「 I thought that men have a stronger libido and more vulgar 」

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Rei-chan speaks.

I receive tissue from Mana and wipe the dripping sperm from Agnes’ slit.

Ruriko’s cleaning up my penis. She seems to like this role.

「 That’s for ordinary boys. This one is a bit strange 」

Katsuko-nee replies to Rei-chan.

「 He seeks not the pleasure in body but a connection in heart 」

「 Yes. Sex with Onii-sama is very maddening and melancholic 」

Ruriko said.

「 You mean, it’s so crazy and really sad? 」

I asked.

「 Onii-sama, it’s an obsolete word? 」

「 Obsolete? 」

「 Onii-chan, are you not good at classics? 」

Mana speaks amazed.

Far from classics, I’m not good at all other subjects.

「 Onii-chan is always working so hard for us, so it feels painful, that’s what it meant 」

Does it look that way?

「 No, that’s normal for me. I’m not forcing myself 」

Do I look like I don’t have the leeway that much?

「 Err, Mana’s next 」

My stamina is at its limit, but I’ll manage somehow.

「 I’ll do it later 」

Mana smiles at me.

「 You’re tired, Onii-chan. I think you need to take a rest 」

She said as she looks at my face.

「 No, I’m fine 」

「 Don’t force yourself, okay? 」

Mana hugs me.

「 You see, Ruri-oneechan 」

Then, Mana turns to Ruriko.

「 Yes, what is it? 」

「 When Misuzu-oneechan comes later, you’re going to buy a dress, wouldn’t you? 」

Ruriko needs a dress to wear for tonight’s party.

「 Do you plan on bringing Onii-chan with you? 」


「 Yes, if possible, then I’d like Onii-sama to choose my dress 」

Even if you tell me that.

I don’t know much about party dresses for women.

「 Well. This is just what I think but, I believe Onii-chan needs to take a rest until evening 」

Mana tells the women in the room.

「 Onii-chan’s been having it hard for the last couple of days, and there will be a lot of work later tonight 」

I need to be present to fix Jii-chan and Ruriko’s relationship.

I’m also concerned about the plans of Kouzuki security service, using Yukino as a bait.

「 This will be the last day for the holidays. Unlike me, Onii-chan has to attend school tomorrow 」

Mana can’t go to a school until the new one is decided.

「 You’re right. Although instead of these past few days, he’s been busy during this holiday. It’s true, I feel sorry for not giving him a break 」

Katsuko-nee smiles at me.

「 It might be better to spend some time relaxing a little in a safe place in this mansion 」

Ruriko looks at me.

「 It is as you two say. I will buy the dress with Misuzu-chan alone 」

「 No, I don’t mind. I’m worried about you two if I don’t come 」

「 It’s okay. Shou-chan and Mitchi will protect us 」

Oh, they’re both coming with Misuzu.

「 We’ll all look for a dress that would please Onii-sama. 」

I see. Then.

It’s fun for girls to choose their dress.


「 Ruriko, in that case, pick Michi’s clothes too 」

That’s right, either way, Michi will be their escort for today’s party.

Shou-oneesan will be there for her work at Kouzuki security service so they can’t wear a party dress, but.


「 I want Michi to pick cute girlish clothes too 」

Michi’s always in her uniform after all.

Oops, I can’t.

「 Katsuko-nee, how much do dresses worth? 」

Will the money I received from Minaho-neesan before enough?

「 It’s okay. I’ll do something about the money 」

Katsuko-nee smiles at me.

「 Michi-chan is my little sister so leave it to me 」

Then that really helps.

「 Certainly, Onii-sama. We’ll dress up Mitchi cutely too 」

Ruriko smiles at me.

「 Then, in the afternoon, Ruriko-chan, Misuzu-chan, Michi-chan, and Shou-oneesan will go shopping. Then, the remaining girls will join my sweets making class 」

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「 And then, you can relax until evening, right? 」

Oh, Katsuko-nee will look after Mana, Edie, and Edie.

「 But before that, we still have three hours until noon. How about you sleep somewhere, Dear? 」

「 Yeah, Onii-chan looks so sleepy 」

Well, I did so many rounds last night yet got up early in the morning, after coming right back at the mansion, Megu, Katsuko-nee, Mana, and Agnes were…

Indeed, I’m a bit tired.

「 Onii-sama would you like me to accompany you to sleep? 」

Ruriko proposes with her eyes glittering, but;

「 Let him sleep alone. If we’re with him, he can’t relax 」

Katsuko-nee stopped her.

「 I’ll take a shower with Agnes. Ruriko-chan, please go to the dining room and wait with everyone else. Please help me prepare lunch 」

「 Yes, certainly 」

Ruriko reluctantly agreed.

「 Let’s start moving then, Onii-chan, take a good rest! 」

Mana takes the lead and pulls everyone out of the room.

「 Okay, let’s go! Edie, come on! 」

The girls leave.

The naked Katsuko-nee and Agnes remain in the room.

Agnes’ is still rubbing her cute breasts on me.

「 Agnes-chan, let’s take a bath! 」

Katsuko-nee calls her, but;

「 Papa too 」

Agnes is entirely a spoiled child now.

I hug and kiss Agnes.

「 Then, let’s go 」

「 No, if you do that, then you’ll lose control! Especially if you spoil Agnes-chan, the other girls would want something too 」

「 Then I’ll do something about it, that’ll satisfy everyone 」

「 Geez! If you do that, you’ll break! 」

Katsuko-nee scolds me.

「 Agnes-chan. You’ll take a bath with me. Papa has to rest. You can do it later 」

「 That’s sad, desuno 」1

Katsuko-nee takes Agnes’ hands and gets her off the bed.

「 Then, we’ll be going too, see you later Dear 」

Katsuko-nee kisses me.

At the same time, she pressed a piece of paper in my hand.


「 Aah, Agnes too, desuno! 」

Agnes also wants a kiss from me.

「 Yeah, you’re so cute Agnes 」

I hug and kiss Agnes.

「 Well then, later. Clean yourself up. Then, if your stomach hurts, tell Katsuko-nee right away 」

「 Yes, desuno. Papa 」

Then, the two naked girls go out of the room.


The door gently shuts.


I lie down on the bed.

I’m alone now.

When was the last time I was alone like this?

The room is still filled with the scent of women.

The bed sheets too, there’s still Katsuko-nee and Agnes’ sweat and smell.

My skin too.

“Will I only smell like women one of these days?”

I thought.

At any rate, I.

I’m exhausted.

I’m okay steeling myself because everyone’s here, but.

When I’m alone, I can tell that my fatigue has accumulated.

I stretch out my body.


Then, I look at the piece of paper Katsuko-nee gave me.

What’s this?

What’s written inside?

『 Ojou-sama’s’ been watching you all this time. Ojou-sama’s room is in front of this room. On the other side of the corridor. I’ll unlock the door 』


If I recall, Minaho-neesan said that she’ll “sleep for a while” and went to her room.

Hmm, yeah.

Minaho-neesan loves eavesdropping, right.

I guess it’s normal for her to pretend to be asleep and watch over us.

Of course, Minaho-neesan would always peek.

But, to think that it’s in the room in front of this one.

Did she expressly come there to peek in our room?

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No, Katsuko-nee decided to have sex in this room.

In short, she knows where Minaho-neesan’s room is.

Katsuko-nee chose this room in front of Minaho-neesan’s room on purpose.

Then, have sex here.

Then, everyone left, leaving me alone.

Then, perhaps.

It’s to give Minaho-neesan, and I time alone.

「 Haa 」

My quiet alone time is over.

I get up on the bed.

There’s a bathrobe over there, so I wear it. I guess Katsuko-nee prepared this in advance.

Sally forth! Let’s go!

Even before Minaho-neesan could react to my movements.

「 There! 」

I fire up my fighting spirit!

I jump out of the room and to the other side of the corridor.

Then, I opened the room quickly!

「 Oh? 」

Minaho-neesan’s face is stiffened by my sudden intrusion.

「 Err! 」

The size of the room is about ten mats.

Minaho-neesan’s sitting in front of a desk with three laptops on it.

「 Now then 」

I approach her and look at the screens of the computer.

The two were connected to the image boards with stuff I don’t understand.

The other one has the live feed of the room where I was just in a while ago.

Since it’s a unique room where the walls, floor, and bed are colored in red, I can tell right away.

I knew it, she’s peeping at our situation through the surveillance cameras.

「 That, you see, that’s not it, that’s not what I mean! 」

Minaho-neesan’s already at her wits’ end.

「 What are you doing, shouldn’t you be sleeping, Minaho-neesan? 」

I asked.

「 That, you see, some people employed by Shiraska house begins to write opinion defending Shirasaka Sousuke on the internet, that’s why 」

「 That’s’ why 」

「 Now, the writer is from the newspaper from Shirasaka house’s company, and affiliate company’s computer, they’re spreading their story 」

「 Then? 」

「 Several news sites have picked it up. The threads are also rising 」

「 Then, that’s already done 」

I hug Minaho-neesan.

「 H-Hey, wait! 」

Minaho-neesan panics.

「 Don’t mind Shirasaka Sousuke anymore. He’s already dead 」

「 But, it’s frustrating. They’re all writing lies. They say “all of the accusations on Shirasaka Sousuke are hoaxes and he’s innocent,” Those people say 」

「 Nobody would believe that 」

The information Minaho-neesan let out was enormous.

A lot of Shirasaka Sousuke’s rape videos were released too.

There’s no way for someone to believe that everything that came out is a hoax.

「 Once the world see you as the bad guy, that image can’t be easily flipped over 」

「 I know that, but 」

Minaho-neesan’s body is skinny.

Her womanly meat is lacking.

It’s different from Katsuko-nee or Agnes.

「 Hey, that’s enough now, let go 」

「 Nope. I’ll take you to bed like this 」

I said while still hugging her.

「 I-I can’t have sex 」


「 If it’s sex then I just had a lot earlier 」


「 I just want to sleep while hugging Minaho-neesan 」

「 You? 」

I hug Minaho-neesan tighter.

「 Okay, time to go! 」

「 Hey, wait! Kya! 」

I carry Minaho-neesan’s body like a princess.

「 Don’t move, it’s dangerous 」

「 You don’t need to do this, I’m heavy, aren’t I? 」

Minaho-neesan’s tall. She’s taller than me.

But, her weight is surprisingly light.

「 You’re not heavy, Nee-san 」

I then carry Nee-san and leave the room.

Both of the rooms across the corridor have their doors open.

I get through the two doors while carrying Minaho-neesan.

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Coming back to the red room, I pushed the door close with my back.

Then, I head to the red velvet bed.

I let down Minaho-neesan’s body.

「 Geez, it’s my first time receiving that! 」

Minaho-neesan looks up at me.

When our eyes met, Minaho-neesan’s cheeks blushed red.

「 I-I still have a job to do! 」

She gets up from the bed and tries to escape from me.

「 Nope! Not letting you escape! Let’s sleep now! 」

I caught Minaho-neesan’s body and hugged her.

「 Geez, you don’t need to sleep with me, there are a lot of girls who would want to! 」

「 But I want Minaho-neesan now 」


I think she needs physical intimacy right now.

「 Well now, let’s sleep! Good night! 」

I lean my head on Minaho-neesan’s chest and lie down on the bed.

「 Geez, you’re so forceful 」

「 That’s Minaho-neesan’s skill 」

「 Don’t say that, seriously, let go. I, I still have work to do 」

「 No. I’ll sleep with Minaho-neesan! 」

「 Don’t say that like a child! 」

「 I’m not a child, I’m your younger brother 」

「 Seriously, you’re so warm 」

Minaho-neesan feels my warmth.


Minaho-neesan’s temperature is low. Mana and Agnes was so warm, and yet,

「 Mana told me, but it really looks like I’m tired. I’m sleepy 」

I made a big yawn.

「 Then, sleep alone 」

「 No, I want to sleep with Minaho-neesan. I can’t sleep if we’re not together 」

「 Geez 」

While I was saying that,

I fell asleep.

◇ ◇ ◇

『 Misuzu-chan arrived. It’s about time to wake up 』

Katsuko-nee’s voice from the speaker woke me up.


When I open my eyes, Minaho-neesan’s face is in front.

「 Good morning 」

「 Err, good morning, Nee-san 」

My arms are still hugging Minaho-neesan.

「 You were fast asleep 」

「 Minaho-neesan? Ah, you didn’t sleep with me? 」

「 No. I slept for a while 」

Minaho-neesan said.

「 You kept on hugging me, not letting go at all 」

「 Sorry, was it painful? 」

「 No, it wasn’t 」

Minaho-neesan speaks bashfully.

「 Why can you sleep with me with such peace of mind? 」

Minaho-neesan looks into my eyes.

「 I’m not a woman who can give you peace of mind 」


「 I have made you experience a lot of bad times, I’m a woman with a cold heart 」

Minaho-neesan looks up at the ceiling sadly.

「 Nee-san is Nee-san. I love you 」

「 Huh? 」

Minaho-neesan’s surprised.

「 It’s my beloved Nee-san, so of course, I could sleep soundly 」

I rub my cheeks with Minaho-neesan.

「 Hey, stop 」

「 It’s fine, I love you, Nee-san 」

I hug Minaho-neesan tight.

「 But, I can’t have sex 」

Minaho-neesan’s body stiffens in my arms.

「 I can’t bear your child 」

I rub my nose against Minaho-neesan’s nose.

Then, I kiss her on the lips.

「 That doesn’t matter 」

「 But 」

「 Being together like this is enough for me 」

I can have sex with other girls.

Even babies, the other girls will bear for me.

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I’m fine even if I can’t expect those from Minaho-neesan.

「 But, I 」


「 I want to have sex. If I can 」


「 I want to have sex with you. I want to bear your child, but, my body is 」


I see. That’s it.

Minaho-neesan knows the pleasures of sex as she’s a former prostitute.

Even getting pregnant, the feeling of life in her womb.

「 Therefore, I 」

I thought that Minaho-neesan needs physical intimacy.

But, Minaho-neesan.

She’s enduring.

Her body can’t have sex.

Having physical contact with me, even if her heart wants to have sex, her body can’t.

「 Sorry, I 」

I didn’t understand it all.

「 It’s okay. It makes me happy to have you say that you love me 」


「 Besides, it has become a bad habit to watch you have sex with other girls 」

「 No, that’s fine. If it’s Minaho-neesan, then I don’t mind you peeping 」

「 I feel that the girls don’t like it 」

「 But, we’re family 」

「 Even among family, girls don’t like to be watched all the time 」

Is that the case?

「 Haaa, I was so resolved yet to think that I fell asleep on the same bed, I really can’t do it 」

Minaho-neesan sighs.

「 Embracing your body, smelling the smell of your skin, it makes me remember 」

Remember what?

「 This is Katsuko’s plan, isn’t it? 」

「 Well, yeah 」

I nodded.

「 Then, I’ll have Katsuko take responsibility for the next time 」

「 Huh? 」

「 When you’re with Katsuko, I’ll join in too 」


「 I really can’t watch from a distance. I feel happy when I’m wrapped in your smell like this 」

Saying that; Minaho-neesan sniffs my neck.

「 When you’re having sex with Katsuko in the bed, I’ll go to watch and also embrace you. At least, in my heart 」

Minaho-nesan kisses me softly.

「 Are you okay with that, Minaho-neesan? 」

「 That’s the best thing I can hope for now, I feel sorry for Katsuko though. Of course, it won’t be every day. Just once in a while when you’re having sex with Katsuko 」


『 I don’t mind if you join in every time. Also, I’ll talk to Nagisa. You can do join in anytime, Ojou-sama 』

A voice comes from the ceiling.

「 Katsuko, you were watching? 」

『 I’m just imitating the usual Ojou-sama 』

The voice from the ceilings laughed.

『 Also, I’ve heard this from a senior lady 』

Katsuko-nee speaks.

『 Ojou-sama is really good at fellatio, she said 』

「 Katsuko! 」

『 I’ll take care of everyone else, so it’s okay to take a bit more time! Do your best, Ojou-sama!! 』


Minaho-neesan looks at me bashfully.

「 Have you watched the movie “The Color of Money”? 」

「 Nope 」

「 The last scene of the movie ends with Paul Newman saying “I’m back” 」

「 I see 」

「 Paul Newman made up his mind to return to being a high-stake billiard hustler, so he said that 」

Could it be?

Minaho-neesan wants to return to being a prostitute?

「 I’ll also return, to being a woman 」



「 Take out your dick. I’ll make you feel good 」


「 I don’t plan on losing to young girls 」

Minaho-neesan’s white hand reach out for my crotch.


arekusa purei desupacito 

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