It occurred to her that her brother must have talked to her father about everything so that her father now worked for him with all his heart.

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As soon as she found out that her brother was the emperor she hadn’t worried about her father, but it was still surprisingly fast to finish her task.

There were still so many things to work out as for selling weapons to enemy countries. Nevertheless, the system decided that she had finished her task after her brother did something that she didn’t know.

9957 was right. Her brother had done so much for her to make her own task easy in previous worlds.

Her brother was literally her gold finger.

She had to do something for him in return.

Giving it a thought, Xia Liang asked 9957, “do you have any books such as The Exploitation of the Works of Nature, The Art of War, the Art of Becoming Invisible -- Daoist Magic?”

“Yes, I do. But you can’t have paper copies because you don’t have enough points. However, you are good to read the e-books.” Said 9957.

“Then e-book it is. I can write it down.” Said Xia Liang.

“Liang, there are millions of words combined. Are you sure you want to write them down?” 9957 confirmed in surprise.

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“Yes. I will give them to brother. He will need them.” Xia Liang nodded and said calmly.

Then she began immediately, laying layers of paper, getting the ink ready, to handwrite the books down by locking herself up in a room except for dinner times.

For entire day she had been writing and writing but she only finished a few dozens of piece of paper, even though her arms were sore.

She concentrated on copying books, she of course forgot to write love letters to Baili Jue.

One more important reason she didn’t write was because she didn’t get positive responses by writing those letters. Therefore, it would be better if she could do some practical things to help her brother govern the country and his fellow citizens.

In the evening, Baili Jue received a simple note from the hidden guard, “after Miss Xia greeted her mother, she never stepped out of her room since the day.”

Baili Jue asked angrily when he read this, “is this how you do your job? What exactly did she do in her room? Don’t you think you should find it out?”

“My apologies, your majesty.” The guard begged for forgiveness, “it’s not appropriate for us to spy in her room. On your command, we will go into her room and keep an eye on her.”

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“How dare you!” Baili Jue roared, “since she is safe, you are forbidden to go to her room or peep her!”

Xia Liang was his girl. How could he allow any other man keep staring at her. If anyone did, he would probably kill him.

“Yes, your majesty.” The guard answered right away.

Baili Jue stayed silent for a while and asked unhappily since there was no sign that the guard would give anything else to him, “no letter today?”

The guard was speechless but still answered, “Miss Xia didn’t ask me to give you a letter or anything else.”

“She didn’t? Why didn’t you ask her to? Useless!” Baili Jue yelled out of control but also felt a little embarrassed right after.

He was not expecting her letter at all! Those dirty poems and flirty words were not worthy reading at all!

“My sincere apologies, your majesty! I promise I will ask Miss Xia for it next time!” the guard said immediately.

“You ask for it? No! Never do that! You think I am expecting it! No! I am not at all! If you do that, I will kill you!” Baili Jue yelled again.

“Yes. Yes, I dare not. I dare not to ask Miss Xia for letters.” The guard was about to cry because he had no idea what the emperor wanted.

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Did he mean to ask for letters or not?

“Go! Go away!” Baili Jue shouted angrily.

After the guard left, Baili Jue paced back and forth, gritting his teeth. Great for you, Xia Liang! You messed with me yesterday and how dare you not to give me a letter!

You are pissing me off!

So you are just saying that you love me and you are pursuing me, and asking me for my trust. But now you are driving me crazy and you are not writing me a letter.

Xia Liang! Good for you! After all of these you have done to me, I still forgive you on my side. How can you not write a letter to beg for my forgiveness and invite me over?

Baili Jue was so mad that he wished he could confront her face to face for why she didn’t write to him.

But it was such a shameful behavior if he did that. He still cared about his dignity. He would rather do that at all!

Lying on the bed angrily, Baili Jue couldn’t fall asleep. Therefore, he sat up to open the secret cabinet to take out the letters Xia Liang had wrote to him a few days ago.

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In fact, he could literally remember every word on them and he even had had imaginations of things she mentioned in the letter.

But now since there were no new letters, those old letters could be better than none.

However, it didn’t help at all. Instead, Baili Jue got angrier. All of sudden, a strong wave of emotions mixed with anger, love, and obsession flooded into his mind.

Now you know you are too proud to admit your love!

For a couple of days, Defu had sensed that the emperor was getting more and more furious on a daily basis by judging his long face and his temper on fire.

Defu had no idea why he was so angry. All he could do was not to get on his nerves.

The eunuchs and maids who waited on the emperor even wished they were invisible these days. They tried their best to move quietly and extra carefully in order to avoid any anger from the emperor.

Among all of them, the one that suffered the most pain and fear was the hidden guard who reported to Baili Jue every day.

For a few days, Miss Xia had been closing herself in her room for entire days and never had gone out of the room. The guards had nothing to report about her daily life.

He could feel colder and colder every time he reported to the emperor, especially when he said that Miss Xia had nothing to give to him, his eyes was so cold that he could be frozen to death!

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