Psychic Tattoo

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Corpse Complaint

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The masseuse was called Xiao Bai Die, but the people in the massage parlor called her Little Bai.

Little Bai and Mimi were in a house. Mimi was kind-hearted, so she listened to Bai’s story, and she was very sympathetic. She said to Bai, “This thing is not a long-term solution, and this business is shady. Your boyfriend is cheating on you, so what are you relying on? Why not run away?”

Bai had a stubborn temper; she really put those words to action. She ran away every two days, but every time was caught and brought back by her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend was also really not a good person, he grabbed her and threw her to the cabin and beat her with his belt. The other masseuses coming to persuade him had no effect.

Her boyfriend said that if Bai didn't earn three hundred thousand this year, he would kill the entire Bai family.

Of course, his threats were just angry words, but they were enough to show that this man was really a scumbag.

Bai was really stubborn. Even though she was caught and beaten, she still ran again. Just one week earlier, she ran away, but this time her boyfriend was thoroughly annoyed. No belt; instead he used a wet towel dipped in salt water.

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The towel dipped in salty water was just like steel bar. Every strike tore the skin into bloody pulp, and the brine stung her flesh. Bai cried in pain.

On the same day, Bai was beaten half-unconscious. Fortunately, the owner, Zhang, came back, and that ruthless hooligan wanted to help her. He pointed to the scumbag and scolded, “If you continue hitting her, she will die. Go away. I’ll let a few employees comfort Bai. If you can do, just do. If you can’t, just go. You are so dependent on your wife; who do you think you are?”

Zhang knew a lot of people in the underworld, and that scumbag dared not provoke him, so he just went away.

But that night, after Bai woke up, she felt she had nothing left to live for, jumped in the city's Trickle River, and drowned.

I listened to the story of Bai, sighed, and said, “Bai was really miserable, but what was her relationship with you, Mimi? You told her to run out of kindness; she couldn’t have become a ghost just to find you.”

"If that were all there was to it, Bai would not harm me. But the problem is that, the next day, when her body was picked up, I went to see her, and she was covered with a white cloth. I pulled open the white cloth, wanting to see her the last time…but when I pulled open the white cloth, I...I..."

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Mimi seemed to recall something terrible, and for a time, could not say a word.

I comforted Mimi, told her to slow down, and poured her a glass of water.

Mimi took the glass and said she opened the cover of Bai’s corpse and saw her unexpectedly open her eyes and look at her resentfully.

She was cowardly, and immediately put down the white cloth.

Probably after five minutes, Mimi felt Bai couldn't possibly open her eyes, so she opened the white cloth again. This time she found the tightly closed eyes did not open.

She calmed down then, but from then on she felt a pair of eyes always staring at her.

At the beginning, there was only a feeling, a persistent creepy feeling in her heart, until yesterday, when Mimi very clearly felt that she had been stared at.

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To this day, Mimi had been completely unable to endure. Whenever she was alone, she always felt there was someone on her back, staring at her.

Mimi did not originally want to find me to have they in and yang tattoo drawn. She made a phone call to a Taoist who was introduced to her by a friend.

The Taoist priest said that Mimi was haunted by a ghost.

It was a common thing to be born and die, but a person who committed suicide would be rejected by the king of Hell. When they died, they would become wandering ghosts, with very heavy grievances.

The masters who had brought Bai's body out of the river quickly covered her with a white cloth, so as to hide the grievances of the dead body.

When Mimi lifted the shroud, she became haunted by the ghost.

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Mimi also asked the Taoist priest whether the haunting was serious.

The Taoist priest said, "You are haunted by a ghost, which means you were remembered by the ghost. At first it will just frighten you, but after a period of time, it might even harm your life."

Mimi was gripped in fear and immediately begged the Taoist to help her.

The Taoist priest said that a religious rite would cost forty thousand. But if he saw that the situation was very serious, it would be an extra ten thousand.

Mimi thought the Taoist priest was expensive, so that was why she came to me.

"Forget it, forget it. My brother, I didn't want to do a yin and yang Tattoo tattoo. It was terrible. I’ll go to find a Taoist and spend the fifty thousand. Money is less important than life.” Mimi waved her hand again, saying she didn't want to have a yin and yang Tattoo tattooed.

I was ready to open my mouth to persuade Mimi, to say that a yin and yang Tattoo was cheaper, and the money was deserved; that the effect of the yin and yang Tattoo was absolutely better than a religious rite.

I hadn't opened my mouth yet when Mimi suddenly jumped into my arms. “My brother, my brother, she comes again, Bai comes again.”

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