Chapter 94 – Believe you

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Yun Xie didn’t believe him, and his arms tightened. All his life, the thing he couldn’t stand the most was seeing Jiang Xunyi sad. At the sight of him now, his heart had been thrown into disorder, and he wanted to ask what happened, but he didn’t know how to say it. As he was hesitating, he suddenly heard a dry cough behind him.

The two turned their heads at the same time and saw that Jiang Molou had also rode over on his sword. He stood in midair, a mess of ruins at his feet. With his hands behind his back, he looked at the two people sternly, expression comparable to an harsh father discovering that his daughter had a secret lover.

Jiang Xunyi didn’t intend to explain nor conceal it. As if nothing happened, he let go of Yun Xie.

“Molou, why are you also here? Wasn’t it said that this place could only be entered by one person…?”

After he said that, he looked around and couldn’t help but laugh, deciding not to say anymore. This place had already collapsed; even if hundreds or thousands of people entered, it wouldn’t matter. However, besides the fact that there was no horrible incident like they imagined, chaos surrounded them, and the visibility was extremely low. At present, besides the three of them, it seemed that no one else was there.

Jiang Molou didn’t react to Jiang Xunyi’s words, instead asking with a serious face, “What the hell is going on between you two?”

Yun Xie’s lips moved, and seeing that he was about to say something rude, Jiang Xunyi quickly grabbed him before quickly interjecting, “Yun Xie and I are…Master?”

Jiang Molou casually glanced over at the direction of his gaze. “Don’t change the subject…”

Right in the middle of his sentence, he also paused, as the figure shown on the Marrow-Washing Jade was Immortal Master Ti Ming!

Jiang Xunyi and Jiang Molou were stunned, and they rushed forward together. However, the person displayed to be fighting Immortal Master Ti Ming… was Yun Xie.

Yun Xie was the one who harmed him with the Marrow-Washing Jade?!

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Jiang Molou was a cold person, and the only two people in this world he cared about were his master and senior brother. Words couldn’t encapsulate the shock that filled him as he witnessed his master’s death with his own eyes. Blood rushed to his head, and he drew his sword furiously without thinking, turning and slashing towards Yun Xie.

Before the blade could even go halfway, the blade had already been stopped by someone. It was Jiang Xunyi, who stood sideways in front of Yun Xie, blocking the blow. He had clamped down on the blade with his fingers, too impatient to even draw his own sword. It took all his strength to barely stop the sword, and the veins on the back of his hand bulged.

“Molou, calm down. First, clarify the situation.”

Before he even saw the scene today, Jiang Xunyi had already conceived countless scenarios of what happened. Although his feelings towards Immortal Master Ti Ming were the same as those of Jiang Molou, such things were no longer enough to make him lose his mind. Not to mention… that person was Yun Xie.

At this moment, the only one who could stop Jiang Molou was him. Fearing that he would hurt Jiang Xunyi, he retracted the sword indignantly, however he had become even more angry. “You’re still helping him! You saw the scene just now! Why stop me?”

Yun Xie had been shocked seeing the scene at first, but the thing he cared about most was how Jiang Xunyi would react. He felt fear at the thought of how he might look at him or what he might say. However, seeing him block Jiang Molou’s attack for him, his heart gave birth to a little courage. He pressed Jiang Xunyi’s shoulder behind him and asked, “A’Xun, do you believe me?”

Without even looking back, Jiang Xunyi replied without hesitation, “I believe you!”

With such a determined attitude, both Yun Xie and Jiang Molou were taken aback. Jiang Molou couldn’t help but angrily shout, “Brother! You need to realize that when he was overtaken by demonic energy before, he even killed you. Why wouldn’t he hurt Master?”

Jiang Xunyi countered, “Do you think it’s that easy to fall into the demonic pathway? You think you can stray whenever and wherever you want? Yun Xie wouldn’t, because he had never thought about fighting against Master, so there would be no reason for his state of mind to be excited… Never mind, you wouldn’t understand it. In short, if you still treat me as your senior, just believe him once. Besides, the situation is uncertain, and I don’t know who else is watching us, waiting to see our infighting. Don’t fight anymore!”

As if he spoke it into existence, as Jiang Xunyi was talking, he saw a figure flash past Jiang Molou. It was exactly the person he was thinking of at the moment, and he quickly called out, “Molou, stop him first!”

Jiang Molou’s anger had not subsided, and his face was full of confusion. “Who?”

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Jiang Xunyi was shocked: the person had been very close to Jiang Molou just now, and yet for some reason, he didn’t notice.

“The person who was next to you just now.”

Yun Xie grabbed his hand. “A’Xun, what are you talking about? There was nothing there.”

Jiang Xunyi was startled, a chill permeating through his heart. When he looked closely, the figure had truly disappeared without a trace. 

Suddenly, the Death Blade next to him flew out to the west, and the sound of Buddha’s name sounded out abruptly.


Yun Xie grabbed Jiang Xunyi’s hand without letting go. After spinning around to see the newcomer, he immediately yelled, “Monk, you are finally willing to show up! Quick, tell me, is a mess you made?!”

Master Deng’s complexion was not very good, and he lacked the hippy smile he had when they had first met. He ignored Yun Xie’s shout, instead looking at Jiang Xunyi seriously. “Who were you looking for just now?”

Jiang Xunyi couldn’t understand what was happening, and the other’s tone also rubbed him the wrong way. “What’s the matter with you?”

Master He Deng’s eyes were serene and deep, firmly fixing his stare on him. He seemed to have observed something on Jiang Xunyi’s face, and after a long while, he said slowly, “I advise you not to meet that person.”

When Master He Deng appeared for the first time, it could still be said that he was a friend, not a foe, but at this moment, Yun Xie was able to sense subtle hostility from his attitude. Vigilance began to develop in his heart, and he dragged Jiang Xunyi behind him, eyes cold and sharp as he glared at the other. “I’m afraid who we see is not up to you. Master He Deng, the purpose of you coming here shouldn’t just be that you want to take an after-dinner walk, right? If you need something from us, I advise you to not make things unnecessarily complicated.”

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Jiang Xunyi broke away Yun Xie’s grasp and stood side by side with him, hand coming up to rest on the hilt of the sword. “Exactly, what are you trying to do?”

Master He Deng’s voice rose. “Master Jiang is asking me? If I dare to say it, do you dare to let Sect Master Yun listen?” 

Jiang Xunyi replied, “If you want to say it, just say it. There isn’t anything he can’t know.”

Yun Xie sneered. “Are you done trying to sow discord? I ask you, does the image on the Marrow-Washing Jade have anything to do with you-“

Jiang Xunyi didn’t hear clearly what Yun Xie said next because the flashing figure had appeared again, and strangely, it seemed that no one else noticed it aside from him.

Ever since Jiang Xunyi had witnessed the conversation between his parents, there was always that one important thing on his mind. At this time, he couldn’t care less about debating with He Deng. His body turned, ready to chase after the shadow

Unexpectedly, right as he moved, He Deng picked up his Buddhist staff to intercept him, shouting, “You will not be going anywhere today!”

Yun Xie could already tell that Jiang Xunyi really needed to do something he didn’t know about, something that was making him very anxious. Seeing this, he didn’t hesitate before he pushed Jiang Xunyi away. “Go, leave him to me.”

Jiang Xunyi had been in such a hurry to rush out that he forgot to say anything to Yun Xie. After getting pushed forwards, he was suddenly reminded of the fact that he had too many things that he hadn’t explained clearly to Yun Xie, and he must feel extremely confused right now.

It wasn’t that Jiang Xunyi was intentionally trying to conceal anything, but one of them was the protagonist, and the other had missions to complete. They were always surrounded by fog and turmoil. Ever since they had resolved their misunderstanding, they haven’t had one day of peace. In addition, Yun Xie cared too much about him. It was hard to find a way to start going into all of the details, so it had been delayed until now.

After all, it’s not likely that someone would easily accept that they’re merely a character in a book. What’s more, although Yun Xie had a strong will, he was slightly conceited.

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In the past, Jiang Xunyi always felt that they still had a long, long time to talk this out, but right now, he felt a hunch in his heart that compelled him, someone who never turned back, to stop. He grabbed Yun Xie’s hand tightly.

“Yun Xie.”

He didn’t say anything else, but Yun Xie’s firm expression had suddenly softened into a small smile. With a sword ready to take down Master He Deng in one hand, he used the other to push Jiang Xunyi out of the battleground.

Since he was determined to buy time for Jiang Xunyi, he moved ruthlessly, catching Master He Deng off guard and forcing him to take two steps back. He Deng watched Jiang Xunyi’s back fade away, surprise and anger coloring his voice as he cursed, “Yun Xie, do you know what you are doing? Do you know who he is looking for? I always thought you were a smart person, but your behavior is simply death-seeking. By helping him, you have ruined yourself!”

Listening to those words, Yun Xie was upset and cursed back, “Pei! Stop with this act. I will gladly take the road towards my own destruction for my wife. I feel extremely happy! Why do I have to listen to the words of people who talk too much?” 

His words were eccentric, but his moves were very harsh, and Master Deng struggled to lift his staff and forge an opening. He yelled loudly, “You’re so infatuated now, but did you know that in Jiang Xunyi’s heart, you are nothing more than a character in a book? “

Yun Xie paused in shock, his hand slowing. “What do you mean?”

While Yun Xie was keeping He Deng detained, Jiang Xunyi had gotten out, rushing forwards and mounting his sword to hurry towards the shadow.

However, the figure did not disappear again. It seemed like their speed was not fast, but they always fluttered forwards a few feet ahead of Jiang Xunyi as if intentionally trying to lead him somewhere. Jiang Xunyi followed for a while, then after turning a bend in a mountain, he suddenly stopped and landed onto the ground. The shadow rushed directly onto the man standing with his back facing him before it immediately disappeared.

With a scrape, Jiang Xunyi slid to a landing before he raised his sword and placed it on the other’s neck. The chilling sword light reflected half of the other side’s face. He cried out, “Du Li, tell me your purpose!”

However, although his tone was ruthless, his hands were still imperceptibly shaking.

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