Then Baili Jue stood up and went out. But he rushed back after two steps to held Xia Liang in his arms and gave her a big kiss while she was standing up, then said,

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“Since you are missing me, I will miss you too.”

“Take the book.”

Xia Liang put the book to him and smiled as she thought of the way he rushed out and talked. She said to 9957,

“He is cute in this world, isn’t he?”

“Wow! Liang, now you can tell that he is cute.” 9957 was surprised and checked the progress bar which had already finished 40%.

The death of Xia Min in last world was indeed a huge pain for Liang. She learned despair and pain in that world which was why she could have a taste of sweet love. Therefore, it could be seen that she would have a bright future regarding her love life.

Defu surprisingly found that the emperor was in a great mood today because he was happy on the outside and inside. He was having a smiling face even a maid served him a wrong cup of tea.

Defu was confused and curious why the emperor was so happy.

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About noon while Baili Jue was focusing on reading the book Xia Liang gave him, Defu reported that the empress dowager invited him to lunch.

Baili Jue put down the book, although he didn’t like the idea.

The empress dowager and he were not close since ever although she was his own mother. She had never been as gentle as mother to him, but gentle to Baili Xi.

When he was young, he would feel the pain and anger and eager for her attention. But when he turned to 10, he didn’t feel that way. He had never sought for her attention since. They had remained a distance from each other for years.

The empress dowager had no intention to stay close to him either. But once in a while, she would invite him over to say something what a mother would say.

By contrast, she invited Prince of Rui quite often, more than him.

 “Did you hear anything else except for the lunch?” asked Baili Jue as he hurried along.

“Miss Chen is in the empress dowager's palace and she is going to spend a few quality days with empress dowager.” Defu trotted to catch up with the emperor out of breath.

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To catch up with the emperor who had been working out and good at martial arts, it was a lot of work for Defu.

Baili Jue gave a look at Defu and slowed down and sneered, “Miss Chen? Quality days? What’s my mother doing?”

“You have been crowned for three years. It is about time to get married.” Defu whispered, “she must be worried.”

“Get married?” Baili Jue smiled, thinking of Xia Liang and said, “you are right. It is about time. I will ask people to match her birthday with mine later to choose a day, and then the Minster of Courtesy can proceed with the wedding.”

“Huh?” Defu froze there in shock.

Did he just mean that he already had a girl on his mind? Oh my god? Who was it? How could he not know one thing about it at all?

Defu couldn’t be more confused.

When he came back to senses, the emperor had already gone far. He had to speed up and tried his best to catch up.

“With one more look, I will peel your clothes off and toss you to a bunch of girls so that you can enjoy a life.” Baili Jue threatened as Defu kept looking at him.

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Defu shivered as he was threatened. It brought back to his old memory. Then he no longer dared to look at the emperor.


“Your majesty, who were you talking about?” Defu couldn’t wait.

“You will know in a few days.” Baili Jue’s voice went soft and smiled as he thought of Xia Liang.

Defu was very curious of whom made the emperor so happy.

Finally he knew why the emperor was in a good mood. He was in love with someone.

Soon they made it to the Palace of Cining where the empress dowager lived.

“You are here.” The empress dowager said calmly as she saw the emperor and then said to the eunuch, “serve the food.”

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“Good day, mother.” Baili Jue bowed to empress dowager slightly and said no more, sat down, and drunk a cup of tea.

Apparently he had no intention to have a chitchat with the empress dowager nor spare a look at the beautiful woman who was right beside the empress dowager.

It went silent and depressed in the hall.

“Come here. Meet your cousin Xin’er. You met once when you were young and you played together.” Finally, the empress dowager broke the ice and said smilingly pointing Chen Xin’er.

Baili Jue sneered, putting down the tea cup, “It’s hard to believe that my cousin is a spinster now. Do the math. If she played with me when we were children, she must be over 20 years old. But look at you. You dress like an unmarried girl. Do you come here to ask my mother to arrange a marriage for you because you can’t find a husband on your own?”

Baili Jue was mean and annoying when he meant to be. It was a huge insulting to say that a girl couldn’t find a husband.

“Son!” the empress dowager clapped the chair hard and yelled, “What are you talking about? Xin’er just turned 15 this year. And she is your cousin and the daughter of Chen family. How is it possible to not find a husband?”

“Mother, take it easy. You mislead me because you said that we used to play together when we were children.” Baili Jue explained.

Chen Xin’er, who had gazed at Baili Jue with love, now was feeling wronged with her eyes full of shame and her pale face, and hands rubbing her handkerchief.

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