Chapter 59 – To Enjoy the Limelight

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The shout came from the woman who had just talked to Yun Xie, but the voice that had just sounded soft and sweet now seemed like some kind of beast. The eyes of the crowd collectively moved over, and what they saw was her body swelling quickly, the clothes on her body ripping, and the beating of the blood vessels under her thin skin becoming more and more visible, until suddenly, under everyone’s shocked gaze…

Her body suddenly burst!

Jiang Xunyi felt his heart beat; at this moment, he suddenly remembered a similar incident in the book. Although the scene’s location was different, it was enough for him to make some guesses as to what to do in this situation. He immediately took Yun Xie’s arm and pulled him to his side.

Yun Xie stumbled. “A’Xun?”

At this moment, screams came one after the other. Many people were suffering from the same situation simultaneously. Jiang Xunyi turned a deaf ear to it all and sternly said in Yun Xie’s ear, “That woman turned out like this right after speaking to you. Is this incident related to you?”

His breath was cold and misty, and when breathed onto people’s faces, it would cause them to inadvertently fall into a trance, but his tone was very serious. Yun Xie froze, stunned, and replied, “Me? How can you think this…”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his right shoulder and waist were both numb. His body suddenly couldn’t move, but his brain reacted quickly. “His grandmother, I was actually fooled!”

Jiang Xunyi had been plotting, for once getting the better of the fox-like Yun Xie. He squeezed his cheek happily and hung his Extinguished Flower sword around Yun Xie’s waist. “We already agreed on one of us entering the inner sect and one of us staying in the outer sect. Yun Xie, hide well.”

After he was finished speaking, he flew up and leapt out from behind everyone.

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At this time, as everyone was panicking, many disciples around him changed. Some of their bodies directly burst and died while others instantly became bloody demons. There were many normal people scrambling back, but they didn’t know where they should go.

In stark contrast to the current miserable image, the weather was excellent. The blue sky was clear and the white clouds drifted leisurely. In the blink of an eye, a red shadow pierced the sky. With a “bang”, he spun around and kicked at the same time as he landed. A slender leg swept across, and a monster with swollen limbs and bloody eyes was horizantally kicked out.

A man who had just been thrown to the ground by another monster seemed to see hope and quickly shouted, “Save…” 

But it was already too late, and before this sentence was finished, the monster had leaned over and smashed its hand down until the man’s brains burst. There was a terrifying cry from the crowd, and the monster rushed towards another person.

Although Jiang Xunyi wanted to be in the limelight, he couldn’t reveal all his cards yet, which was why he gave his sword to Yun Xie. At this time, he confronted the monster with his bare hands. Before he even reached the scene, he swayed his long sleeves and the two people closest to the monster were lifted out. He knelt on one knee, hit the ground heavily, and shouted, “Open!”

Cracks spread out from the place where he smashed with his fist as if chasing towards the monsters in all four directions. The soil condensed into a giant hand, firmly holding the monster’s lower limbs. Jiang Xunyi clenched his palm, and spikes emerged from the soil and pierced upwards.

The technique had a huge range, but there was a disadvantage: after dispersal, the power was insufficient. Jiang Xunyi did not dare to use excessive spiritual power in order to hide his strength. Seeing that a monster of the largest size will break free of the shackles, he was planning to attack again when he heard the extremely subtle sound of something whistling through the air. The mud beside the monster suddenly turned into a sharp blade and instantly stabbed him through the heart.

Jiang Xunyi calmly looked in Yun Xie’s direction.

Although he secretly plotted successfully just now, his purpose was nothing more than to seize this opportunity. He wasn’t too harsh with his attack, so Yun Xie was able to quickly escape the jab to his acupuncture point and help him, which was also expected. Fortunately, he was obedient and simply helped instead of rushing up to grab the limelight together.

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At this moment, he heard a few shouts of, “Stop!”

Two men in black descended from the sky. Without any movement, the monsters all collapsed. The men and women who were in shock were still screaming until one of them was slapped by the man in black on the left. They finally fell silent.

Standing on the right was Zhuo Zhengfan. Compared to his companion, who was way too calm, he was full of surprise. He obviously didn’t know what was going on. When he saw Jiang Xunyi, he almost exclaimed out loud, but he controlled himself and steadily went back. With a calm face, he asked, “What happened?”

Jiang Xunyi patted the dirt on his body and stepped forwards with a salute. “Two senior brothers, I don’t know why, but many disciples of the sect suddenly changed into demons. After the change, some people lost their minds and hurt people all around. I was at a loss. It is fortunate that the two senior brothers arrived in time.”

Zhuo Zhengfan awkwardly made a sound of acknowledgment, his heart secretly finding this funny. He did not expect Jiang Xunyi to follow Yun Xie’s example, with even such greasy words able to come out of his mouth, although he was missing the other’s smile, instead appearing slightly indifferent.

When he thought of this, he glanced secretly at the crowd around him. Sure enough, Yun Xie was also looking at them from the distance and gave him a wink.

The person next to him was called Song Yu. By seniority, he was Zhuo Zhengfan’s senior brother. He stared at the other person without saying a word. Although Jiang Xunyi had bowed slightly, he didn’t seem to be a little humble. The panic-stricken disciples became more calm and nodded secretly.

Twenty years is not long for those who cultivate. The Flame Gate had changed from a first-class big school to such a little-known small school in just that amount of time. The loss from this existed in every disciple’s heart, and they all wanted to revitalize the school. Therefore, there was a desperate desire for talent. Song Yu’s heart was moved, but some words must be asked clearly. “Based on appearance, you should be one of the disciples who started yesterday, right? This technique of soil cracking is clearly… a unique technique of the Shui Yan Palace many years ago. How did you learn this?”

Jiang Xunyi had already considered this when he performed the move, but and at this time, he showed an expression of slight surprised. “Is this true? The disciple did not know this, but had met a dying old man near Xian city ten years ago, who taught me this technique.”

The person he mentioned was the master of Song Yu. At that time, he was one of the escapees from the Shui Yan Palace siege, but he died shortly after because of his injuries. Now, there was probably not even a piece of him left, so Xunyi conveniently pulled this out as a shield.

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Song Yu was slightly startled, and his tone shifted to one that was hurried. “Do you know what his name is? Besides this, did he tell you anything else?”

Jiang Xunyi shook his head blankly. “No.”

A bit of disappointment flickered through Song Yu’s eyes. Suddenly, he reached out and slapped Jiang Xunyi on the shoulder.

Yun Xie, who had been watching from afar, couldn’t help but take a step, narrowing his eyes nervously.

However, Song Yu just squeezed Jiang Xunyi’s shoulders, then patted him on his chest and back. Du Heng’s body was very advantageous. With one glance, it was clear from his thin body that he did not train much. Song Yu dispelled the suspicion in his heart, and his voice softened. “Very well. You are a natural talent, so go back, pack up, and move to the inner sect tomorrow.”

Jiang Xunyi smiled slightly and cupped his hands. “Yes. Thank you, brother.”

Seeing him calm, without the slightest exaggeration of ecstasy, Song Yu appreciated him more. He nodded and said to Zhuo Zhengfan, “Junior Brother Zhuo, I have other important things. Since there is no danger now, I will leave the matter here to you.”

After Zhuo Zhengfan agreed, he turned away.

Zhuo Zhengfan crushed a stomachful of words down. He watched Song Yu go away, then immediately sent all the people present to work before stopping Jiang Xunyi. “What happened? You…entered the inner sect at once?”

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So many people had died! He had struggled for ten years!

Yun Xie took Jiang Xunyi’s sword and walked over with a smile. “Our A’Xun is very capable, you can’t help but agree.”

Zhuo Zhengfan looked at Yun Xie’s expression suspiciously, then suddenly reacted, pointing at Jiang Xunyi in surprise. “Ah, you did it on purpose!” He thought it was an accident at first, but then he became afraid, anxiously turning around in a circle. “You two really have grand ideas! Do you know where this is? I haven’t dared to come forward after so many years of struggle. Xunyi, you actually… Brother Yun, why didn’t you stop him instead of letting him play tricks!”

What do you mean why did he not stop him? When this ancestor wanted to do something, even the emperor couldn’t stop him! Yun Xie glared at Jiang Xunyi, but he said, “A’Xun is not wrong. This is the only way. You’ve already done this for so long, do you still want to continue indefinitely? How much longer would that take!”

Zhuo Zhengfan thought of his dead companions, speechless.

Jiang Xunyi saw that Zhuo Zhengfan was worried. Although Yun Xie was talking, he slightly raised his eyebrow, and he joked, “What are you two doing? It’s my life no matter how you look at it. If it’s successful, we benefit. If it’s not, it’s just me who will die. It’s also…”

“What nonsense!” When Yun Xie heard this, his heart tightened suddenly, and he grabbed his wrist angrily. “Jiang Xunyi, don’t always hang the word ‘death’ on your mouth!”

Zhuo Zhengfan was startled and looked at Yun Xie in surprise.

Jiang Xunyi froze for a moment, glanced at Yun Xie’s slightly trembling arm, and the image of the two of them suddenly bursting into tears after the two of them met again appeared in his mind. Therefore, he didn’t have a rebuttal for once and patted him, promising, “Okay, I just slipped up just now. I won’t mention it again.”

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