Qing Kai

Chapter 19

After returning home, Jiang Ling felt guilty for a while.

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Her tablemate didn’t believe the reason that she made up, and asked her several times if she really didn’t know Lin Qing Kai. Jiang Ling was stubborn and unyielding. If she doesn’t know him, she doesn’t know him.



As a result, she was exposed the next evening.



The school has a semi-closed environment, and boarding students are not allowed to leave school. At dinner the next day, her tablemate took out two fake slips. She said that there is a new snack bar nearby, it was popular and have very good food.



When the two of them got there, the shop was almost full. There was a long queue at the ordering line.



They divided the work and cooperated. Jiang Ling lined up and her tablemate went to find a seat.



While waiting for the food, she turned around to look for her companion.



“Here, here, here!”



Jiang Ling followed, and her steps stiffened.



At the four-person table, opposite of her tablemate was Lin Qing Kai. He put his hand on the edge of the table, slightly raised his chin, his eyes crossed the room that was noisy, and he quietly caged her.



Jiang Ling looked at him for a moment, pursed her lips, slowly walked over, and sat down.



“I didn’t mean to sit here.” Her tablemate leaned to her ear, and explained in a low voice, “There was no available seat. It just happened that the two people who were eating here have left…”



Jiang Ling held a water glass and lowered her eyes: “Okay.” She did not dare to look up. Lin Qing Kai’s warm eyes could still be noticed without her directly looking at him.



They were talking softly, and the boy with Lin Qing Kai put his face down and looked at her from top to bottom: “Hey, isn’t this--”



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Which one?



Jiang Ling couldn’t help but jump twice. Lin Qing Kai then said to the boy, “Let’s change seats, you can sit inside.”



She blushed.



The boy quickly reacted and stood up with a smile on his face: “Change, change.”



Then came the sound of the chair scrapping against the ground. The faint scent of Lin Qing Kai’s body approached and then steadily landed opposite her.



This shop is not big. Probably because they want to have more space for chairs, the dining tables are all narrow and long, making the shop very crowded.



Lin Qing Kai’s legs were so long that there was nowhere to put them, and he didn’t want to avoid her, so he naturally touched her leg.



Jiang Ling was wearing shorts and her kegs were bare, and she could distinguish the familiar body temperature through the slightly rough fabric of his jeans.



It was a bit hot, and there was a subtle electric numbing sensation in the place where their skin touched.



She wanted to hide. She hesitated for a moment, and ended up not hiding. Her leg slightly leaned against him, letting that little electric sensation crawl all over her body.

Amidst the raging noise, doing such a small action under the table made her feel like they have a secret.



They have been here for a while and will finish eating soon. Before Lin Qing Kai left, he didn’t say anything else, and looked at her: “We’re going.”



“Ah, okay.” Jiang ling breathed a sigh of relief, with a little disappointment. She secretly looked up from her bowl, and saw him standing at the cash register, waiting for the change, while looking down and tapping on his phone.



The phone on her pocket vibrated.



[Your pants are too short.]

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Jiang Ling cleared her throat. When she lowered her head, Lin Qing Kai has already left. However, a waiter walked over with two bottles of cold drinks and put them on their table.



“Lin Qing Kai bought this?” The eyes of her tablemate instantly turned into gossip searchlights.



Jiang Ling answered vaguely. She bowed her head and wanted to send him a thank you, but she hasn’t finished typing when Lin Qing Kai sent another message.



[Your legs almost made me hard.]



On the way back, Jiang Ling separated from her tablemate and walked around to the teaching building.



There is a loggia here, and she doesn’t know which school leader designed it for fun, but it is covered with wisteria flowers.



The moon light was weak, and the street lights are not on. He has a lean body and is sitting on the side alone. While looking at a distance, he looked a bit alienated.



Jiang Linghesitated and walked to him: “Did you go and buy something? It’s a it late.”



Lin Qing Kai raised his chin and looked at her for a moment, with his arms wrapped around her waist, leaning the person forward. He casually smiled: “What were you nervous about? Were you afraid that I would meet you in person?”



“No…” He sat and hugged her like this and Jiang Ling didn’t know where to put her hand. She hesitated for a while and ended up putting her hands on his shoulders.



The high-waisted shorts made her waist and hip look particularly attractive.



Lin Qing Kai’s palm lingered several times. When he touched the hem of her pants, Jiang Ling remembered his message and couldn’t help but say: “My pants are not very short… Isn’t it called shorts? The same goes for other pe0ple’s shorts, all of them are not long.”



Lin Qing Kai moved his fingers down to the side of her leg and smiled: “Others doesn’t rub my legs while eating.”



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“I didn’t rub you…” Jiang Ling’s voice became quieter after speaking. She was ashamed.



Lin Qing Kai looked at her.



“Sit on my lap.” He raised his hand and pulled her down.



Jiang Ling sat sideways with her arms around his neck. In the dim light, her eyes were closed, and she can feel him approaching her.



Lin Qing Kai only looked at her.



Jiang Ling was caught up in the moment, bit her lips, and tentatively got close to him and kissed him. His lips were thin and moist, with a light tobacco scent.



Did he smoke… She thought, and sucked gently as she kissed him.



Lin Qing Kai’s fingers on her legs tightened and his voice was low that she almost didn’t hear him: “Tongue.”






“Use your tongue.”



Jiang Ling’s throat was a little dry, and she took a short breath, then lifted his chin and kissed him. The tip of her tongue came out and was held by Lin Qing Kai’s damp and hot tongue.



Both of them breathed lowly and erratic. Jiang Ling’s mind seemed to be pulled away with his licking motion. When their lips separated, she was a little weak.



“Is that enough?” Lin Qing Kai;s eyes held a slight smile.



Jiang Ling blushed and buried her head in hi neck.


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She really likes kissing him.



After a while, Lin Qing Kai whispered. “It’s really hard now.”



The bulging tent on his jeans were on the side of her leg. It’s not the first time that she felt it, but her heart still missed two beats.



“You are always hard…” She whispered.



Lin Qing Kai chuckled. He took her hand and rubbed it on his erection. “I’ve been holding on for a while,” He said hoarsely, “I want to f*ck you every night.”



Even if the stiff touch was not in direct contact with her hand, the heat was still scorching. Jiang Ling couldn’t help but wince.



“Do you want to?” Lin Qing Kai bit her chin. “Yesterday, you were really into it.”



Jiang Ling blushed.



When he mentioned it, the sour and numb feeling surged up like the one in her memory. When he pressed his middle finger on that point in her body, her entire lower body was sore and swollen.



She murmured.



Lin Qing Kai reached in from the edge of her shorts, slowly rubbing her wetness.



“Will you go back on Saturday night?”



Jiang Ling’s head was clouded. Knowing what he meant, she still asked: “Where are you going?”



Lin Qing Kai pressed his lips to her ear: “Go and f*ck you.”

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