Purple Lightning Emperor

Chapter 79: One Against All II

The red lightning scythe was simply like the true scythe in the hands of the god of death that reaped the souls of the dead, and Shad's killing intent that caused one's heart to palpitate with fear flawlessly combined with the blood-red electrical sparks that swirled around his body, causing him to seem like the god of death that had walked out from the underworld and arrived in the world of men to reap the souls of the dead.

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" Ignorant fool, no matter how strong you are, there's no way you will get out from this place alive." Said one of the 5th rank warriors. His imposing aura of a 5th rank warrior instantly surged from his body as he directly threw a punch towards Shad. Battle qi swirled around his fist forming a sort of protective barrier.

One has to understand, a 1st rank warrior has the strength to lift up a hundred pound easily with one hand. However, once broken through the 4th to the 6th rank, there's a substantial increase of three hundred pounds for each breakthrough. So one could easily imagine the force or the strength behind this 5th rank warrior's punch. And because he used battle qi to coat his fist while throwing that punch, it almost doubled the force behind that punch. In another word, that single punch of that 5th rank warrior was sufficient to crush a small hill into pieces.

Seeing how the 4th leader pounced towards Shad fearlessly, the thousand of bandits' confidence suddenly rose. Earlier they were afraid of approaching Shad because of the enormous killing intent that was emitting from his body as well the red lightning sickle on his right hand, but now that their 4th leader has made the first move, they suddenly became brave and were confident that Shad was a goner.

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Shad was just a 5th rank mage from their point of view, his mana or magic power wasn't unlimited, there's no way he could kill them all by himself. Even though Shad was able to use lightning energy without casting any magic spell, they always believed that he casts a spell upon himself all the time before he went to battle. There was no such thing as people using fire or lightning without the use of magic spell in this world.

There were many cases where mages cast a magic spell upon themselves before a battle, such as a wind magic spell that allowed the mage's body to be light as a feather or run faster and become one with the wind or a fortification magic spell that hardened their body or allowed the user's fist to penetrate solid steel with ease. Because of that, most of them thought Shad had used some sort high-level magic spell that allowed him to control lightning bolt for a period of time without the need to cast a magic spell. As for someone using the magic element without the use of a magic spell as a medium, that was unheard of and also impossible.

While the thousand of bandits who had their hopes up and their confidence back when their 4th leader launched a powerful attack at Shad, The following scene caused every one of them to be shocked greatly.

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Shad stood there without dodging or avoiding the incoming powerful punch, and he didn't even move in the slightest before similarly and lightly slapping out with his left palm to collide with the 5th rank warrior's fist, an unparalleled fiery ball of crimson rays of light that was extremely enormous and hot like the sun, suddenly sprayed out from Shad's palm to directly drown the 5th rank warrior within it.

Seeing this crimson rays of light coming out from Shad's palm which was getting bigger and bigger the closer he got, the 5th rank warrior had a look of horror on his face. The ball of red light that was like a ball of red lightning was so hot, that it even burnt the air and space around it. The 5th rank warrior fell as though his fist and his whole body were about to collide against the sun itself or an inferno.

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Accompanied by an enormous bang, the huge ball of red lightning collide against the 5th rank warrior's fist untill he enveloped his whole body. The intense collision caused the ground to tremble. The huge ball of red lightning did not stop after colliding with the 5th rank warrior who had turned into nothingness without the chance to cry but continued to rip its way to the surrounding people and houses as their miserable cries echoed into the night.

Seeing this, everyone was alarmed and had a terrified look on their faces. those who weren't in the way of the ball of the red lightning bolt had all receded like a tidal wave. Although they did not suffer from the clash, the heat radiated from it scorched the skin on their faces and the flesh beneath was started to cook.

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After a few seconds, the huge ball of red lightning started to slowly dissipate until it disappeared as though it was an illusion, but everyone present knew it wasn't. Especially after seeing the long trail of the deep crater it left behind and the numerous houses that were uprooted as the result.

" How could this be possible? wasn't he just a 5th class mage at most? How could he possess such a terrifying strength?"

Everyone was shocked as the palm strike that seemed to be struck out casually had directly blasted their 4th leader who was a 5th rank warrior apart without leaving not even a single bone behind and burned to death more than a hundred of them on the way. How ferocious and terrifying was this?

" If you guys want to stand a chance against me, I am afraid you all have to attack together. To tell you the truth, even I don't know the true extent and the depth of my power." Shad evaluated indifferently before turning to sweep the others with his cold gaze.
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