The necklines of the left and right folds were pulled apart to reveal the towering snowy peaks without any cover. Even in their reclining action, the two tall and plump peaks still stood proudly with two lovable, pointed peaks erected on top. The beautiful color entices people to want to play with it.

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“Mm, PoPo, you’re so soft…” Ye Qingcheng had his eyes closed as his face pressed tightly onto the soft breast on one side, while his hand held onto the other side, unconsciously grasping as his mouth uttered out a soft murmur.

“Ah—uhn…” The erected, little tip was pinched defenselessly, causing Lin Mengmeng to finally recovered from the memories of the previous world. Looking at this lewd scene before her eyes, she simply didn’t know what to say.

If want to push him away, then the first thing they say to do is not to remain motionless but she couldn’t. On the other hand, she was ashamed to want more.

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It seemed that he had touched something fun to play with, after he had pinched the little, semi-hard pearl amid the softness, it gradually became stiffer. So he couldn’t resist bullying the poor little thing even harder.

His face was lifted from the soft chest, and the bright red cherry, which was originally pressed down tightly, immediately raised so as not to be outdone.

Still unaware, a certain somebody lowered his head and rubbed against the soft breast, sniffing at the sweet-smelling milk fragrance. Hesitatingly stuck out his tongue to lick the snow-white breast, appearing to be extremely satisfied, his tongue slowly began to stir up her breast.

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“Ah! No, not good…” The moment the soft tongue made contact with the sensitive erected nipple, Lin Mengmeng immediately felt a burst of tingling sensation affecting her whole body like an electric shock.

The tip of the nimble tongue swirled around the top of the little nipple, and the saliva covered and drench the entire nipple. In midst of Lin Mengmeng’s confusion, he readily put it in his mouth and sucked vigorously.

“Um……lighter, don’t do it so hard…” The pleasure of being sucked on is mixed with a faint feeling of pain caused by the excessive force, this way of energetically sucking resembles that of needing to suck milk.

After a while, the strength of the suction gradually became weaker, and the movement of someone’s hand also stopped, making Lin Mengmeng unable to move up or down, and then there was no further movement…

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Lin Mengmeng was burning with desire, but to no avail, the person’s body ceased to have any movement. She also couldn’t push him away, so she can only close her eyes.

Originally, she thought that she couldn’t sleep, but after a while, the drowsiness struck, so she fell asleep just like this.

Early the next morning, Ye Qingchen was about to wake up in a daze. He felt that today’s quilt was exceptionally soft and comfortable and the feeling of lying on it was wonderful. He moved his mouth out of habit and felt a soft pearl in his mouth. Sticking out his tongue to probe about, only to magically feel that the soft pearl slowly began to harden.

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This miraculous discovery made the originally confused Ye Qingcheng awake a little more. Although he still hasn’t opened his eyes, he tentatively nibbled at it softly with his teeth a few times—

“Wuu…en…don’t disturb…” Lin Mengmeng, who was in shallow sleep, moans unconsciously as a strange feeling came from her chest.

The voice that was not too small nor too loud immediately scared Ye Qingchen and completely sobered him up. His dark, bright eyes suddenly opened and caught sight of the ball of soft flesh firmly grasped in his hand, with a tender, red fruit standing on top of it.

The softness of the touch passed through his palm and spread to his brain, and he couldn’t help squeezing it a few times. That soft and sweet moaning sound passed through his ears once again.

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