Qing Kai

Chapter 23

oes it feel good?" Lin Qing Kai embraced her, "Water ran through my mouth."

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"Yeah." She buried her head in his arms, his scent was familiar.



Lin Qing Kai's adam's apple rolled, he hugged her and threw her onto the bed. Raising his hand to take off the t-shirt, her body was pressed down.



Jiang Ling's hands and feet were still weak, and every inch of her flesh was numb. Her hot body is covered, and the weight of his muscles is particularly clear.



The craving felt like it was flowing from the depths of her body, her arms wrapped around his back. 



Lin Qing Kai took off her skirt in twos and then went to untie his trouser chain. The hard p*nis seemed to hold back for a long time, and as soon as it was released, it was hitting her leg.



She gasped.



"Why?" He spread her legs and rubbed them in the middle a few times, "You can’t stand it?"



Jiang Ling nodded lightly and hugged him tightly.



Lin Qing Kai gasped in a low voice, holding the c0ck in his hand, grinding back and forth between the l4bia. The meat stick was wetted by the kinky water, and it was pushed to the entrance again.



The nerves of Jiang Ling's whole body were concentrated on that point. It's very hot, and the head is very thick. He just poked and she couldn't help but groan.

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"It's hot..."



Lin Qing Kai lowered his head and touched her lips, his voice was so raspy: "I’ll f*ck it in."



Jiang Ling's fingers became tighter and tighter. The body was slightly stretched by the shape of his front end. It was very numb, her first climax talent had not completely ended, the flesh wall was twisting in the middle, being pushed away by her, and entangled with enthusiasm.



Lin Qing Kai was wrapped inside her tightness and groaned, "Don't bite."



He didn't insert much, and then pulled out. Tentatively going inside.



She doesn't know if it's because it’s dark, but every nerve in her body is very sensitive. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and she could clearly recognize every tight contraction c*nt  when Lin Qing Kai's meat stick went deep.



Break open her soft flesh, scratching every inch of the inner wall. Only very shallow, Jiang Ling was inserted softly. She bit her lower lip, her voice still overflowing uncontrollably.



The depths were empty and itchy, she wanted to squeeze it out, and was grind hard by the head of his c0ck.



Her waist stretched awkwardly.



"Can’t wait?" Lin Qing Kai's voice was somewhat suppressed.

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Jiang Ling panted slightly: "It's okay..."



Lin Qing Kai put his hand down and chuckled: "The sheets are all wet."



Jiang Ling knew that it would hurt, so she consciously prepared herself. But when he really used some strength to get in, her fingers were still tight.



Lin Qing Kai kissed her, freeing one hand to tease her cl*toris. He twisted his fingertips around that place for a while, and then gradually, there was moist liquid seeping out again.



In the quiet room, only the breathing of two people remained, both of them a little anxious, entangled in one place.



The pain faded, Jiang Ling instinctively clamped her4 leg. The meat stick in the body is thick and hot, and the sense of existence is unusual. Closing her eyes, she can even feel the outline of her c*nt.



"You’re biting me again." Lin Qing Kai was still rubbing her cl*toris with his fingers, "Do you want to cut me off?"



She yelled softly, hugging him tightly .



This is an intimacy that they have never experienced before.



Lin Qing Kai leaned over and licked the skin behind her ears. "Do you feel the my c0ck?"

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Jiang Ling said, "It's so...it hurts." It was originally a complaint, but the tone was soft. It was like she’s acting like a baby in front of him.



"Only when it hurts  can I make you feel good." Lin Qing Kai's voice was very low, "I thought about you for several months, and finally got in."



Jiang Ling's ears were hot. Her fingertips scratched the texture of his muscles, and there was a brief sense of satisfaction outside of the body.



"Okay..." she whispered.



Lin Qing Kai tried to move his waist a few times, and when he saw that she didn't scream, he slowly no longer hesitated and started to move faster. Jiang Ling tried to stop her voice at first, but she gradually lost her strength, and every stroke was quick and heavy.



When he pulled it out, she was empty. Soon it was inserted again, the p3nis was thick and hard, and the c*nt was full every time he came in. It can even distinguish the blue veins that are protruding from the meat stick and scrape down the inner wall.



"Ah..." Jiang Ling clutched his arm, her body moved back and forth with his movements, "So sour...lighter..."



Lin Qing Kai's movements became more violent. The more he hit, the wetter the c*nt is, and it seems to overflow with water everywhere.



It was dark, and the sound of lewd liquid being pounded was very lewd.



"Can you hear it?" He shook his cr0tch and inserted it to the end. The two people's p*bic hair was entangled in one place, and slippery foam was attached.

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Jiang Ling's body was soft and she vaguely answered.



"Little fairy," Lin Qing Kai squeezed her t*ts with his fingers, "Your c*nt is tightly pinching me to death.” As he spoke, he deliberately fiddled with her.



Jiang Ling was hot and numb there, and she yelled out: "Ah..." 



Her voice was extremely soft.



Lin Qing Kai's meat stick was bit harder again. He inserted it to the end, grinding in circles on the wrinkles of the soft flesh: "Does my c0ck feel good?"



"It's good..." Jiang Ling groaned softly.



"Scream a little more." Lin Qing Kai bit her earlobe.



He pulled out the c0ck and smashed it in, swiftly in and out. Every time he got in, she called out. The hot meat wrapped around the tightness also shrank as if consciously, squeezing the meat stick. He stabs it mercilessly and grinds it in.



Jiang Ling felt so numb, her body trembled, and a stream of transparent liquid poured out. He was stuck in the acupuncture point again, swelling sorely. She screamed with a bit of cry: "No more...I'm here..."



Lin Qing Kai's penis was deeply buried in her body. The meat stick is hot, and every inch of the soft meat was occupied.

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