Surgeon Elise vol 1 ch 11

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The unfair bet part five

"I will give you time to prove that the value and worth of a doctor are more than the worth of a Crown Princess and Empress. If you can prove it, I will let you go without any more words."


Elise was so surprised that she just stared at the Emperor.

The Emperor made a mischievous face.

"If you can't prove it, then you have to do what I say. How about it?"

"How long is the time limit?"

"The day you officially become an adult. I can't wait any longer than that."


She saw through his hidden intentions.

There are only six more months until her coming of age ceremony; the day she is officially an adult.

'So he is basically telling me to prove the worth of a doctor in six months.'

It was an impossible request.

It was an unreasonable bet.

'He really wants me to give up or lose the bet. That is how much he wants me to be Crown Princess.'

At this point, it was no longer appropriate to call this a bet. He was basically suggesting she just go dipped her foot in the medical road and be satisfied with that. He wanted her to clear her heart of regrets and return satisfied with her ambition.

'And he said to prove the worth of a doctor, not the more reasonable request to become a doctor .'

The Emperor was an excellent politician.

His simple request implied many hidden meanings.

If she wanted to prove the worth of a doctor wouldn't she have to first become one?   

She had to become an official doctor in just six months and do many valuable accomplishments proving she was more valuable as a doctor than as an Empress.

If you think about it logically, the moment she agrees to accept this bet, she would automatically fail.

No, it was so unreasonable it couldn't really be called a bet.


Elise accepted this bet that was set up to make her fail without an ounce of hesitation.

"I may be lacking, but I will do my best. I thank the Emperor for his consideration. "


The Emperor's eyes widened at her unhesitating answer, but then came to the conclusion that she only agreed because she didn't know the process one had to go through to become a doctor.

In this empire, there was only one way to be accepted as a doctor.

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One had to go through an arduous interview process, with many steps, just to be accepted at a hospital. She would have to do strenuous work and be acknowledged by the medical professors and then take the national medical exam.

There wasn't a single easy step. The medical field wasn't as glamorous as the books depicted. In fact, there were even things so disgusting it was difficult to even look at it.

Can such a treasured child-like Lady Elise endure such an onerous road?

'It is even backbreaking for men, so she should just give up soon.'

He stared at Elise's doll-like face.

'She looks as if a drop of water had never touched those hands, let alone blood of all things.
There is no way she can endure it '

He gave her six months but honestly, he didn't think it would take that long.

'However, she said she wanted to save lives, isn't this admirable?'

The Emperor didn't look down upon Elise for saying she wanted to save lives. In fact, he found her admirable. The mistress of an empire should have that kind of mindset.

'If it didn't involve the Crown Prince's marriage, I would have cheered her on.'

He had already decided on making her his Princess. However, he decided to take his time and wait patiently for her to clear her heart at the hospital.

He was sure it wouldn't take long.

'There is no way a spoiled noble lady can endure such taxing work.'

In this way, a bet was sealed between the Emperor and Elise.

It looked like she was set up to automatically lose.

At least from the outside.


Once the long talk of the engagement was over, the conversation went back to everyday subjects.

Elise, who used all her mental energy on talking about the engagement, just sat there lethargically and spent her time just answering questions thrown her way.

Then, when it was time to return home, the Emperor suggested something.

"Oh, it has been a while since you two met. These old men have tactlessly held you two back."


For a moment Elise didn't understand what he was saying and then her eyes rounded in surprise. Then it sank in that they were talking about her and the Prince and shook her head.

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"No, it is fine. Your majesty, there is no need..."

However, the Emperor directed his words to the Prince instead.

"Crown Prince, take the Lady on a walk around the garden. I happen to have matters to discuss with the Marquis."

Elise felt troubled, but the Prince nodded his head woodenly.

"Yes, I understand."

In this way, she ended up spending some unwanted time alone with the Prince.

"Come this way."

"Yes, Prince."

As she received the Prince's reticent escort, she sighed inwardly.

'...I feel uncomfortable.'

In her past life, she loved him.


More than anyone in the world.

From his statue-like beauty and standoffish personality to the end of his hair, there wasn't a single part of him she didn't love. She desired everything about him.

She could only see him in her eye. Only he entered her eyes, he was the world to her during that time.

'It is all in the past now.'

Elise glanced at his face sideways.

In her past life, she felt her heart beat so fast it almost burst out of her chest just by simply standing next to him... Now, she felt nothing to the point that she found it strange.

She felt as if she was looking at a divorced ex-husband.

'I guess it is normal. After all, I haven't seen him for so many years and we didn't part amicably.'

She thought of her last moments. During that time, he looked down at her with contempt as the Executioner's blade fell down.

She touched her neck as she remembered the chill she couldn't forget after two lifetimes.

Then it was at that moment, the Crown Prince opened his mouth.

"What are you thinking?"

"It's... No... Nothing."

As he peeked at her, she gave him an awkward smile.

'It is uncomfortable. Since a lot of time passed already, I just want to go home.'

She didn't feel anything, especially against the one who killed her.

Everything happened because of her wrongs.

'In fact, he was one of my victims in a way since he spent his time unhappily trapped with me in an unwanted marriage.
Could that be the reason?'

As she continued to look at his face, she felt complicated.

She remembered her bet with the Emperor and his request for her to prove, in half a year, the worth of a doctor.

'The Emperor probably thought I would give up when he made that request...'

She shook her head inwardly.

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There will never be a time when she would give up. Never.

'No, instead of feeling like I want to give up...
I will win this bet. Definitely.'

She decided in this way.

Of course, she knew it wasn't going to be easy proving the worth of a doctor. On top of that, this place wasn't even on modern earth.

There was definitely going to be problems to hinder her from trying to be a doctor, especially with a frail noblewoman's body.

'But I don't care,'

She believed in her brains and skill. No matter what blocked her way she will tear through it.

It was at that moment the Crown Prince turned his head.



"Do you have something to say to me?"

"Ah, no."

Elise quickly shook her head. She must have blatantly stared at him for too long while she was lost in thought.

"If you have something to say, you may say it."

He said in a hard voice.

"No, it is nothing. I was just thinking about the past."

"Thoughts of the past?"


Elise simply answered.

With slightly scrunched eyebrows, he turned his head forward.

She felt a sudden impulse as she saw his familiar actions. Since long ago, she wanted to say something to him when she remembered him on earth.

Now, she wanted to say it.

'Will it be okay to say it?'

She hesitated, but it didn't take her long to make up her mind.

If she lost this chance today, she didn't know when she would meet him again privately.

"Your... Highness."

"What is it?"

"May I tell you something?"

"It is fine to speak."

She stopped walking at his answer.

Then she looked at him for a while and lowered her head.

"I am sorry."


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"I am very sorry. Truly."

When she was living on Earth, sometimes, she would think of him randomly.

When she thought of the one who gave death to her whom she loved so passionately, so many emotions would emerge in her, but the biggest emotion was remorse.

'He was so unhappy because of me.'

She was unhappy because she loved him but he was unhappy too; living with a woman he didn't love and spent his time being unhappy.

'Wouldn't he be different if he married someone he loved instead of me?'

So, just this one time, she wanted to apologize to him.

"What are you so sorry about?'

"For everything until now."


He made an expression that seemed to say he didn't understand.

Elise quickly tried to hide her tracks.

"I pestered you since we were young and you are stuck in an unwanted engagement because of my immaturity and stubbornness."

At the word 'engagement' he made a face.

"I am very sorry."

It was at that moment he looked directly into her eyes.

"Who said it?"


"Who said it was unwanted?"

Elise was taken back.

What was he saying?

"Your highness dislikes me..."


"Anyway, I will take responsibility for this engagement and make sure it doesn't trouble you. So, I apologize once again for not considering your feelings and being stubborn and immature ."

The Prince didn't answer and turned his back.

He didn't speak a word and kept walking.

He looked offended, but Elise didn't notice at all.

As she chased after him she thought

'If it wasn't for me, he could have married a better lady and spent his time being happy.'

She looked at his back and gave him her blessing.

'This life will be different. In this life, let us live and find our separate happiness.'

It might be under the same sky, but now they will live their lives never entangling, always separate from each other.

On the road he is walking on, she won't be there and he will not be at her side.

'Be blessed you who I loved so very much in the past.'

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