Chapter 67 – Are You Stupid? 

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The breath he exhaled when he coughed was full of blood. Xuan Li looked at the mess in the hall, both angry and regretful. There was no way to take Jiang Xunyi away, and suddenly, he spun around and gave Feng Qiu a heavy slap in the face. “Woman, you must be tired of living.”

Feng Qiu was too familiar with Demon Sovereign Xuan Li’s cruel temperament. Seeing that the situation was not good, she quickly cried out, “My lord! My lord! He attacked first, I’m only… only jealous because this concubine cares about you too much. Please consider my father’s reputation…”

Demon Sovereign Xuan Li sneered. “You care about me? Don’t think that I don’t know anything. Don’t you care about Yun Xie? What a pity, what else did you mention about your father? Your father was killed by Yun Xie!”

Jiang Xunyi turned his head to see Feng Qiu’s eyes widen suddenly, voice wavering as she said, “Impossible!”

Demon Sovereign Xuan Li sneered and stopped talking nonsense with her. His hand darted out and snapped Feng Qiu’s throat. “Then you can go to the underworld and ask him!”

Jiang Xunyi had already slightly caught his breath, and he used his hands to slowly straighten up. He saw that Qi Shijiu had dealt with Feng Qi and was about to come over, so he stepped back a little calmly, kicked him lightly, and Qi Shijiu stopped in his tracks immediately.

Demon Sovereign Xuan Li had just killed Feng Qiu without hesitation, and leaving behind many of his wives and concubines, he grabbed Jiang Xunyi’s waist with his right hand and leapt out of the window before rushing towards the side peak.

The cold wind felt like a blade of ice, and he was also a little dizzy at first. However, later, he felt like Xuan Li’s speed actually seemed to slow down. Jiang Xunyi was tightly held by him, and he couldn’t muster any strength anyway. He simply closed his eyes and calmed his nerves. After he began to think, he gradually started to understand the situation – Xuan Li had probably already fought Yun Xie, who had broken the magic circle the opponent relies on to maintain energy. Xuan Li probably suffered at the hands of Yun Xie and now wanted to escape.

As he was thinking, Demon Sovereign Xuan Li suddenly stopped, put him on the ground, and sat down beside him, taking a couple of breaths.

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Jiang Xunyi opened his eyes without saying a word. Scattered all around were withered yellow leaves, and the bare branches above his head pointed directly at the night sky. They seemed to be in the depths of a forest. Besides him, Demon Sovereign Xuan Li’s clothes were disheveled, his face was gray, and he was already showed a trace of lifelessness.

Jiang Xunyi knew that it was because his remaining energy could no longer support the magic needed to keep his body going, but Demon Sovereign Xuan Li had been famous for 100 years and was not an ordinary person. Jiang Xunyi himself was quite injured too, so he just sat quietly, using spiritual energy to heal his wounds without taking the opportunity to attack.

Xuan Li relaxed for a little then turned his head to see Jiang Xunyi quietly leaning on the tree trunk and meditating. With a smile, he said, “Master Jiang is truly a hard to come by wise man, and he is very sensible. I really have to like you. “

Jiang Xunyi closed his eyes, and said indifferently, “You have already fallen to this point; what’s the use of saying this useless nonsense? If you would actually die if you don’t speak, it’s better to tell me where the jade is. How did my master die? Why did Chen Li’s heart disappear inexplicably?”

He originally did not have much feeling, but after such a series of words, he suddenly realized that Xuan Li had really done so many wicked things, damn it. After working so hard to get to this point, who would you kill if not him. Even if you exchange his life for 800 bodies, it would still not carry the same weight as the ultimate boss. After all, it would only take one palmful of spiritual energy.

In the original book, with a protagonist being a thousand-year-old fox like Yun Xie, who is both treacherous and shameless, it is estimated that Xuan Li would probably not survive more than 20 episodes.

Jiang Xunyi thought of this, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but smile. Suddenly, his shoulder warmed. Demon Sovereign Xuan Li had suddenly leaned over and put his hand on his shoulder.

Jiang Xunyi suddenly felt his scalp numb. “What are you doing?”

Demon Sovereign Xuan Li laughed in a low voice. “A’Xun? You think what I say is meaningless, but what about what Yun Xie usually says to you? He loves you. You are so resistant, but how come when Yun Xie harbors romantic interest for you, you can accept it and are willing to live and die with him?”

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He paused as he said the first two words, speaking very lightly as if he was called a ghost. Just as Jiang Xunyi was about to scold him for his tone, he heard the next few words and was so taken aback, he thought he heard wrong. “You, you say Yun Xie what?”

Demon Sovereign Xuan Li was shocked when he saw his expression. After looking at Jiang Xunyi for a long time, he realized the other didn’t look like he was faking it, and he burst into laughter. “So you actually don’t know? So you didn’t know! Hahaha, what a pity that I first… I didn’t expect that after so many years, it turned out to also be unrequited love!”

Yun Xie’s secret love life was really too bitter, such a contrast with his normal appearance and behavior. The more he thought about it, the more funny it was to Demon Sovereign Xuan Li. “Young Master Jiang, Jiang Xunyi, Yun Xie has been in love with you for many years. I am afraid that those who are close to you can all see that, and yet you know nothing? You…hahaha, are you stupid?”

Jiang Xunyi: “…”

He had been sick since he was a child in his modern world, so his personality was a bit withdrawn and he ddin’t have much contact with people. After he transmigrated here, he became a cultivator, who was meant to be pure-hearted and less lustful. He was indeed not very sensitive to emotional matters. Xuan Li’s words were just like a cloud breaking the sky, opening a door to a new world.

Yun Xie’s handsome face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and the usual laughter, his words, his deeds all began to flash through his mind one after another. Suddenly, the things that were thought to be weird and nonsensical had reasonable explanations. However, he didn’t know how someone who couldn’t stand any wrongs would be able to carry such a secret for so long. What kind of mood did he have when he escaped with him, faced each other with swords, bitterly waiting… all the way to the present.

Jiang Xunyi’s heart was beating like a drum as images from the past wandered back and forth in his mind, like an invisible sharp blade opening a part of his brain that he never cared about. At this moment, he felt as if he suddenly understood a lot, and yet he felt like he didn’t understand anything…

Xuan Li still remembered how disgusted Jiang Xunyi was when he interacted with him before, but Jiang Xunyi’s expression at this moment made his heart sink. He knew that no matter what, he would never beat Yun Xie.

But people are often such weird creatures. If they can’t get what they want, or if someone has more hope and is superior to them, it will trigger extra anger… not to mention, Demon Sovereign Xuan Li had originally been bitter enemies with Solar Envy’s sect leader.

Demon Sovereign Xuan Li looked at Jiang Xunyi’s pale and beautiful face, and his gaze slowly travelled down. What followed was a slender white neck and a beautifully contoured collarbone… Jiang Xunyi was too dangerous and hateful, and sometimes he really wanted to kill him, and yet sometimes, he really wanted to…

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Demon Sovereign Xuan Li’s hand was still on Jiang Xunyi’s shoulder like before, and his breathing rate unconsciously increased. In a low voice, he whispered, “Do you feel better?”

He leaned very close and continued to whisper softly: “If you are better, then let’s repay our debts.”

Jiang Xunyi was very clear about the extent of Xuan Li’s perversion, and even though his mind was still very confused, the years he spent cultivating has given him an instinctual keenness. When the other party said the first sentence, he became vigilant.

Suddenly, he felt the other’s hand press down hard, sparking pain in his shoulders. Jiang Xunyi immediately realized that Xuan Li seemed to be smashing all his bones like last time.

Jiang Xunyi had been meditating for a long time, so he wouldn’t be powerless to resist like before. 

His hand suddenly shot out and firmly grasped Xuan Li’s wrist, and the other hand, regardless of the previous injury, quickly swung out and hit the opponent’s chest.

Xuan Li saw that he was at the end of a crossbow and didn’t care about Jiang Xunyi’s weak resistance. A cruel smile hung on his lips, and he swung his palms to retaliate.

However, he didn’t expect his palm to be intersected by another, and the one who was falling backwards turned out to be him!

Jiang Xunyi’s unhealed bones clashed against each other, a pain so powerful that a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He subconsciously grasped the ring on his hand, and the cool touch seemed to suppress the pain a little. Immediately afterwards, he remembered that this was Yun Xie’s belonging, his face felt inexplicably hot.

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Demon Sovereign Xuan Li, Yun Xie and Jiang Xunyi had exchanged blows multiple times, and they were very clear about each other’s moves. He stood up from the ground and said bitterly, “Yun Xie?”

Jiang Xunyi didn’t talk nonsense with him; his heels swept back and he was about to get away when Demon Sovereign Xuan Li suddenly let out a yell. In spite of his injury, he shot an arm out, the limb constantly morphing to be thicker and longer before it grabbed Jiang Xunyi menacingly in a last bid for life.

Jiang Xunyi turned in mid-air, changing directions urgently, and flew to the right side to dodge, but suddenly a person rushed out from behind him, his arm rested on Jiang Xunyi’s back to dispel Xuan Li’s hold on him before he took Jiang Xunyi in his arms, blocking the palm of Demon Sovereign Xuan Li for him.

This spiritual energy was so familiar that one could recognize it without turning their head. Jiang Xunyi was shocked and blurted out: “Yun Xie!”

It was not a coincidence that Yun Xie appeared here.

After he and Zhuo Zhengfan found the formation map near the entrance of the dungeon, they no longer stopped and went straight inside, walking all the way to the place where the hapless people were held.

This cell was built underground, and it was naturally not very comfortable inside. It was extremely moist, and the air was permeated by the smell of soil, which made people’s throats itchy. The Yun Xie who had always been delicate and whiny in front of Jiang Xunyi didn’t talk nonsense this time and followed Zhuo Zhengfan in without frowning.

The long corridor was lined with cells on both sides, a small oil lamp outside every two cells. The light was very dim, but even so, it was enough to show people’s shadows. Zhuo Zhengfan and Yun Xie stepped in one after the other, and someone in the first cell on the right immediately yelped.

Yun Xie reacted very quickly. Before he opened his mouth to make a sound, Yun Xie snapped his fingers and commanded in a low voice, “Quiet!”

The man’s mouth suddenly closed as if being pinched, and he couldn’t make a sound anymore. Then, Yun Xie immediately applied another shielding technique to isolate this space from the outside world to prevent guards outside from hearing movement

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