Wang Zhicheng, who was on the other side of the phone, didn’t notice that his wife’s voice was not as timid as it used to be and immediately commanded, “You head home immediately and kneel in front of my mother and Jiaojiao. Admit your mistake and beg for their forgiveness. Afterward, hand over the clothing shop to Jiaojiao once again. From now on, you will stay home and are prohibited from going anywhere, just serve my parents well.”

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Lin Mengmeng practically almost kneels down at Wang Zhicheng’s shamelessness.

“Hah, Wang Zhicheng, are you out of your mind? Let me tell you, those people are your mother and sister, who don’t have the slightest amount of blood relationship with me. Why should I be serving them and still have to give Wang Jiaojiao the clothing shop that my parents left for me? Even more so, kneel down and beg? You really have the nerve to say that! I think you’ve consumed too much trash!”

Once she finished her scolding, Lin Mengmeng hung up the phone nimbly and directly pulled Wang Zhicheng’s phone number into the blacklist.

After doing this, she hummed a little tune in a happy mood… and continued to cook!

In the evening, Lin Mengmeng briefly went over some bills and then took a bath and apply her face mask. Taking care of herself according to the self-care method she had previously learned from the previous mission. She then gave her whole body, from top to bottom, self-care treatments. After completing the routine, it was already past midnight. Yawning and lying down on the bed, she went to look for a meeting with Zhougong1.

1Also known as the “God of Dreams”, another way of saying she went to sleep.

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Sleeping in a daze, there was a faint sound of ‘thump thump thump’. At first, Lin Mengmeng thought it was a hallucination and didn’t give much care to it, but as the sound grew louder and louder, she had no choice but to get up from bed and remotely turned on the lights.

She walked to the door in front of the living room, where the thumping sound came from.

To tell the truth, the Lin Mengmeng inside her heart is a baby. There shouldn’t be too many thieves and robbers around in such a place, however, the pounding sound on the door is extremely rhythmic as if it was set up. Giving her the possibility that there could be things like spiritual beings. After all, compared to thieves and looting crimes, she is more afraid of ghosts…

“2333, is there a robber or a thief outside?” Lin Mengmeng couldn’t help calling out to her ally to give her courage.

“No!” 2333 answered quite succinctly.

“Then… is it a bad person?” Lin Mengmeng couldn’t help swallowing and asked.

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“Then……then……is-is it that?” Oh my God! It’s really not that sort of thing you’re thinking of! Yingyingying2, the human is so afraid…

2expresses grievances or crying (in a cute way)

At this time, Lin Mengmeng’s heart was almost in her throat. She placed her hand over her little heart that was about to jump out of her chest and stuttered as she continue to ask questions.

“…Definitely not! Go look.” 2333 is about to cry stupidly because of a certain someone. In a small world like this, that kind of thing and mankind exists in the same world, in parallel time and space. How can there be absolutely no connection between the two?

Hearing that 2333 said no, Lin Mengmeng immediately felt relieved. She held a baseball bat firmly in her hand and raised it high, quickly opening the door with the other hand.

Lin Mengmeng, who was about to strike down with the bat, widened her eyes in surprise when she saw the person coming in. Even forgetting to put down the baseball bat held up high in her hand.

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However, before she could speak, the person seemed to have not seen Lin Mengmeng, this big living person standing there, directly passed her as they walked into her bedroom step by step…

Lin Mengmeng: “…”

So, what the hell is this?

Seeing someone enter her bedroom, Lin Mengmeng finally woke up like she was in a dream. She threw away the baseball stick in her hand and rushed into the bedroom—

“Ye Qingcheng! What are you doing in my room! Come out for me—”

Author’s Note:

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There are some darlings who think that I’ve made the story too long and that it was unnecessary to have written so many chapters regarding the husband’s sister. However, I believe that everyone has read the beginning of this story. In the original host’s wish, it was specified that she wished to get revenge against the Wang family [T/N: Ref. Arc 2.4 | Chapter 32].

Furthermore, she didn’t mention anything about finding a man, and our Lin Mengmeng never knew that the system she was bound to, requires her to attack the male god. So she is now only focusing on the original owner’s wish [Ref. Arc 1.2 | Chapter 2].

Ahem, to put it bluntly, that is, this Da Zhaizhai does not want to write only about meat for the sake of meat. What would the difference between two strangers having a one-night stand and the two leads engaging in promiscuity be then?

What I want is that no matter what the plot of the story is, it can be written to that the readers can enjoy it, and not every little plot in the whole story is about meat.

Now that I have mentioned this, I would like to remind my future readers: For those of you who simply want to read meat, this writing of mine may not be suitable for you~

T/N: Wow! The scumbag husband…I can’t…so damn shameless, definitely would love to beat him up if I could.

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