Ch12 - Kiss Kiss Kiss

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Editor: Anna

Dubcon warning at the end. 

There wasn’t only one male dormitory, there were still several others. When everyone saw that Xu Ze was easy to talk to, all the single dogs surrounded him. Some didn’t necessarily need the dormitory get-togethers. There were still other ways to meet girls, but they all wanted Xu Ze to help. As for Xu Ze’s appearance, when seen together with Xu Ze, they’ll definitely be overwhelmed by Xu Ze. The boys weren’t worried about Xu Ze robbing people from them, since everyone’s sexual orientations were all different. Instead, because Xu Ze likes men, it was actually better to bring him. If there was a girl who was interested in him, they’ll tell the girl that Xu Ze has a boyfriend. When the girl becomes sad, wouldn’t it be the perfect time to take advantage?

It can be said that the boys all had their own little calculations.



As the crowd slowly dispersed, Zhou Xing approached Xu Ze and put his hand on Xu Ze’s shoulder: “Look at how many free meals I found for you. Shouldn’t you particularly thank me?”

Xu Ze sneered: “You pimp, you dare to make me thank you? Has your hide tightened a bit?” 

After this day, Xu Ze’s originally idle time became a little busy. Almost all the dinner appointments were located outside of school, and there were also some located in other schools. But these fares were all paid by the rippling spring-hearted classmates. All Xu Ze had to do was to follow along and rub in a meal, then make an excuse to leave halfway. As for the travel expenses for calling a taxi to return, Xu Ze left the reimbursements to the classmates who asked him to help out. After going back and forth like this, Xu Ze seemed to have grown some flesh on his face in around a week.


Because he often ate outside, the time spent eating after returning was less. Naturally there was not much cooking at home.

The auntie originally didn’t work much before, but now she even has more leisure.

Yang Yan had learned earlier that Xu Ze often went out to eat. He was worried that the food outside would be unhealthy and affect Xu Ze’s body. But if he directly reminded Xu Ze, he feared that Xu Ze might think he was only doing this for the child. Yang Yan suddenly didn’t want Xu Ze to think that way. So Yang Yan and the auntie talked, letting the auntie go and tell Xu Ze. The auntie immediately turned around and told Xu Ze. Xu Ze replied that he would pay attention when eating outside and not touch unhealthy things.


On this day, he was dragged by his classmates again to match headcounts and socialize with the girls from the same school. What Xu Ze didn’t know was that Yang Yan knew every single thing about his usual whereabouts. Not only because Xu Ze’s belly was carrying his child, but also even if he knew that Xu Ze was only going to eat and would leave in the middle, Yang Yan was still a little worried.

Even the girls Xu Ze was going to meet were basically all investigated once. When Xu Ze left midway and returned to the residence, the auntie who took care of him would send a text message to Yang Yan, informing Yang Yan that he had already gone back. Only then would Yang Yan relax his heart a little.

When Xu Ze went out to eat with others again, it just so happened that Yang Yan had a friend’s birthday party that day. The family backgrounds of those friends of his were not much different from him. The other party specially ordered an entire place for his birthday party, and also called many people to accompany him. Among them, there were some small celebrities with a bit of reputation.

It was well known that Yang Yan was very generous in his circle. When the little internet celebrities saw Yang Yan appear, there was no need to mention that all of them wanted to sharpen their heads and get in front of Yang Yan, but there were even more of other people. 

If it was in the past, Yang Yan wouldn’t mind accompanying these people for this kind of play on the spot. As long as he was happy, wanting money was all a small problem.

It’s just that some changes had taken place in Yang Yan’s mentality recently. He’ll always subconsciously compare the people who came in front of him with another person. 

If there were no comparisons, it would have been fine. But once compared, no matter who it was, shortcomings could always be found.

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Liking money and wanting to get some easy benefits was understandable. But when these people were in front of him, Yang Yan felt how he never noticed their mistakes before. Those faces and those perfumes sprayed on their bodies, even if it was an expensive perfume, it seemed the reason was because of the person in question that Yang Yan felt he didn’t like it, and instead was even pungent.

Yang Yan would not give anyone face. The people in this banquet, including the host of the birthday party, if they really provoked Yang Yan, Yang Yan wouldn’t give them face either. Not to mention, it was these people who were selling their bodies and beauty.

Yang Yan directly said I don’t like the smell on your body, don’t get too close. 

As for that person’s cheeks directly freezing, Yang Yan didn’t want to give even a single extra glance.

A friend looked at Yang Yan as if he suddenly changed his nature. He put his arm around Yang Yan’s shoulder, leaning over to ask: “Hey, didn’t you like this type before? Why and when did you change your taste?”


Yang Yan squinted at his friend: “My taste didn’t change, it’s just that I don’t like such fakes.”

“Fakes? Why can’t I see it?” The friend curiously looked at the boy who was embarrassed by Yang Yan’s one sentence. 

Yang Yan hooked the corner of his mouth. He saw with a glance that the boy’s nose had been modified. In order to make their faces look better, these people, no matter if they were men or women, used knives on their faces. In fact, it was more of a kind of self-deception. But as long as one confidently looks closer, they could see all of the unnatural traces.

He knew that not only could he see it, but several people could all see it too. But his friends didn’t care about these. Everyone was playing, playing to have fun. Who cares whether the toy was original or assembled.

Yang Yan used to think this way too, but now he has changed a little. He was completely disinterested in these things.

Even this kind of lively banquet was also not very meaningful to him. It was better to sit in the car and run two laps on the road to feel the adrenaline soaring. That would feel more refreshing. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Although his heart thought like this, Yang Yan would not make his friend lose face. The other had already invited him, so it would be impolite to leave immediately.

“Glvc’a sbe gfmfcais ufa j ybaaif bo ubbv klcf lc sbeg tjcv? Valii tlvlcu la jcv gfoerlcu ab ajxf la bea?” Tjcu Tjc gjlrfv tlr fsfygbkr jcv jrxfv klat j rwlif.

Ktf oglfcv rdelcafv jcv rjlv, “Cw P atja xlcv bo ralcus qfgrbc? Pa’r jigfjvs qgfqjgfv.” Coafg rjslcu atja, atf oglfcv gjlrfv tlr tjcv ab atf rlvf jcv rcjqqfv tlr olcufgr, lwwfvljafis rbwfbcf mjwf bnfg klat j ybaaif bo klcf. Ktlr ybaaif’r qglmf kjr eq ab rfnfc oluegfr jcv la kjr bcis joafg wjcs abrrfr jcv aegcr atja atf oglfcv byajlcfv la.

“I only have this one bottle, you can help me save a little!” 

The sentence was said with reluctance, yet his friend’s face didn’t seem to have that meaning. He took the wine bottle and poured it into two empty wine glasses. He poured about half a glass, and gave the glass to Yang Yan.

The two raised their glasses and touched them together lightly, then looked at each other with a smile and lowered their heads to taste the wine.

As soon as the mellow liquid entered his mouth, Yang Yan’s pupils narrowed slightly. He originally didn’t carry much hope. When the wine entered his mouth, dragged over his tongue, and slipped to his throat, Yang Yan felt that he hadn’t drunk this kind of good wine in a long time.

Yang Yan finished drinking the half glass of wine in two sips. Putting down the wine glass, he did not hesitate to praise it: “It’s indeed quite fine.” 

“Right! It’s only you that has this kind of mouth. My dad wanted to drink this wine but I didn’t give it, secretly keeping it from him. If he finds out, he’ll probably jump up to scold me that I’m a rebellious child.” The friend said in a happy mood.

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“Then I’ll be taking your service today.” Yang Yan didn’t wait for the friend to pour him wine, he took the bottle himself and poured another glass.

The friend smiled till his eyes narrowed: “What is the relationship between the two of us? No need to say these!”

One bottle of wine was not much. With the two going you a cup, me a cup, they would see the bottom after a short while. 

Most of it was drunk by Yang Yan. To be precise, the friend had actually spent a great effort to find this bottle of wine, just to invite Yang Yan to drink it. In the beginning, his hands were a little tied, he didn’t have any cash flow. It was Yang Yan who helped him without a second thought.

This help was always remembered by the friend, so a bottle of wine was far less important than this friendship with Yang Yan.


“This wine’s quite strong, so don’t drive by yourself. When you’re going back, call a driver.” The friend knew Yang Yan’s habit. Yang Yan doesn’t like staying in a hotel outside. Even if it’s to work with someone at a hotel, he’ll still leave after the matter was done.

But thinking of this, the friend remembered another thing. 

“There seems to be no one around you recently. Why? Are you planning to fix your body and raise your libido?” The friend showed a gossiping expression.

“Yeah, taking a break.” Yang Yan smiled with a deep meaning in his eyes.

The friend made an “oh” sound, with the ending sound stretched long. He didn’t continue to ask Yang Yan for the specific reason. He just curled his lips, smiled, and said, “Then when it’s fixed, let me know and I will arrange the best for you.”

Yang Yan did not reply, his silence was regarded as a tacit approval by the friend. 

Party lasted till night, ending when it was about 12 o’clock. Seeing it was about to finish, some people wanted a second round.

Yang Yan didn’t go for the second round. After drinking half a bottle of the red wine, the wine’s effects slowly came up. After telling the friend, he left first. He called the driver by the side of the road, and the driver came over with a folding bicycle. They put the bicycle in the trunk of the car, then took the driver’s seat and sent Yang Yan back.

At first, Yang Yan told him the address of a certain random residence. But when the car drove to a red light, Yang Yan temporarily changed the address. The driver in the front looked at Yang Yan sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror. Yang Yan looked only more than 20 years old. He should be a college student and younger than the driver. However, that pressure around his body revealed that he wasn’t an ordinary person.

In fact, this car alone could tell that Yang Yan’s family conditions were not ordinary. 

Driving this kind of luxury car that cost tens of millions, the driver had encountered it before during his work, but basically every time he drove the car relatively cautiously. He was afraid that if something happened, he wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for it even after selling everything he had.

The employer suddenly said that he wanted to change the address, this naturally was a trivial matter. The driver immediately nodded his head and even confirmed at the same time.

The car drove over to Xu Ze, almost getting there at exactly twelve o’clock.

Getting out of the car, Yang Yan was a little light headed. His drinking capacity was still good, but the wine he drank today was stronger than he thought. 

Taking the key to open the door, the living room was completely dark. Xu Ze and the housekeeper auntie were both asleep.

But it seemed like he was afraid of disturbing someone. Yang Yan deliberately lowered the sound of his footsteps and turned on the light in the living room. Yang Yan first poured a glass of cold water and drank it, feeling that his drunkenness had not diminished much. He thought about whether to go to the kitchen and cook some hangover soup by himself. After thinking about it, he gave up. He drank good wine, so waking up the next day wouldn’t make him hangover and his head hurt. Yang Yan walked towards the stairs and planned to go to the upstairs bedroom.

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After just two steps, the door of a room on the first floor opened from inside. A slight door opening sound sounded through the living room over to Yang Yan. He paused slightly and turned around to look at the door, thinking that the sleeping person was wearing loose-fitting pajamas at this time and walking out with sleepy eyes open.

Xu Ze was a little surprised when he saw that the lights on the stairs were turned on accidentally. He thought it was the auntie who forgot to turn it off, but he didn’t walk over to turn it off immediately. He slept at ten o’clock and had already fallen asleep for a while. But he suddenly woke up with the inside of his mouth dry, so he came out to pour water to drink. 

The whole person was now in a half-awake state, his eyes weren’t even fully open.

Walking to the living room and taking a cup of hot water, he took a sip and then returned to the bedroom with the cup. When he was walking back, only then did Xu Ze look carefully towards the top of the stairs. With this one look, he saw Yang Yan standing there like a statue.


“You came back!” Xu Ze originally didn’t want to say anything. But seeing Yang Yan staring at himself heatedly, Xu Ze was still confused at the time, so he said something.

His voice had a sticky nasal sound. When Yang Yan’s ears heard this, he felt that a kitten’s paws were scratching his heart. 

This scratch made Yang Yan feel numb all over.

Before he realized it, Yang Yan’s body acted before he could think .

He walked up to Xu Ze with a few strides and then hugged Xu Ze, who was still holding a water glass.

Yang Yan looked tall and thin, however, his thinness wasn’t the same as Xu Ze’s. Under his clothes were the covered strong muscles that were gained from the gym and even the sports field. 

Suddenly getting picked up by someone, Xu Ze exclaimed a muffled sound, the cup in his hand almost fell. He woke up midway, so he wasn’t sober, and his reaction was half a beat slower than usual.

During this half a beat’s time, when he realized what had happened, Yang Yan had already taken him into the room and put him on the bed.

Yang Yan leaned down, the water glass held in Xu Ze’s hand was taken by him and put on the bedside table.

Yang Yan clasped Xu Ze’s hand, and in Xu Ze’s slowly widening eyes, he kissed him. 

The other party’s mouth was full of the smell of wine. Xu Ze tasted the wine in an instant, so he knew that Yang Yan was drunk. Because he was drunk, he came to find him. What did he think of him as? A tool to solve his needs at any time?

This cognition made Xu Ze uncomfortable. Yang Yan in a drunken state was very strong. He clasped Xu Ze’s wrist as if he was about to break it off. Fortunately, Xu Ze still had a hand free. Xu Ze noticed the glass of water that was just placed. He stretched his hand for the glass, intending to use the glass to make Yang Yan sober.

Yang Yan was originally intoxicated on Xu Ze’s soft lips, but he seemed to have felt it early on. When Xu Ze was about to smash the glass against his head, he grabbed the glass from Xu Ze’s hand in one go. 

Holding the glass, Yang Yan didn’t stop immediately. Instead, he sucked Xu Ze’s lower lip between his teeth, making a clear sound.

That sound was mixed with the sound of water. Hearing it made Xu Ze’s breath heavier.

Yang Yan lifted his body slightly, and then carefully traced Xu Ze’s delicate and charming face from one side to the other with his eyes. As if he didn’t see enough, he leaned over and kissed Xu Ze’s lovely nose.

Xu Ze stared coldly at Yang Yan. When the two pairs of eyes met, one pair showed craving, and the other was calm as if they were a bystander. 

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The two looked at each other for a minute or two, and then Xu Ze opened his mouth to break the silence in the room first.

His voice was sticky and attractive, yet he said mockingly: “This is yet another price!”


Under Yang Yan’s stunned gaze, Xu Ze paused for a few seconds, then raised the corner of his lips and continued: “But I don’t want this money. I’m guessing there are many other people who want it. I suggest you give it to them.”

Yang Yan’s pupil shrank suddenly. He could understand what Xu Ze meant. If it was before, he would have just got up and left, but today was different. Alcohol was fermenting in his head. Even if it was facing Xu Ze’s sarcasm or cold words, in his eyes, he only thought that Xu Ze was bright, vivid, and attractive. 

He knew that Xu Ze didn’t want to go any further with him. But men are more honest with their bodies than their mouths when it comes to this kind of thing.

Yang Yan kissed Xu Ze again. His skills were superb, and he even had all of the sensitive points on Xu Ze’s body on point. Soon, the body in his arms had the trend of gradually softening.

It was just a simple kiss, yet it made Xu Ze tremble all over. This body was too sensitive as if it didn’t listen to him at all!

Moreover, the place where the throbbing had died down originally, had the signs of excitement. At some point, Xu Ze groaned in his mouth. Xu Ze himself was surprised by that soft voice. 

The sleepiness disappeared under Yang Yan’s offense. Instead, Xu Ze only felt a fire in his body, that was deliberately lit by Yang Yan.

Sure enough, a certain saying was right, that men are all creatures that think with their lower body.

Obviously, he doesn’t like this person, yet unexpectedly likes the other person’s approach.

The enthusiasm in Xu Ze’s eyes was increasing, and the arm that had pushed against Yang Yan changed to clinging to the other’s shoulder. 

Yang Yan couldn’t be more clear about what’s happening to Xu Ze, and his eyes burned with fire.

The pajamas that Xu Ze wore were loose, and he pulled them off with a slight pull.

Unprepared, Xu Ze didn’t expect Yang Yan to do this suddenly. His face was full of surprise as if it was unbelievable. However, what happened next was beyond Xu Ze’s expectations. Under Xu Ze’s shocked eyes, Yang Yan lowered his head. 


A second corn cake came out.

Author has something to say:

Mini Theater: 

Yang Yan: Happy happy~ Kissing, hugging, and lifting up high with wifey!

Xu Ze: he tui!

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