Psychic Tattoo

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 The Cat Ghost

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I asked Feng Chunsheng: “Brother Chun, what’s that on you?”

“I will pay for Qinghua’s tattoo… You can deduct it from my salary,” he said.

Though he was trying to control his emotions, I could still feel… he was very depressed, and was even lightly sobbing.

I knew Feng Chunsheng was shaking and restraining himself from crying.

Maybe Liu Qinghua and Brother Feng’s story resonated too much with Feng Chunsheng… I knew Feng Chunsheng had a family and a baby. His wife was very good to him but she died. I thought Liu Qinghua’s story reminded him of his own tragedy, and he was so moved he wanted to pay for Liu Qinghua.

Liu Qinghua said in a hurry: “I have enough money, Brother. Thank you for your help.”

“Yes, Yes. I will pay this for you.” Feng Chunsheng said: “It is just because of vivid lives like yours that love has always existed in people’s imagination and their conversations, so I will pay… Please don’t persuade me anymore.”

I smiled and said: “Well, Brother Chun, I won’t charge for the tattoo this time… It is only a tattoo.”

I, too, would have liked to be a witness to their second love, and enjoyed this moment.

I finished the tattoo for Liu Qinghua very quickly.

Then I told her: “Have a good dream. Brother Feng will appear in your dream.”

“Thank you, Mr. Yu and your brother,” Liu Qinghua said.

I asked her with a smile: “So, what is that tall tree in your yard?”

“Which one? There’s just a locust tree.” Liu Qinghua spoke in confusion: “So does this tree have a particular name?”

I could tell she didn’t know anything about that tree at all.

I heard from that female ghost that it was called a ‘death tree’.

But… why it was called so?

Liu Qinghua didn’t know the reason either.

I shook my head. Anyway, we had already finished the tattoo for Liu Qinghua, and I could take this chance to visit Wei Xiaoyu upstairs to talk about some business.

This would save time and we wouldn’t need to go to her tomorrow.

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I said to Liu Qinghua: “Qinghua… Can we stay here on that sofa tonight since we are going to have some business nearby tomorrow?”

“Of course you can… How can I say no since you are good men?”

Liu Qinghua smiled and said: “But it is not quiet here. We can always hear the woman crying and the sound like sha sha. There are also cats crying outside… You might have a sleepless night.”

“That’s OK.”

Then I told her: “Well… Qinghua, stay away with that tree. It is ominous.”


“Absolutely. It’s no good.” I smiled.

“Oh, OK.” She smiled and went to get ready to sleep. I saw her smile, as if she was preparing for a good dream about Brother Feng.

I lay on the sofa and said to Feng Chunsheng: “Well… I have to say, today was a great success.”


I woke up around five or six in the morning. It was still dark outside.

Then I found that Feng Chunsheng was gone. Did he go somewhere alone?

I stood up and checked inside Liu Qinghua’s room. The door was open… and she was also gone.


It was so strange. Where did they go?

I walked out to the balcony and looked at that strange ‘death tree’. I felt a little scared.

Damn… Did they go to buy breakfast?

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I shook my head and was about to take out my phone to call Feng Chunsheng.

But when I checked, I found my phone was gone.

There were too many strange things happening… Feng Chunsheng was gone, Liu Qinghua disappeared, and I couldn’t find my phone, either. I was abandoned.

I felt helpless. This feeling became stronger when I heard the cats outside the window.

It was like a baby’s crying, which made me feel goose bumps all over. Then I ran to the door, I wanted to escape.

When I opened the door, there was woman in a tight black coat on the other side.

This woman looked extremely beautiful, with a good figure.

Then she walked into the room very naturally and gracefully.

I asked her: “Who are you?”

This woman told me she was Liu Qinghua’s girlfriend and came here to play. Then she told me to close the door.

She continued and said Liu Qinghua was doing some business with an older man, and I had to stay here and wait.

I thought she must have been referring to Feng Chunsheng.

I didn’t care about it and closed the door.

As soon as I closed the door, the woman leaned on the sofa in a seductive posture, and then started pulling down the zipper of her coat.

Her big breasts were exposed, coming out from those silk clothes. I was stunned. What did this woman want to do?

She was pulling down the zipper while seducing me with her beckoning fingers: “Come on… Come on… ”

What a sexy woman she was. I couldn’t control myself since there were only the two of us in the room, and I walked over to her slowly.

I had walked only several steps when she removed her coat and exposed her black bra. She had a flat belly with no fat at all; it was amazing.

I couldn’t control my steps and walked towards this woman with a daft expression. I didn’t even think about what such a woman was doing there and why she wanted to be close to me.

I was about to reach her and stretched my hand to touch her white skin, then suddenly, I heard the barks.

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After that bark, I felt a headache and immediately covered my head.

Later, when I opened my eyes again… my surroundings changed completely.

Just now I was walking towards that stunner who was leaning on the sofa, but now I found myself sitting on the windowsill, with Feng Chunsheng pulling me back inside.

“What happened to me?” I rubbed my head and hurried down from the windowsill.

Feng Chunsheng smacked me on the back of the head. He said I was bewitched. I had stood up from the sofa and slowly walked over to the balcony. I was even ready to jump out of the window.

I might have fallen down if Feng Chunsheng hadn’t stopped me.

“I was seduced by a woman,” I said to Feng Chunsheng.

He squinted his eyes and asked me: “Are you sure it was that woman seducing you?”

“Absolutely,” I replied.

The fact was, it was all an illusion or a dream when I was lonely in the house and couldn’t find Liu Qinghua or Feng Chunsheng and that woman in the black coat appeared.


It could hear the cat again.

Feng Chunsheng told me: “There are weirder things than the tree and that group of female ghosts.”

“What’s that?” I asked him.

He pointed at the cat on the wall outside: “Look at that.”

I stretched my neck out the window and looked down. It was more than three meters down; the consequences would have been disastrous if I had fallen earlier.

I took back this terrible thought and looked at that cat he was pointing at.

Then I found out why it was unusual… It was a cat’s head, but with a monkey’s body.

That cat had much longer front legs than back legs, and it was covered with thick silver hair and had a long and strong tail.

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I was terrified, and asked Feng Chunsheng: “Brother, what is that?”

He thought for a while and said: “It is called a ‘cat charm’, or a ‘cat ghost’. It’s the soul of a cat.”

Feng Chunsheng also told me that cat ghosts always wanted to hurt people. They would trick humans with beauty.

They would change into men when they met women, and change into women when they met men.

“It just tried to play a trick on you. You would have died if I hadn’t pulled you back in just now.” Feng Chunseng said: “I had to bark like a dog just to save you.”

Cats were afraid of dogs.

Feng Chunseng had leant how to bark like a dog so that he could scare cats away.

We stared at that ghost cat. It jumped over the wall, ran around in a circle, and then disappeared under the roots of the death tree.

Feng Chunsheng stared at me and said: “This death tree is extremely ominous. Liu Qinghua is very lucky to have lived until now.”

I replied: “Maybe it is not because of good luck. In any case, she is protected by Brother Feng’s soul now.”

Feng Chunsheng replied quickly: “You are right… There are three families living in this house. The first is Liu Qinghua, and she is protected by his soul. We can ignore the second one since he was always away on business trips. So, what about the third one, who was always staying with Wei Xiaoyu… How could he still be alive with the death tree, the female ghosts and the cat ghost around? There has to be something more at play.”

“Let’s go and ask Wei Xiaoyu and that man tomorrow morning,” I said.

Feng Chunsheng nodded his head.

At that moment, I noticed the death tree was moving.

“Oh, Chun, look. That tree is moving,” I whispered to him.


Feng Chunsheng glanced the tree. One of its long branches was like a human hand, stretching into one family’s window.

It didn’t take long for that branch to pull out a woman in a nightgown.

That woman was pregnant, with a rounded, bulging belly.

“Damn, that tree is going to hurt somebody.” I clenched my fist.

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