out at once. Instead, it came down step by step. Originally, there were only two new dishes and seeds. The old Emperor didn't mean to confer a title, but he also had a recipe for soap. The Tai hospital also proved that the popularity of this kind of food can help prevent the spread of diseases.

The most important thing is that Murong Zhao gave the old emperor all the fame of this matter and excluded himself. The old emperor naturally accepted his son's understanding.

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"You can tell me that Murong Zhao was busy at the end of a month. In the end, all the things he did were hard work of his majesty. The hospital was rewarded, but only the most hardworking among them was nothing."

Luo Xingchen said at the end, she was a little angry for Murong Zhao. The emperor became a virtuous and virtuous emperor, but it was clearly Murong Zhao who did everything. Her reputation was given to the old emperor, which reminds her of her previous experiences.

On the contrary, Su Tang knew Murong Zhao's practice and nodded, "our prince is a wise man."

"Cleverness is cleverness, that is, to hold back." Luo Xingchen is not unable to understand, that is, he feels that being a prince is too oppressive.

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