Purple Lightning Emperor

Chapter 82: One Against All V

Tonight, the moon looked pale and wan, as if it shouldn't be up on a night like this. It rose unwillingly and hung above the sky of the Egul continent like an ill specter.

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It splashed down its watery white silver rays glow onto the highest mountain of the black mist forest, bathing it, illuminating it.

Though the ground of the village within the highest mountain of the black mist forest glistened as if the rain had fallen, the liquid that shone wasn't clear but red.

At this moment, the clangor of the swords had died away and the shouting of the slaughter was hushed, silence lay on the red-stained ground.

In the northern part of the little village, Shad calmly stood there with the crimson scythe in his right hand as his body was surrounded by red lightning. Thunderous crackle appeared as these red lightning bolts intertwined together, it was as if he was the God of Thunder and the Grim Reaper combined together.

There was a mountain of corpses around him and blood ran like rivers under his feet, creating a horrific picture. These bodies, once the repositories of people as alive as he is, were now nothing but abandoned shells left to rot in the open.

Over a short of an amount of time, Shad had killed so many bandits that he had lost count.

At this time, the lucky survivors that had already run far away from the village felt as though they had just escaped from the gate of hell.

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Even the most notorious bandits shuddered in fear while looking at the young man from afar, compared to him and his cruelty, they were just like newborn babies. Some of them even had their mouth wide open, still, haven't closed them after a long time for their souls have not yet returned.

At this minute, Shad presence alone was enough to suffocate them, there was no need to speak. His imperious attitude right now was not a posture for show and instead was a confident bearing.

" I thought you all wanted to kill me, don't tell me you all gonna run with your tails tuck between your legs like a bunch of cowards." Shad's cold gaze not only swept through the battlefield, but he also glanced at those bandits who had escaped and were standing far on the horizon, watching him.

At this point, the world stood still in silence as a response to Shad's arrogant provocation, no one dared to come out.

" It seemed like none of them dare to come out, I think it's time to test these shadows you are so confident of," Shad said as he gazed at Marcus smilingly.

At this point, the scene froze since everyone couldn't help but holds their breaths with extreme tension. Prior to this, no one had thought that the situation would develop to such a point.

Marcus stood not too far from Shad, his eyes were emanating an extreme killing intent as though he could not wait to kill Shad and drank his blood.

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"I have to admit that you are quite formidable. However, with one wrong move, you will lose the entire game. His Highness the 3rd imperial prince will rule this world and nothing can change that or block his path." He said coldly.

" Did you come back here to talk me to death or to fight?" Asked Shad with a playful smile on his face.

" Quite bold and arrogant, aren't you?" Marcus sneered and retorted: " I want to see just how strong you are. Use your best moves, I'm ready to deal with all of them!"

Marcus's strong attitude surprised many of the bandits that were looking at them from far.

Shad killing so many of them with that damn red lightning scythe in his hand had already given them a fright and even broke their will to fight, yet Marcus dared to speak to him that way. They agreed that Marcus was powerful, but they also knew that he wouldn't be able to kill the 4th imperial prince. He would not be able to reverse the situation unless he had an overwhelmingly powerful killing move.

After this battle, every one of the survivors knew just how frightening this young man was and this red lightning scythe in his hand. Thus, Marcus choosing to fight without retreating was a source of surprise.

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" Truly brave." Shad smiled and said after hearing Marcus's decision to face him: " You want to test me and learn more about me? Unfortunately, I'm afraid that you will be let down since I won't use any magic spells or killing moves, this red lightning scythe will be enough." Shad then pointed the red lightning scythe towards him after saying this.

Shad's answer woke many of the bandits up from their ignorance. Many admired Marcus even more.

The 4th Imperial prince was truly a freak of nature and a beast, but Marcus chose to fight him not out of impulse, It was purposely to test him.

Since the beginning of the fight, he was fighting without casting any magic spells. Even though he had used the red lightning scythe which was very powerful, they still felt that he had a more powerful technique and magic spell at his disposal. They felt that he was only training with them and he did not show his real and true strength or potential.

Now, Marcus boldly meeting him was to test his limits in order to pave a straight path for his highness and the other commanders.

Since this has come this far, there was no chance for reconciliation between the two of them. One side must die. At this time, no one knew how powerful the 4th imperial prince really was. Although the 3rd imperial prince of the Nicholas Empire and his Red Storm Legion was considered invincible, they didn't have the advantage in this situation. Marcus wanted to fight this battle for his highness and to investigate Shad in his stead.

Marcus didn't only act as a strategist for the 3rd imperial prince, he would also wipe out his opposition.

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All the surviving bandits were looking afar and were secretly speculating how this battle would end.

" It's pointless to talk anymore, just make your move." Marcus coldly declared.

At this moment, the six shadows that were behind him quickly formed a circle around Shad like an inescapable net, Cutting any escape route. while the six shadows surrounded Shad, Marcus had already started to cast a magic spell.


Six blood red magic circles appeared underneath the six shadows. As soon as they appeared, they devoured the entire river of blood within the small village, including the corpses. The six magic circles were like a blood-sucking demonic beast that caused even some of the bandits that were watching from afar to shiver.

"Ahhh!" Miserable screams resounded throughout the village as the six magic circles sucked up even some the unprepared bandits that were playing dead and instantly refined them into mists of blood that were drained into the body of the six shadows.

"Roar." A load of roar sounded out as the six shadows suddenly materialized into six giant blood-red animated corpses and blocked Shad's advance. Although they were few in number, the six giant blood-red animated corpses gave him the feeling of an impenetrable bastion and had the momentum of a grand army.

" I don't know you were able to see my void shadow spirits and even kept your whole body shrouded with lightning bolts throughout the whole battle which made it impossible for me to invade your body, but did you really think that taking over one's body was the only thing that my void shadow spirits can do." Marcus coldly said while looking at Shad with a sneer on his face.
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