“Ah, Brother An, you’re here as well, that’s really great.” Lin Mengmeng’s gaze was fixed on Zhou An’s body and under the gaze of the three people, she rushed to his side and intimately hugged his arm.

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Zhou An looked down at the girl hugging him in surprise, although he was quite puzzled on the inside, it didn’t show on his face. After careful observation, he felt that the girl looked familiar and he thought that it should be someone he had met before.

Without waiting for Zhou An to speak, Gu Shanshan’s somewhat impatient and jealous voice came out, “Who are you? How can you just casually come in and hug our manager?” Seeing the person she likes being held by another woman, that kind of intimacy was something she had wished for but couldn’t obtain. So she was blinded by jealousy and completely overlooked the words “Brother An” from Lin Mengmeng’s mouth.

Lin Mengmeng rubbed against Zhou An’s arm affectionately, after hearing Gu Shanshan’s questioning, she immediately straightened her back and stuck out her impressive chest. With a proud look, she said, “Brother An is my fiancé, I will hug him if I want to.” After speaking, she secretly glanced at Zhou An and found that the other party was staring right at her. Her face suddenly felt like it was on fire and her proud little head was lowered shyly. Her eyes were fixed down on her toes but the hands that hugged Zhou An added a few more points of strength.

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Only then did Zhou An finally understood, evidently recalling that he did indeed have a fiancée. The arm that was originally about to be withdrawn remained in its place, letting Lin Mengmeng to continue holding it.

It was no wonder that he couldn’t recognize the person, from the time he learned that he had a fiancée, he only ever had a face-to-face meeting with her. That meeting was during her eighteen-year-old coming of age ceremony and he didn’t even say a word. The deepest impression of this fiancée of his was her little head always hanging low in addition to saying a few pitiful words.

Zhou An lowered his head and looked at Lin Mengmeng. He hadn’t seen her for a few years now and he didn’t expect that the little girl, who was so shy back then, was much bolder now.

“Fi-fiancée? How is this possible?” Gu Shanshan looked incredulous. She stared at Zhou An, looking forward to his denial and expecting him to give her an explanation.

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It’s just that she forgot that she wasn’t his, Zhou An has yet to fall in love with her at this time, and naturally, it was impossible for him to give her the answer she wanted like in the previous life.

When the elevator arrived at the intended floor, Lin Mengmeng immediately followed Zhou An out of the elevator with Secretary Zhao following closely behind them. Only Gu Shanshan was still standing there all stiff, motionless.

Taking pity on Gu Shanshan, Secretary Zhao reminded Gu Shanshan and then headed towards his own office.

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“How come you’re here?” Zhou An asked Lin Mengmeng.

“Daddy said that we will get married when I graduate, so let me come here to cultivate feelings with you…” The more she talked, the smaller her voice became. Under Zhou An’s gaze, she blushed and lowered her little head.

Zhou An found it a bit funny, the little girl seems to get so shy easily.

Just then his cell phone rang, it was the landline from home.

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“Hello, Dad…Yeah, I know…the person had already arrived. Don’t worry…en…okay.” On one hand, he was answering the phone and on the other hand, he was looking at Lin Mengmeng.

After hanging up the phone, he looked to the side at the little girl who seemed to be restless and said, “My dad called just now, and you probably already know what he said.”

Lin Mengmeng nodded obediently.

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