99. Teach us! Yuzuki-sensei.

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「Women who lost their virginity from rape…is greatly divided into two types depending on their interaction to sex」

Yuzuki-sensei’s talking while drinking wine.

「I know it well…In this mansion when it was『Kuromori Tower』, I saw a lot of women…I’m one of them too…」

Yuzuki-sensei was raped by Shirasaka Sousuke when she was 12…

「One would be the girl being absorbed in sex to erase the rape existence. Drowning themselves to remove the memory of fear. Misuzu-san’s that type」

Certainly…Misuzu’s indulging herself in sex…

「It’s not a lewd nature in particular…Trying to get over the fear from the rape, they try to lie to themselves and have sex assertively. Convincing themselves that they had sex by their own will…」

…Misuzu was like that.

「Misuzu-san’s actually scared… Yesterday, you had sex with Misuzu-san in the bathroom didn’t you?」
「That’s the time when she finally trusted you. I think she was frightened in her heart until then…Do you remember? Yesterday before you had sex with Misuzu-san, she told you『I want you to trust me soon』]?」

Speaking of which…I feel that she said such thing.

「That’s reversed. Actually, Misuzu-san thought that she wants to 『Trust』you She reflects her own wish to you and spoke…」

…I see

「Do you remember that Misuzu told you 『I want to be violated』…Don’t you?」
「…I do」
「Actually, there’s still some fear remaining for sex…That’s why she said that. She wants you to force having sex instead of her own will…」

I never understood Misuzu’s feeling at all…
I just followed my own desire.
I’m the worst.

「AT that time…Misuzu said that she wants to be my sex slave」

Sensei laughed.

「Do you really think that there’s a girl who would want to become a man’s slave?」
「…I don’t」


「It was really a dangerous state…You did rape play didn’t you?」

…We did
I got very aroused though…
For Misuzu, it wasn’t that different from real rape…

「If Misuzu-san gave up in despair because of that rape play, she might really become your sex slave…」

Sensei said.

「You see…There’s no bottomless lewd woman in this world. Among the prostitutes, there are occasional women who makes that play. A girl that has no forbidden plays, all okay. That kind of person isn’t a helpless lecherous person… They just gave up. Throwing their own life…Thinking that it’s already hopeless…therefore they accept anything. They have no choice but to accept」

…They gave up in life?

「Those kinds are okay with anyone. They’re not looking at the man’s face. They just surrender themselves to the pleasures in their body… They get scared when they look at reality…they became ashamed that they want to die. Therefore, they close their eyes to indulge themselves in the pleasures of sex, and concentrates only on the sexual feeling…!」

Sensei gulps down the glass.

「…I was the same」


「There’s only one think I can thank Shirasaka Sousuke for. …My body can no longer have sex again, you know that don’t you? That’s why I can no longer escape to the pleasure of sex…! Even if I force myself, I can only face the reality…therefore, I think I went mad…!」

I poured in wine into Sensei’s glass silently.

「…Thanks. You see…I’m actually a weak woman. No, I was weak…before. But I have no choice but to get stronger. I have no other way out after all… I can’t masturbate. When I touch myself there, the scar hurts…! The bottom of my stomach makes a tingling pain…That’s why, I…!」

I hold Sensei’s hand.
As reflex, Sensei’s body twitched and she tried to move away from my hand!
But still…I hold Sensei’s hand firmly!

「…I won’t do anything. I’ll just hold your hand」

Sensei looks at my hand…

「…Sorry. I drank alcohol too fast…」

Sensei looks down.

「I’ll go back to Misuzu-san…I think that just a bit more and she’d suffer from sex madness. It was really a dangerous state. If it advanced badly…she would have your body for a while then she’ll start to fish men immediately. Escaping to sex, she’ll sleep with whoever man it is…She’ll become a hopeless woman…!」

So it was such a critical state…!

「…So it’s different now?」

After putting up courage, I asked Sensei…

「After yesterday’s rape play sex in the bathroom, you went to do another one didn’t you?」

Right…I began my second round without pulling out.

「As a result, she was saved by that sex. Doing all your best…feeling Misuzu-san properly…that was good. Your feelings reached Misuzu-san that’s why she came to trust you. If you didn’t have the second sex, it would’ve been trouble this time…」

Sensei sighed.

「With that sex…Misuzu-san somehow accepted you…」

Misuzu’s attitude changed completely after our second sex.
It’s not her strange brightness before but a genuine smile…

「After that…Misuzu-san became your woman. Don’t worry. She will no longer part from you as long as it’s not something much…」

Sensei laughed as she was amazed.

「You’re the only man in the world she can yield her mind and body…Misuzu-san said it herself didn’t she?」

So the was serious.
I don’t get it.

「Seriously…You’re taking so many girls seriously and yet…You’re always lonely as usual…」

Sensei said sadly.

「I’m lonely?」

Sensei returns a question to my question.

「…Yoshida-kun…When I say ‘your own bed’ what do you imagine?」

I answered immediately.

「If it’s my bed then it’s the sofa in my house」

That old sofa with bad springs.
I lived there all this time…
That old sofa where I can’t stretch my body so I have to round myself to sleep.

「…This bed in this mansion isn’t a bed for you…」

Sensei said.

「Because…I’m only borrowing the bed in this house. My house is there…」

That house where neither my mother or father comes home.
…I have to go back there soon.

「Well fine…Let’s talk about it next time」

Sensei changed the topic forcibly…
Having me reminded of my house, I showed an awkward face.

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「If…you didn’t do the second round of sex…and Misuzu-san didn’t open her heart…What do you think would I do to Misuzu-san?」

Sensei asked me…

「…No, I don’t know」

To be honest…I can’t imagine it.

「Misuzu-san is a girl sent by Kouzuki-sama to Nagisa isn’t she?…She cannot be mad at sex」


「In that case, I’ll have Nagisa take her and have her become Nagisa’s slave. A complete lesbian」


「Then, she’d get married with the man Kouzuki house has decided…endure only one sex to have one child, then have her stay as a lesbian for the rest of her life. Isn’t it better for her to play with Nagisa’s lesbian pets than madly playing with men? The society can be fooled by that too…」

…Is that so?
Sensei’s always thinking way ahead of time.

「In the first place…I got surprised when Nagisa transferred Misuzu-san to Yoshida-kun! That was so sudden isn’t it?…It happened before I entirely knew it…!」

…There’s no surveillance cameras on Nagisa-san’s shop.
That was Nagisa-san’s decision alone.
She didn’t consult Yuzuki-sensei…

「Nagisa…understood Yoshida-kun’s power. Surely, she believed that you can open Misuzu’s heart…!」

Sensei said.

「Margo too… She believes in your power that she didn’t report a follow up to me on the spot. Well, she has seen Nagisa-san being embraced and liberated by Yoshida-kun…」

Nagisa-san and Margo-san believed me and entrusted me with Misuzu…

「Sometimes, I get heartbroken. No matter how much I think, I can’t match against Nagisa’s insight and Margo’s perception… Those girls are much more excellent than me. No…I’m no good. I’m just a big-headed woman lacking imagination…」

Sensei blames herself…

「Anyway…There’s no pressing problems with Misuzu-san. Just love her a lot. Now’s the time for her to be spoiled. Make your bonds of trust thicker. Okay?」

The problem is Maika.

「Maika-san…is another type of the raped girls

…Another type?

「…She’s scared of sex. It has become a complete trauma. To be simple, she’s afraid of it. It might cause androphobia for her…」


「But…She’s been in the bath together will me all this time…」

Yeah. We talked and kissed a lot.

「Don’t you think that she’s abnormally talkative in the bath?」


「Usually…someone won’t talk to their rapist about their club activities」

That might be.

「But…She didn’t hate it when I touched her in the bathroom…and we kissed multiple times」

I even licked Maika’s clitoris…
Afterwards…Maika asked if I still want to have sex…

「That’s just a flip of sense of fear. She’s alone with the rapist. She’d chose to open her body willingly than be violated by force. If she doesn’t convince herself to accept the man voluntarily, she can’t win against the fear」

Sensei said.

「Afterwards, Misuzu-san entered the bathroom…That was on purpose. I thought that you might not be able to endure it anymore. If Misuzu-san is there, she will have sex with you instead of Maika-san」

That was also Sensei’s strategy?

「When she sees Misuzu-san being madly in love with you…Maika-san’s recognition of Yoshida-kun might change. Maika-san can feel relieved if Misuzu-san is being deeply in love with you, can’t she?」

You sent Misuzu with such intention?

「As I thought…Misuzu-san has gone on a rampage and you accepted it…When it has become a slightly peaceful atmosphere…I went in…!」

Right…Sensei entered at a really right time.

「You remember what’s after that? Your penis got hard and you want to have sex once again, what kind of reaction Maika-san showed?」

…Maika was

「…She’s refusing sex. She seems very afraid」

Yeah…she did.

「In that case, Misuzu-san and I were there, you weren’t alone. IN short, that’s Maika-san’s current frank reaction to sex」


「She’s overdoing it…all this time. Even now」

I looked at Maika on the monitor…
Maika’s laughing with everyone.

「Maika-san’s still worrying about it. If it’s okay for her to become everyone’s ally. In the first place, isn’t it strange to become someone’s sex partner? she asks…She knows that she’s brought to an unexpected world. She’s quite clever…!」

This is certainly abnormal.
Maika’s still a middle school student…
For her to share a sex partner with other women…it’s crazy.

「Sensei…What should I do then?」

I asked Sensei once again.

「Anyway…You must not disturb Maika-san’s sense of fear from sex」

Sensei answered.

「That’s why you have to rape her again」


「Rape her again and again…Repeat it endlessly until it becomes pleasurable for Maika-san. That can be misled to thinking that it’s a form of love…!」

…Wait a moment

「If this continues, Maika-san will never seek sex from you…You do know that don’t you?」
「It’s not only you…Even if Maika-san gets a lover in the future, she will still refuse sex I think. Maika-san will never allow anyone to have her body. She’ll fear sex from the trauma of her first experience…and ultimately, she’ll hate sex. She’ll suffer from complete androphobia…!」


「That’s why…You have to continue wishing for her by force…」

I can’t do anything but to continue violating Maika?

「You made girls wish for you on the second time, didn’t you…Even if it was Misuzu-san or Katsuko」
「Yoshida-kun…You never seek the woman yourself」
「…I thought that a man like me would be hated by everyone」
「…You don’t want to be hated by women don’t you?」
「Or rather…I think that all of the woman in the world hates me. I still think of that even now. Hearing Sensei’s talk…Understanding that Misuzu and Maika actually just forces it…I thought ‘as expected’. It’s strange that I’m popular…!」

I think.

「But…It would be troubling if Maika-san doesn’t want to have sex with me…!」
「…Are you ready to be hated?」

Sensei smiled wryly

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「Idiot…Rape Maika-san a lot and become liked. Make her fall for you…!」


「…That’s impossible」
「Then…Do you intend to abandon Maika-san as she is…?!」

Sensei presses me…!

「…There’s no way I can abandon her!」
「Then…Rape Maika-san a lot until she falls in love with you!」


Sensei breathed deeply then said…

「…Yoshida-kun, do you know the photographer named Lee Miller?」

…Lee Miller?

「…I don’t」

Sensei laughed.

「Right…There’s no way you would」

…Then don’t ask!

「She’s more famous as Man Ray’s lover than a photographer. Of course you don’t know the artist named Man Ray either, right?」
「Lee Miller you see was a very beautiful woman. At that time, the multi millionaire Egyptian who had the titled most beautiful woman in the world had divorced her because he fell in love with Lee Miller」
「The divorced wife committed suicide…That’s how beautiful she was」

I can’t imagine it.

「Man Ray took photo of Lee Miller’s figure at night. Naked upper body, a rope pulling the neck, a poison prepared, and a piston on one hand… It was a humorous photograph but there’s live ammunition in the pistol included. Man Ray Assistant was scared as the trigger might be pulled…」

What’s the relation of that person to Maika?

「Lee Miller was of course beautiful since childhood…too beautiful that she was raped when she was 8…!」


「But…an 8 year old girl would just agree on anything don’t you think?」


「Of course…Her rape experience caused a deep trauma in her. Therefore, the adults around her couldn’t tell her that sexual desire and love are different…!」

That means?

「The feeling of love and the feeling of want to have sex are different…She was brought up given that idea. But…She grew up as a woman wild at sex. It can’t be helped…Loving someone and wanting to have sex with someone is different. Even if she has a lover, she sleeps with other men she wants to have sex with easily…」

She was raised in such a manner so it can’t be helped that it has become like that.

「In the end…She broke up with Man ray and with the Egyptian Millionare…She changed one man after another. She settled down after middle age…When her beauty declined. In the end, she remarried with an artist of surrealism but…it seems that she didn’t like that person that much. They weren’t divorced because the son was born」

Sensei said.

「It’s not just Lee Miller. There’s a lot of women who got their life controlled by the first sex instilled in them. I’m the same」


「I became a prostitute when I was 12. Of course I never had a boy I loved back then…raped, everyday, taking care of guests…men, sex, those things convinced me. I hate everyone」

Sensei looked at a distance.

「You see…people are really weak. As long as they have allies…They can survive the situation somehow. You’ll think that you’re not alone in this situation after all. Prostitutes encourage each other then hope to live somehow…Those days」

Sensei looks at the wine in the glass.

「Megumi’s mother, Keiko-san, you see…I upright when that person was here」

Megumi’s mother?

「Keiko-san was deceived by Shirasaka Sousuke when she was 19 and was confined here. Then she gave birth to Megumi…and was thrown to prostitution. Keiko-san had a lover…」


「Keiko-san always talks about her lover to us. I understood that Keiko-san really loved that person. In addition, after knowing how kind Keiko-san’s lover is…we were taught that there’s such love outside this mansion…! We took Keiko-san’s love story as our story and listened. This mansion is hell but…The outside is a wonderful world. We saw that there’s a kind man and woman relationship that’s not bought by money. Therefore…I think that I wasn’t twisted by the grudge…」

Sensei drinks up the wine in the glass.
Her throat sounds gulping.

「…Then there’s Maika-san…make her convinced that man has to have sex with the woman he likes. You rape Maika-san because you love her so much you can’t help it. Also…Normal men will never do it but…Yoshida-kun loves Maika-san more than anyone so you have no choice but to do it…! Let her body remember it. Restrain Maika-san. Violate Maika-san every time she talks about other boys. Declare that she can’t have sex with any other men than you…!」

…Sensei’s words sticks in me.

「…Is that okay?」
「It can’t be helped…You already raped Maika-san. Do it thoroughly. Rape is your expression of love…Convince her that your love for Maika-san won’t compare to other men」
「…We’re fooling her?」
「That’s right, continue to deceive her for the rest of your life! Fool and deceive her and if goes through…She’d be convinced that today’s rape was a result of too much love.1 Change her fright to beautiful memories…!」


「What if Maika has someone she likes…?!」

I must back away.

「Yoshida-kun! Why are you looking at Maika-san from below?!」

Sensei’s angry.

「You’re the person concerned! Even if you lie to her or anything…Miaka-san’s already one of your lovers!」
「I know that…!」
「No, you don’t! Isn’t it your mission to fight the 『man』who appears as a rival in love for Maika-san?!」

…My mission?

「Isn’t that obvious?! You like Maika-san that you forcibly raped her and made her your 『Woman』! You must not just easily back down on whoever appears! Fight with all your power! Get ready to not hand her to other men even if you die…!」

…That’s right.
It is as Sensei said.
That’s something I must do.

「In the first place…your relationship with Maika-san can’t just have some strong opponent who can kidnap Maika-san from the side, or else Maika-san will never be happy! Blow away those novice men…I order you!」


「Yes, Understood!」

I answered.

「I’m telling you…It’s the same for other girls. Katsuko, Nagisa, Megumi, and Misuzu-san…Love them to death. Think that you should never hand them to other men. Those girls won’t be with a 『Man』without that spirit…!」
「…Yes, I’m ready」

Sensei smiled.

「…Yoshida-kun, you cannot easily die now」

I have to make them happy.

「Live with all your best…Not for your sake but for those girls」

I have to live for those girls.

「Uhm…Sensei, what about Nei-san?」

Why did Nei-san’s name not come out of Sensei’s mouth?

「…Nei’s okay for now…You don’t have to think of Nei as your 『Woman』until she’s ready to give her virginity to you」

Sensei said coldly.

「But…I also treasure Nei-san」

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Sensei glared at me…

「You have to differentiate! You have to give priority to the 『Women』you have right now don’t you? If not, it would be rude for them!」

…Certainly, it might be so

「I’m not telling you to abandon Nei but…you need to identify who you should prioritize. Decide it right now」

…Sensei urged me for a decision.

「Listen…You’re on a boat with everyone and that boat is sinking. You have to decide who’s going to be picked up by the rescue boat in order. Katsuko, Nagisa, Nei, Megumi, Misuzu-san, Maika-san…Decide on your priorities」


「If I was Yosihda-kun…I would make the order of Misuzu-san, Megumi, Nagisa, Nei, Katsuko, and Maika-san」

Sensei said.

「Misuzu-san is Kouzuki-sama’s grandchild so I’ll help her first. Next would be Megumi. She’s my treasure. Next is Nagisa. She has to get on as there’s also Mao. Nei’s next. Katsuko is after her. Maika-san will be the last one…!」

Sensei doesn’t like Maika?

「…What about you? Answer right now!」

…If it was me

「The youngest, Maika would go first. Next is Megumi, then Misuzu. After that, Nei-san. Nagisa-san…Though I’m sorry, Katsuko-nee would be the last」

Yeah…I think that should be.

「…Yoshida-kun’s evaluation of Nei is too high」

Sensei’s a bit surprised.

「…Because, isn’t Nei-san Beautiful?」

I answered.

「Well…There’s that part where you still haven’t had sex with Nei. Put Nei on the last. Nei’s the most postponed」
「Yoshida-kun…You do know that men aren’t skillful don’t you?」

Sensei said in a slightly ridiculous tone.

「I do」
「You should give priority to those you want to help first. Nei’s okay to be put off for later…Margo and I are with her…」

Nei-san doesn’t need my help in particular.

「Anyway…Prioritize those who are already your 『Woman』 Okay?!」

Sensei strongly orders me.

「…Yes, understood」

I couldn’t answer but that.

「But, I feel relieved…Yoshida-kun understands it」
「The order Yoshida-kun just said is the same as the order of the girls who doesn’t trust Yoshida-kun yet…!」

…In short.
Maika doesn’t trust me that much?
I know that…
But…Is Megumi the same?

「Do you remember what Megumi says Recently?」


「She’s always saying 『I want you to violate me』or 『Sex Slave』doesn’t she?」

…Sensei’s watching properly.

「Don’t you think that’s the similar reaction to Misuzu before she completely trusted you?」

…I see.
Her fear of sex is strong so she’s says that she wants to be violated by force.
Her trust on me is still thin so…She says she’s okay being a 『Sex Slave』oppositely.
Megumi’s words are all turned upside down…!

「…You got it. Please be careful with Megumi. She’s overdoing it even earlier this morning」

She declared to her senpai in club that she’ll bear my child.
Megumi’s cornering herself on purpose.

「The fear of reality…makes her run in a strange direction. You know that Shirasaka Sousuke plans to turn Megumi into a prostitute don’t you?」
「I was able to prevent it somehow but…We need to pull her from Yamamine house for that sake. We can’t trouble Yamamine-san after all…」

Yamamine house is indebt with Shirasaka house…

「Right now…She’s in considerable stress. Among them, she gave her virginity to you and left all of decision making of her life to you…」


「But…That doesn’t mean she loves you from the bottom of her heart. You were just there by chance…that’s why Megumi wanted you. Megumi’s a kind girl so she threw herself to Yoshida-kun because her body is wanted」

Thus…Megumi gave her virginity to me…

「The current doesn’t matter…The problem is the future」

Sensei looks at me…

「I’ll ask of you…take care of Megumi. Love her for real. Don’t make her regret that she gave her virginity to you…!」


「…Yes, understood」

I took Sensei’s words heavily…

「It’s not just Megumi though…Katsuko, Nagisa…Nei and Margo too…Don’t disappoint them. Everyone believes Yoshida-kun…!」

…Before I noticed.
I made bonds with various people.
If those people believe me…
I must not betray them…!

「Anyway…Snap into them with your life on the line. You can no longer go back …!」

Sensei told me.

「Got it…I’ll do my best」

Anyway…I have to do my best.
There’s nothing else.

「I’m going back to our topic…It’s courtesy for a man like you to wish sex with your own 『Woman』 It’s not just for Maika-san…for the other girls too」

Misuzu, Megumi, Katsuko-nee and Nagisa-san too…

「Women would feel happy if you ask for sex yourself… You don’t understand that feeling don’t you?」

…I don’t understand it at all.
I really didn’t think about them.
In the end…I just protected myself.
To prevent them from hating me…
I never noticed what those women want from me.

「…I think that it’s trouble but it’s something you have done so take responsibility until the end」

Sensei’s words made my back shiver.

「…I’ll do all of my best!」

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Sensei smiled at me.

「Anyway…Maika-san’s first.」 You’re going to rape her by evening. While everyone’s watching. After that…Maika would meet Megumi


「Making her meet Magumi and let her be aware that both of them are Yoshida-kun’s 『Woman』 We’ll finish this today. This kind of recovery won’t work if time pass by… Maika-san will go to Ikeda clinic after this. That’s why, have sex with her even if she complains about the pain. Ejaculate inside Maika-san’s womb okay?」

Sensei said…


Apart from Megumi…To be honest, I never thought that Sensei’s thinking about Maika this far.

「…Then, we’re going to have Maika-san stay here today. She’ll sleep in the same bed as you at night and someone else will be with you two. It would be dangerous for her to return home today. Once she becomes alone, the rape would flash back to her.」

Maika cannot be alone.

「The fear would be reproduced and Maika-san would establish to recognize that it’s an unpleasant memory. Once that happens, she can no longer recover…That’s why you should be with her all the time tonight. Don’t ever leave her. Don’t even let her go alone to the restroom」

I have to be with Maika all the time.
…I can’t let her go alone in the bathroom.

「Embrace Maika-san in sleep tonight. Then, wake her up calmly while still embracing her tomorrow… Then, I think most of her fear to you would disappear…」


「…Sensei, why are you thinking that far for Maika?」

…Even though she’s the lowest on Sensei’s priority earlier?
Sensei made an unpleasant face.

「…I don’t care whatever happens to her」


「Maika-san’s Shirasaka’s daughter…Actually, I want to sell her on a foreign brothel」


「…Then why?」
「…I’m thinking for your sake! So that you won’t feel unpleasant!」


「I’m a high school teacher but I’ve never done anything teacher-like. I just registered there as a talent scout for 『Kuromori』…I was never a homeroom teacher for these five years. I’m not an advise of any clubs either. I go around being an English teacher just to look for girls becoming candidates…」

Sensei smiled.

「I want to become a teacher-like for Yoshida-kun. I want to teach you as my final act…then resign as a teacher」

Sensei became a teacher for 『Kuromori』…
If her revenge against Shirasaka Sousuke ends…Kuromori will be completely closed.
Yuzuki-sensei doesn’t need to remain a teacher anymore…

「I’ll tell you my priority order right now…!」

Sensei said with a soft smile.

「In my case…Yoshida-kun, Agnes, Megumi, Nei, Katsuko, Yukiyo, Nagisa, Margo, Misuzu-san, and Maika…」


「I want to be trusted by Yoshida-kun more. I’m most worried about you…!」

Yuzuki-sensei said.

「You’re my final student…」

◇ ◇ ◇

Coming back to the dining room…Everyone’s still talking.
When it’s just between girls, they’re noisy.

「Oooh! Yo-chan! How was it? What did Sensei tell you?」

Nei-san asks me.
Though she drank plenty of wine, she’s not blushing at all.
Nei-san…are you strong in liquor?

「…I can put of Nei-san for later so I have to love Maika and Misuzu the most!」

I answered honestly!

「What’s that?! Sensei you meanie!」

Nei-san is in bad temper…

「As expected of Yuzuki-sama! She knows it well!」

Misuzu comes to me.

「We’ve been permitted by Yuzuki-sama so, Maika-san, let’s get loved a lot!」

Misuzu told Maika, but…


Maika got tense from the word 『Loved』

「Yes? Danna-sama?」

I embraced and kissed Misuzu.
After that, I massage her naked ass under her skirt.

「…W-What are you doing?!」

Misuzu trembled in surprise.

「…Doing what Sensei told me. If I really love you, then I must not hold back」

I told Maika and Misuzu.

「I really like Misuzu so I will touch Misuzu, kiss…and have sex with Misuzu. I was told to demand more by myself…!

Maika’s frightened by my words.
Then…Misuzu smiled.
She’s secretly surprised…
Misuzu’s internal unrest…when I heard Sensei’s explanation, I understood it.
Though it’s not scary for her to lean by herself…Misuzu’s not used to being wanted by me.
She’s feeling fear from man’s desires.

「That’s right, as expected of Ojou-sama…! It’s been too much of girls wanting you until now. I think it’s okay to be more aggressive…!」

Katsuko-nee told me.


I want Katsuko-nee’s lips…
I kissed Katsuko-nee.

「Misuzu…Let me touch your ass more. I like the feeling of Misuzu’s ass」

When I said 「Like」, Misuzu’s perplexed face turned bright instantly.

「Do you really like Misuzu’s ass?!」
「That’s right. I’m saying that I love it」

Misuzu jumps into my chest!

「I’m glad! Please touch it!」

Misuzu doesn’t break her posture of giving herself to me until the end.
Well…There’s no help for that for now.
My current target is Maika…
I’ll hold Maika with Misuzu as base…
I’ll rape her once again…!

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