Looking at the rapidly decreasing amount of food, Lin Mengmeng was practically dumbfounded. She quickly move the plate of her favorite cola spare ribs in front of her and busied herself when she saw that there were very few pieces remaining. 

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You’re kidding, how can you let others be off cheap when you’ve been busy for the past couple of hours!

Having eaten and drunk to his heart’s content, Liu Jia picked his teeth disregarding his image and praised Lin Mengmeng’s cooking skills to the high heaven.

“Sister Mengmeng, your cooking is so delicious. I haven’t eaten such a delicious meal in a long time. I have been eating takeouts every day that I’m almost gonna throw up.”

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After one meal, Miss Lin was upgraded to Sister Mengmeng…

Lin Mengmeng casually asked while cleaning up the plates and bowls that were only left with the soup water, “How so, you guys can try to find an auntie to make your meals. If not, then you can still go eat at a restaurant every day. In any case, it’s worth the money.”

Speaking of this, Liu Jia’s expression became very bitter, “You don’t know, when Ah Cheng previously didn’t live here at all, he has hired an auntie. But after hiring three in total, as a result, something happened. That’s why Ah Cheng moved here and also didn’t hire any housekeeper.”

Although he didn’t say exactly what it was that happened, Lin Mengmeng could just about make a pretty close guess. For celebrities, it’s nothing more than the leakage of personal privacy and the severity of it varies.

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She remembered that when Ye Qingcheng had just debuted, there was a script leak that happened. There was a lot of uproar at that time because they all signed a non-disclosure agreement. The leak of the script not only offended the producer, but Ye Qingchen’s role which was obtained with great difficulty was said to be no more, and even nearly caused a lawsuit.

Having offended the producer, a well-known director, almost getting into a lawsuit,  having his credibility threatened, and so on. . .almost ruined Ye Qingcheng’s acting career. If he had not persevered at the time, then he would not be where he is today.

* * * * * *

When Lin Mengmeng watch the press conference for the reality show on TV and astonishingly, Wang Zhicheng became one of the guests, ah fuck.

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Sure enough, he has extorted a lot of money from the original host over the years. Even if she didn’t sell a house to help him, wouldn’t he still be able to spend that money to get this opportunity?

Watching the TV, a reporter interviewed Wang Zhicheng and asked him why he had taken a fancy to an unattractive woman as his wife moreover, they were not a good match in terms of appearance. Wang Zhicheng’s affectionate appearance was especially captured by the camera, saying that he only loves her in this life.

Lin Mengmeng simply almost threw up in disgust, okay?

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She gently played with the remote control in her hand, looking at Wang Zhicheng’s disgusting face, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and an evil smile appeared in her eyes.

Humph! I will let you be proud for a while now. Then I will let you know what it means to gain and then lose, to fall from a high place to a low point; like a mouse passing through the street, to be beaten and cursed at by everyone, and naturally what it feels like to be in despair.

After the press conference, Wang Zhicheng’s company also started its operation to focus on him since the reality show he is participating in is not of those second-rate or third-rate shows of the past. The program this time will be broadcasted on the highest-rated domestic broadcasting station, so there is a certain guarantee of popularity.

Therefore, under the vigorous operation of the company’s management team, the cooperation of the program team, and the joint promotion with the Internet gunmen1, Wang Zhicheng became popular.

1Some of you probably have already heard of the term 网络水军 “Internet water army”/ Internet navy”, it also can be known as the 网络枪手 “Internet gunmen” which the author had written. These are online writers who are hired to influence normal, ordinary netizens by disguising themselves as one of them through posting, replying, and disseminating blog posts on specific content. (I translated the word as gunmen but if any of you guys know chinese and think that there is a better translation, feel free to let me know.)

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