Defu thought for a while and remembered that the emperor sounded very urgent and he specially asked for a woman.

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If he got a group of women, he might be beheaded by the emperor.

“Just bring Beauty Yao.”

Defu still remembered that Beauty Yao was the most beautiful one. Even though he was a eunuch, he would enjoy looking her beauty and sexy body shape.

The emperor must like her as well.

Since it was the first time, he had to choose the best one for him.

In the bedroom, Baili Jue was still lying on the bed. He was agitated, upset and a little excited.

It was a serious illness that a man couldn’t perform. He was happy that he was fine.

While he was having a mind roaming on the bed, Defu came in, followed by the beautiful and sexy Beauty Yao.

Defu was efficient.

“Your majesty, here she is.” Defu lowered his voice and there was excitement in his voice.

“Ok. The woman stays and you can get away.” Baili Jue pulled away the bed curtain and walked down from the bed, “stay far away!”

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“Yes, your majesty.” Defu lowered his head and left with a smile. The emperor must be shy.

After Defu and a group of young maids and eunuchs left, Baili Jue approached Beauty Yao slowly.

“Your majesty-” Beauty Yao looked up, said charmingly, and lowered her head shyly.

She was excited and shy because she anticipated what would happen next with such a handsome and noble emperor.

Baili Jue observed and nodded. She was good-looking, actually very beautiful, kind of his type.

Then he circled around her and appreciated her body like he was checking an animal. Very good.

But there was something wrong.

Baili Jue frowned and looked at the woman, then his own crotch. He realized that his erected part now was less hard.

He had no interest in such a beautiful woman. And he had gotten so excited because of Xia Liang early on but now he kind of cooled down.

Baili Jue was not in a good mood. But he still couldn’t believe it and said coldly, “look up.”

Beauty Yao looked up shyly into Baili Jue. She even bit her lips because of she was too shy.

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She also showed a bit of her tongue outside to seduce the emperor. Since she had taken training before, she of course knew how to seduce men. She followed the procedures exactly.

Baili Jue held his hands on the back and looked at Beauty Yao’s red lips and the tip of her tongue. Instead of being tempted, he felt nauseous.

But he decided to challenge himself. Baili Jue turned his face away, clenching his fists, decided to try again. He said coldly, “approach and kiss me.”

Beauty Yao was surprised and shy but still happy. Now she knew that the emperor liked women taking the lead.

She leaned over and was about to put her arms around Baili Jue’s neck when Baili Jue commanded, “keep your hands off me!”

Beauty Yao was frightened and never dared to move her arms. She had to take another step forward to get closer to Baili Jue, stood on tiptoes and gave her kiss…


Next moment, Beauty Yao screamed in pain and she was tossed high up in the air and then fell heavily.


Baili Jue took his punch back, covered his stomach with his hand, rushed outside and vomited in pain!

Damn it!


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It was a great pain even though she didn’t touch him.

He was not recovered. He even got worse!

Baili Jue didn’t stop until his stomach was almost empty.

He grabbed a cup of water on the table and rinsed his teeth. Then he roared outside, “Defu, get in! Now!”

Defu was scared to death as he heard the roar. He knelt down in shock as he saw the mess outside the hall and Beauty Yao who was lying unconscious on the floor.

“Your majesty, what-what happened?” Defu’s heart was about to jump out.

“Clean up the mess! And make the woman disappear as soon as possible!” Baili Jue said coldly, “she intended to kill me.”

After he finished his order, he went straightly to the back of his bedroom, ignoring how shocked Defu was. There was a large hot spring pool there. He had to spend one night in the pool to get rid of the disgusting feeling off him.

Defu wiped the sweat on his head and struggled to get back on feet. he sighed when he laid his eyes on the unconscious Beauty Yao.

What a pity! But since the emperor said that you are an assassinate, you are not allowed to live to see the sun tomorrow morning.

As for the truth, Defu would have no guts to know.

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Taking off the robe, soaking his body into the hot and comfortable water, Baili Jue laid in the water and exhaled in relief. And his anger gradually was eased down.

He was angry partly because of the gross feeling he had and partly because of the fact he just realized.

He was not recovered but Xia Liang was special to him.

Her kiss didn’t put him off, and even better, erected him.

Xia Liang, Liang, you are special. But who are you? Are you just Xia Yuanzheng’s daughter?

But what makes you so special?

Baili Jue couldn’t understand. But he didn’t mean to let her go since she was so special to him.

If she was the only one in the world that he had feelings for and he had desire to hold her in his arms, he would keep her by his side no matter who she was.

No like Baili Jue who couldn’t fall asleep, Xia Liang had a great sleep because she was happy and relieved to find her brother.

The next morning, when Chuncao saw her smile on the lips, she was surprised and made fun of her, “you look like you are in a good mood today. Is there anything good?”

“Yes.” Xia Liang nodded and said with a smile in her voice, “it is indeed something good.”

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