Chapter 95 part 2 – Truth

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The words Jiang Xunyi said were bit confusing, but Jiang Yuan understood it all at once. “That’s right. Xunxun, think about your original destiny —— Originally, your talent and cultivation base were on equal standing with Yun Xie, but you merely served as a foil to him for your entire life until you finally died under his sword to fulfill Yun Xie’s reputation of righteousness. Humph, this can’t be called justice. This is just fate’s game.”

Jiang Yuan couldn’t help but laugh dryly. “But now? You are on the same level as him. Your prestige, network, and status are all no longer under Yun Xie! As long as Yun Xie succumbs to demonic energy and becomes the villain, then the world will automatically choose a new protagonist. Besides you, who could that be? Then, you can take control of the world, the system will support you, and going home is just a matter of thinking.”

Jiang Xunyi took a breath, his heart beating like thunder. He felt that his voice was hollow as if he were a dead person. “So Yun Xie will continue my original destiny and become a villain who everyone shouts at and beats… changing his role to be the demonic head…”

He had suddenly been awakened from his long dream, and the secrets of the past have been revealed. At that moment, love, hate, anger, and ignorance revolved within him like a merry-go-round turning around and around, and the pressure of a hundred thousand mountains pressed down on him, so much that even breathing has become torture.

From the beginning to the end, what was the most important to him? Does anything have meaning? On the one hand, part of his heart is with his brother. This can’t be held against him: going home has been his long-cherished wish. But what about Yun Xie? What does he do about Yun Xie?

Seeing that he was unwilling, Jiang Yuan stepped forward and hugged him, patting his head to comfort him. “I know you still can’t bear it. After all, you have had a close relationship with him for so many years. However, think about all the hardships you suffered. Isn’t this the most important thing the fact that you will be able to go home soon?”

He firmly held Jiang Xunyi’s shoulders, trying to convey his resolution. “I know your heart must be filled with complaints against mom and dad, but their hand was also forced. Truthfully, they also miss you very much. How can conflict come between parents and children? What’s more, after you go back, you won’t have to lie in the hospital bed every day. This current body has become your own body…”

Jiang Yuan saw that Jiang Xunyi was slightly moved, and he couldn’t help but smile. “When I came, I took a lot of effort to bring your body. There are some diseases that cannot be cured in our world, but this world of cultivation and immortals has many elixirs. Even if you go back, you will be a healthy child. Then, brother will take you to travel, water ski, race… we can do everything you wanted to do!”

Jiang Xunyi lowered his head to avoid Jiang Yuan’s gaze. Besides today, it has been a long time since he has bowed his head to someone else. “Brother, thank you.”

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Hearing a faint tremor in his voice, Jiang Yuan couldn’t help thinking about his brother’s years of hard work here, and his heart hurt. He brought a hand to his head to comfort him, but before he could say anything, Jiang Xunyi raised his head again, his expression calm again. “So what do I need to do?”

Jiang Yuan was stunned, then swallowed the comforting words down. With a serious face, he replied, “The female enchantress is a ghost that is extremely sinister and poisonous. After Yun Xie killed the ghost, he has been contaminated with resentment. In addition, even if he gets rid of the spirit of Xuan Li, the demonic energy on his body isn’t something that can disappear right away. With these two points added together, once his hands are stained with more blood, he will lose control. The only barrier now is Solar Envy Sect’s jade ring. If you use your relationship with him, you should be able to find out where it is hidden, then all you need to do is find it and destroy it. “

The jade ring is able to detoxify the body, and when Jiang Xunyi fell into Xuan Li’s hands, it had saved his life. Ever since Yun Xie had Rou Rou deliver the ring to him, he had been unwilling to take it back again, so Jiang Xunyi had ended up keeping it with him. At this moment, Jiang Xunyi took it out and showed Jiang Yuan.


Jiang Yuan didn’t expect the ring to really be in his possession, and his eyes flashed with a complex expression. He nodded, then stretched out his hand. “Give it to me.”

Jiang Xunyi squeezed his hand shut, then smiled as he said, “Why give it to you? Isn’t it just breaking this? I will do it myself.”

He had always had a somber expression until now, and his sudden smile startled Jiang Yuan. Jiang Xunyi took a step back, bit his finger, then dripped blood on the ring. He threw the ring into the air, caught it with both hands, then shouted, “The one who was thus gone[1], disciple Jiang Xunyi is willing to protect this thing with my life. I will ensure its peace, and if there is damage, my body will be destroyed!”

A light suddenly emerged from the ring as the oath was established, Jiang Xunyi’s figure swayed slightly, needing to support himself against the mountain wall beside him to stand firmly.

The ring fell and was caught by Jiang Yuan, but even though he acted subconsciously, his mind had not caught up. He looked at Jiang Xunyi, realizing for the first time that the person in front of him has grown up.

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Here, he is one of the Dual Jades of the Spirit Stage, the head of the Hidden Spirit Sect. Jiang Xunyi had long been able to stand alone and is no longer the silent and weak child who only had himself and his family in the world.

Jiang Xunyi looked at Jiang Yuan’s hesitant face, and this time, he truly smiled. “Smash it.”

His laughter became louder and louder until he almost couldn’t straighten up. “If you still want Yun Xie to fall to the demonic side, just throw this ring and smash it.” 

Jiang Xunyi was born as a strong person, and his image was more important than his life. In two lifetimes, he hasn’t laughed as crazily as right now. However, when he heard his parents’ conversation before, even though he had been so distraught, he still tried to endure and refused to show it. Later, in order to complete the conversation with Jiang Yuan, he could only keep stifling his feelings. At this moment, thousands of emotions were erupting. He was clearly grief-stricken, but the laughter couldn’t stop.

He seemed like a child after a successful prank, as if his laughter stemmed from the fact that he felt that the stunned look on Jiang Yuan’s face was very funny. However, his laughter sounded so sad, countless painful grievances that have become too deep to hide all emanating out.

Jiang Xunyi looked up to the sky and laughed, but tears rolled down his cheeks.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Yuan finally came back to his senses. He spent many years thinking through his plan here. Although the method was radical and biased, he really wanted to take his brother home. As he watched the plan slip out of his fingers, he was also filled with anger and astonishment. His emotions were almost as excited as Jiang Xunyi as he exclamined, “Why on earth are you doing this? Are you crazy?! As long as Yun Xie becomes a villain, you can leave here! Don’t you want to go home? Jiang Xunyi!”

Jiang Xunyi finally stopped laughing, wiped his face with his sleeve, picked up the Extinguished Flower sword from the ground, and said lightly, “My parents don’t want me to go back. What should I do? They have basically killed me with their own hands in that world, so why should you come to rescue me? Brother, I’m tired. I’m fine here. I don’t want to go anywhere.”

He stepped forward and took the ring back. Jiang Yuan let go, dazed until he heard Jiang Xunyi say indifferently, “I’m leaving.”

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As if he had woken from a dream he grabbed him. “Don’t go! Don’t you know it’s too late? Yun Xie…”

Jiang Xunyi shook him off vigorously. Hearing Yun Xie’s name, his emotions that had been forcibly suppressed suddenly burst out again, and he shouted, “Let go!”

“Why are you shouting?! If we wanted you to die, why would I struggle to come here? You are definitely not the type who will give up and go back for this reason. You’re obviously the type of person who would fight harder to survive the more others wish the opposite! Jiang Xunyi, give me a reason, why are you doing this?!”

The two brothers stared at each other as if enemies. However, as their eyes met, the many memories and many past events floated to their hearts one by one like a surging river, resiliently flowing on even amongst sparks and fire, never able to be held onto…

Like the calm after the rage, there was unspeakable exhaustion.

The cold wind passed by, and there was silence between the sky and the earth. Jiang Xunyi stared at Jiang Yuan’s hand on his arm and was silent for a long time. Just when the other party almost thought he would not answer anymore, he suddenly whispered a reply.

“Because I like a person, and I am willing to do everything for him.”

Jiang Yuan trembled, slowly letting go, then said after a long while, “You really… to Yun Xie…”

This sentence seemed to have magical properties, and after Jiang Xunyi said it, his whole body felt inexplicably relaxed. He said maliciously, “Yes. I think Yun Xie would be very happy if he heard this sentence, but I don’t want to let him know at all.”

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After he said, he finally took a deep look at Jiang Yuan, then knelt in the snow to kowtow to him. “Brother, thank you.” He stood up and continued, “I don’t blame my parents, nor do I blame you. You have treated me with all your benevolence and righteousness. I am not filial for choosing not to go back. Since the day I came into this world, our destinies have reached the end, and you should just treat me as dead… go home quickly!”

In the silence following the moment of confrontation, the two felt desolate.

Jiang Yuan sighed heavily, closed his eyes, and turned around without speaking. Jiang Xunyi’s blue dress had already blended in with the flying snow as he got further and further before he gradually disappeared.

Jiang Xunyi ran down the mountain without looking back, but the image of Jiang Yuan’s increasingly distant back seemed to exist in his heart without even needing to look. Jiang Xunyi turned a corner, his nose sour, and finally, he couldn’t hold back a drop of tears streaming down his cheeks. Fortunately, there was no one around at this time. He quickly bit his lip and wiped it with his sleeve as he ran.

He rose on his sword and hurried down the mountain.

The author has something to say: I will continue to update tomorrow. Is the number of words in a chapter too much? Do you want to separate?

Please trust little Jiang and little Yun, their feelings and will can withstand the test (づ ̄3 ̄)づ, don’t be afraid my dears.

[1]The one who has thus gone – Tathāgata, or the word Gautama Buddha uses to refer to himself in Pali Canon

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