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Yu Yan saw Xun Zixi entering her room after she gave him permission and purposely left him standing there for a few moments without saying a word. She could never understand what her father saw in him and why he trusted him to the extent that some decisions could be arbitrarily taken by Zixi as the circumstances required without informing the master of the residence. The latest discovery she had made, made it even more convoluted. If what she saw was the truth - that he had feelings for Yu Yue, then it couldn't have escaped her father's eyes. How could it? With his brains father would have long discovered it. So, was it that he was giving tacit permission to this guy by keeping silent because he trusted this guy? Or was it due to the fact that her generation of the Yu family only had females so her father was planning to let him marry into the family, to not let everything be gobbled up by the other families after his death? She didn't know the reason behind her father's blanket approval of everything this guy did but it gave rise to a panicky feeling in her heart, as if as long as he stood behind Yu Yue she would never be able to do anything to her so she wanted to remove this obstacle from her path. Moreover, she had found out that it was this guy who had prepared this set of rooms for her. The rooms which gave her a feeling that she was something that wasn't a part of the original, that she was something that was sewed into the Yu family later on by luck. She had asked her father to change the interiors of her rooms many times but everytime he refused her citing one or another reason. Even if she wanted to change the decorations, she had to lower her neck infront of this guy. It was infurating for her and to add cherry to the cake though, this guy would always behave as a yes man infront of her, he would never acquise to any of her requests. Any decorations that had been changed in her room since the beginning were all at the same level. He would never allow her to go above her station. Well, she would show him that she wasn't to be underestimated and she would make sure to have the last laugh at his expense.

"Zixi father seems to trust you a lot, isn't it?"

"Yes, Miss." Zixi simply replied.

"Well, what do you think his response will be if he finds out that you are not as loyal as you appear to be?" she questioned.

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"He knows my heart." He really wanted her to stop with this line of conversation. He still had lots of work unfinished and didn't want to waste time with her in pointless double - speak.

"Oh, but you are not loyal Zixi. I know that."

"What do you mean?"

"You have unclear designs on father's first - born. What do you think he'll have to say after this information is put infront of him?"

Zixi hadn't thought that anybody had noticed his feelings but since she already knew and it was the truth. So, he didn't feel the need to keep a lid on it anyway. Moreover, if uncle knew he wouldn't say anything much either way. If he could take out those hidden dangers without bringing any kind of harm to Yueyue, uncle wouldn't oppose his feelings until Yueyue said a clear no. So, what was there to hide?

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"I don't know." He even felt talking more than necessary was wasteful to this girl.

"Hmmm.... Even I can't say what his reaction would be. Maybe he'll think you just admire your overhead superior. Maybe he won't take it to mind thinking it be a wishful fantasy on your part. But what will his reaction be if I say that Yueyue's kidnapping was your plan."

"Ha, why would I want to kidnap her? What reason would I have? Wouldn't it be detrimental to myself if I did something so stupid."

"Yes, it would be a rash decision on your part but then your twin isn't working under the same boss, is she? So you were already dissatisfied about it and then when you were rejected by The Eldest Miss you felt humiliated and tried to play the kidnapping and the rescuing of a damsel in distress to firstly, teach her a lesson and secondly, to be her knight in shining armour. Now, between an illegitimate daughter but, a daughter nonetheless, and a mere household staff no matter how much he is trusted, who will my father believe?"

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Zixi didn't know whether to marvel at all her planning and plotting or to be disappointed that her tricks were just up to that level. He could see the vieled warning about the well - being of Xun Mei for what it was. This girl was implicitly telling him to follow her lead or she would deal with him and Xun Mei all at the same time. He knew uncle wouldn't doubt him but the thing that troubled his heart was Yueyue's behaviour the past few days.

Since the day of the kidnapping she had maintained her distance from him and even when she called him to enquire about anything, it was strictly business. He could see the emotional struggle in her eyes. Therefore, this worried him. If at this point of time these heretic words were passed onto her ears and if she even had an iota of doubt about him, she wouldn't hesitate to wash his neck and make him into the proverbial fish on the chopping board.

"What do you want?" Zixi really wanted to know what her endgame was. Being an illegitimate daughter, how could she ever hope to gain approval of the people that mattered to sit on the seat of the final master of Yu Corporation. For Yu Yue, Yu Corporation would give it their all since, she had the blood flowing through her veins and had already been accepted by everyone. For this girl, it would be akin to a marsh that would swallow her up without leaving any bones behind. Had he been in her position, he would have tried to make good with the legitimate child, to have a smooth sailing life and not aggravate the only people who would help in case of trouble from the heart. No matter how much the Yu patriarch cared for this out of the wed - lock girl but if she turned her wolfish eyes towards his business, he wouldn't hesitate to cut off all ways of retreats for her. How could someone be so stupid to not realise the situation they were in and to plan an appropriate course of action. She was doing exactly what will tighten the noose around her neck.

"I think you are not in a position to ask me questions right now."

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"The Yu patriarch has already accepted you as his blood. You should be satisfied with what is being given to you. Isn't it far better than what you could have ever hoped to achieve outside?

You should learn to be satisfied with what has already been given to you and may be that will give you an unexpected surprise. Why are you always trying to trip the heiress? Do you think it would benefit you in the end? If yes, then you are thinking wrong. The Yu family might seem like a piece of pie you want to keep for yourself but you won't be able to have it. Why not take some money and assets from the patriarch and try to make something of yourself on your own? It wouldn't spoil your relations with the only family you have and would give you a big tree to lean on if there ever rose a problem. Why do you have to fight within the family?" He did try to talk to some sense into her on behalf of his uncle.

"Who do you think you are to lecture me as such? I hadn't thought that instead of saving your own skin, you would rather rush off to unmask mine. I'll give you another day to think things through properly. Weigh your options and let me know the answer by tomorrow evening." Yu Yan said while looking at him in disdain for his obtuse thought of showing her the right way.

"I don't need to think. I'll always follow master's words and his words were to protect Miss Yu Yue from any harm and keep her away from toxic people. You come under both those categories so forgive me if I don't want to happily shake hands with you."

"What about Yu Yue herself? What if she believes that you were the one behind her kidnapping? What if I say that the idea about The Wisteria Lamp was yours? You were working for me in those days so am sure nobody would believe if you said you had no idea."

This was her last gamble, if he still refused she would chuck him out off the family residence on some pretext.

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