The warmth from behind his back, the broad and firm chest of the other person, and the hands around his waist. These details, plus the fact that the two’s bodies were lying close and tightly to one another, even if Xu Ze hadn’t turned his head, he knew who suddenly appeared to prevent Zhong Min from kissing him. eMrmUn

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Xu Ze blinked and he looked at Zhong Min’s graceful face that was pushed a few meters away. In addition to shock, there seemed to be some fright on that face. It was obviously caused by Yang Yan who was behind Xu Ze.

Xu Ze struggled a little, his intentions were to have Yang Yan let him go. Although it was getting late, there were still quite a few pedestrians coming and going around here. Just in the moment that the three of them were standing here, there were already quite a few pedestrians staring at them with strange looks.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

They wanted to know the reason. If it was a man and a woman hugging together, maybe everyone could understand it a bit better.

The current situation was that Yang Yan was holding him and both he and Yang Yan were men. Yang Yan was holding his waist and not his shoulders. No matter how you look at it, this way of hugging was not in a friend way. Xu Ze didn’t want to be seen as a monkey, so he turned around and told Yang Yan, “Let go.” S7eWE8

Xu Ze’s tone couldn’t be considered good. In his opinion, Zhong Min’s appearance today was entirely because of Yang Yan. She was originally Yang Yan’s pursuer, but for some unknown reason, she stopped pursuing Yang Yan. Now that she met him, it seemed that she was interested in him.

Originally, Xu Ze saw that Zhong Min was a girl so he still had a bit of a good impression of Zhong Min. At present, all those good feelings have all disappeared because of Zhong Min’s sudden approach to kiss Xu Ze.

Yang Yan, this initiator, came out, so Xu Ze really couldn’t give Yang Yan much good face.

In addition to what Zhong Min just said and the attitude she showed, it was no wonder that Xu Ze felt that Zhong Min’s expression was somewhat familiar. He now understood. Zhong Min and another friend of Yang Yan, Xie Chengzhou, were somewhat similar.


He also knew what kind of people were around Yang Yan.

Xu Ze was amused in his heart. He remembered a certain phrase, birds of the same feathers flock together..

It seemed that Yang Yan was no exception here.

“She wanted to kiss you just now, why didn’t you refuse?” Xu Ze asked him to let go, the spring in his soft peach blossom’s eyes spreaded, revealing an uncomfortable coldness. Yang Yan not only did not let go, but hugged him even tighter. He questioned Xu Ze back and asked why Xu Ze stood still there, waiting for Zhong Min to come over to kiss him. FT4K2L

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

We If kjr jigfjvs lc j yjv wbbv, atfc tf kjr defralbcfv ys Tjcu Tjc jujlc, jr lo tf tjv gfjiis vbcf rbwfatlcu ecobgulnjyif ab Tjcu Tjc.

Qtja kjr atf gfijalbcrtlq yfakffc atfw? Ktf mbtjylajalbc qjga kjr agef, yea atfw yflcu ibnfgr?

Ktfs vb riffq abufatfg jcv bmmjrlbcjiis tfiq fjmt batfg, yea ktfc vlv tf yfmbwf ibnfgr klat Tjcu Tjc? Qtlmt mjerfv Tjcu Tjc ab rajgf ja tlw klat atf ibbx ilxf tf tjv mtfjafv jcv wjvf tlw kfjg j ugffc tja.

Xu Ze simply felt that there was nothing funnier than that. lLYEVW

He laughed out loud: “Yang Yan, what identity are you using to ask me this? Did you make a mistake of what kind of relationship we have?”

Yang Yan was originally waiting for Xu Ze to answer and explain to him, yet Xu Ze instead ran a few questions to him. And each question made Yang Yan’s face look a bit uglier.

Blue veins appeared on the back of his hand and his eyes were terrifying at that moment.

“What did you say?” Yang Yan seemed to be gritting his teeth as he said this. The entire person seemed to be on the verge of anger. pB1sG

Zhong Min over there on the side was stunned when she saw this scene. She was afraid in her heart just then, worried that he really angered Yang Yan and Yang Yan would do something to him. Yet in the end, Yang Yan and Xu Ze began to speak with thorns.

Zhong Min pursed her lips. She didn’t go up for a while and stood aside to watch.

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“I said, did you make a mistake somewhere! I am not your little lover, you better be clear about this point.” Xu Ze didn’t take turns with Yang Yan, directly putting these words out.

His words successfully froze Yang Yan’s expression. Yang Yan’s strength loosened a little, and then his arm was grabbed by Xu Ze and moved to the side. OvyVRx

Yang Yan wanted to reach out and embrace Xu Ze again, but Xu Ze turned his head and gave him a look of indifference to the extreme. That look gave Yang Yan a feeling that he was the superfluous person between Zhong Min and Xu Ze. The corner of Yang Yan’s mouth ticked, as if he wanted to laugh, yet failed to.

He was still full of confidence just now. He didn’t take Zhong Min seriously, feeling that Zhong Min couldn’t be a threat to him. Indeed, his thought process was correct, but at the same time Yang Yan knew one thing. Maybe he knew it before, but he didn’t admit it. Xu Ze’s past love for him was probably already gone when they broke up. Xu Ze stayed by his side, cohabiting, and sleeping with him. However Xu Ze was more clear-headed than him, he used the child to make a deal with him.

The hand that Yang stretched out slowly fell and a desolation that had never existed arrived in his heart. He watched Xu Ze walk towards Zhong Min and then stood in front of her. The surprise on Zhong Min’s face was replaced by joy because of Xu Ze’s approach.

Seeing that smiling face, in Yang Yan’s eyes, he only felt that it was very annoying. He clenched his fists hard, restraining the urge not to rush forward and act out. rkKnEf

“Zhong Min, I like men. No matter what you think of me, whether you’re real or only wanted to play around, I’m sorry, but I won’t accompany you. In addition, I’d like to thank you for liking me. Thank you.” Xu Ze wasn’t talking in a low voice, yet there happened to be a car passing by on the street beside him. Yang Yan only saw Xu Ze smiling at Zhong Min, smiling gently and affectionately.

Yang Yan’s nails were almost embedded into the palm of his hand. The familiar piercing pain hit, yet he couldn’t step forward to stop it. He was afraid that Xu Ze would say even colder words.

The smile at the corner of Zhong Min’s mouth gradually couldn’t hold up anymore. Her eyes slanted over Xu Ze’s shoulder towards Yang Yan. She just heard the conversation between Xu Ze and Yang Yan and the content let her know the general situation. It could be seen that the relationship between the two seemed that the one taking the initiative was Yang Yan, while Xu Ze had an indifferent attitude and seemed to have little affection for Yang Yan.

“Did Yang Yan force you to be with him? If so, tell me and I will help you.” dU19SC

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Zhong Min liked Xu Ze’s face. She has never seen someone with a higher appearance than Xu Ze. Her desire to help Xu Ze came from her heart, which to her does not conflict with her desire to play around.

“You misunderstood. No one can force me. I am voluntarily together with Yang Yan. It’s just that there are some matters inside, which probably is very different from a normal person’s understanding.”

Zhong Min frowned slightly and wanted to say something, but Xu Ze spoke again: “Thank you for driving me back. If you can, it’s better if you don’t find me again in the future.”

Xu Ze didn’t want to add any other interpersonal relationships. Besides the fact that he didn’t want to spend time maintaining it, he also didn’t want to accidentally let Zhong Min know one day that he was pregnant. WFMzNI

If Zhong Min was able to come to him directly, Xu Ze guessed that she must have specially investigated him. In Xu Ze’s opinion, he didn’t have the slightest heart to deal with such people.

Xu Ze’s attitude couldn’t be more obvious. Zhong Min felt that her personality was not that fragile. Yet in Xu Ze’s gradually indifferent attitude and tone, she still felt a little hurt. This type of feeling has never been to her before.

What happened today caused Xu Ze’s emotions to fluctuate quite a bit. He felt his stomach seemed a little uncomfortable, but in order not to let others notice, Xu Ze didn’t put his hand on his stomach.

Turning around, Xu Ze walked into the community, ignoring Yang Yan who was standing on the side of the road after being ignored by him. Lcr1Ql

The light in Yang Yan’s eyes seemed to have completely disappeared. His black pupils stared darkly at Xu Ze’s figure that was gradually receding.

Zhong Min also watched Xu Ze on the side of the road for a while. After he walked into the community and turned a corner, Zhong Min shook her head and smiled helplessly. What she said, her hunch was quite accurate. She knew that Xu Ze had no feelings for her, unlike her who fell in love with Xu Ze’s appearance in an instant. But Zhong Min wasn’t too disappointed. If they couldn’t be lovers, they could be friends. What she wanted was actually to be able to see Xu Ze’s appearance from time to time. As for Xu Ze’s orientation, Zhong Min didn’t intend to really straighten it out. True homosexuality couldn’t be straightened. Zhong Min wasn’t to the point where she wasn’t clear about this point.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhong Min tidied her hair. After being suddenly pushed by Yang Yan just then, her hair became a little messy. After tidying it up, Zhong Min walked towards Yang Yan.

She looked at Yang Yan. With Yang Yan’s current expression, Zhong Min knew that Yang Yan really was serious this time. DSv1pQ

In any case, she and Yang Yan could not be considered friends. The parents of the two families had a good relationship, but their relations as the juniors were normal. Seeing that Yang Yan was frustrated for the first time in the love scene, don’t say it but Zhong Min actually thought it was quite strange.

“I don’t have a chance anymore, but it seems that you, Yang Yan, don’t seem to have much either!” Zhong Min said this intentionally in front of Yang Yan.

Yang Yan’s eyes were dark. He stared at Zhong Min and it was only after a while that he replied, “You should be going.”

Zhong Min looked at Yang Yan curiously. This person didn’t seem to have such a personality before, not being the kind to bear insults. He was ridiculed by someone, yet that’s all he did. 2tuvSG

Was it because of Xu Ze?

“Yeah, it’s getting quite late. Then see you in two days!” Zhong Min raised a smile.

“By the way, the matter that you promised last time. My birthday is coming and I invited you. I guess you won’t anymore, right?”

The corners of Yang Yan’s mouth were almost pursed into a straight line. He turned around and walked away quickly without replying to Zhong Min. Behind him, Zhong Min looked at Yang Yan’s big tall figure and smiled even more happily. H D8jn

When Yang Yan returned home, he didn’t see Xu Ze in the living room. Yang Yan knew that Xu Ze had already returned to his room. He walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. On the coffee table was a cup of water, with the water inside being poured from this morning. After Yang Yan drank it in one go, the cold water fell all the way down the throat to his heart, as if it had drenched his heart cold. dPgp5i

Yang Yan bent his fingers then spread them again, only feeling a sense of powerlessness all over his body. That powerlessness bred another kind of violent feeling, as if he wanted to destroy and ruin something.

If it was said that there was a sleeping beast imprisoned in everyone’s body, Yang Yan believed that the beast in his heart had already woken up and had started to roar, tearing at the iron bars that were imprisoning it with its sharp claws.

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Yang Yan took a deep breath in. He couldn’t let that beast out. He couldn’t let it out to hurt people.

After sitting in the living room for a while, Yang Yan left and went upstairs. He slept with Xu Ze downstairs, but bathing and the likes were basically still done upstairs. After washing up on the second floor, Yang Yan went downstairs. Pushing open the door of Xu Ze’s room, Xu Ze was leaning on the head of the bed and was reading a book. Sometimes when Xu Ze had nothing to do, he would read a book before going to bed. It8Fle

It could be seen that what happened not long ago had little impact on Xu Ze, but instead had a great impact on Yang Yan.

Yang Yan walked over, lifted the quilt and sat on the bed. He stared at Xu Ze’s profile for a long time with deep concentrated eyes. Although he said and did nothing, Yang Yan’s gaze was so sharp that Xu Ze couldn’t ignore its existence. Xu Ze closed the book as looked towards Yang Yan.

He was then stunned for a moment. In that moment Xu Ze wondered if he had seen it wrong, that he actually saw a sad expression on Yang Yan’s face and even an expression that seemed to be asking for comfort.

Asking him for comfort?


As long as Yang Yan wanted, if he just waved his hand, there would be lovers sending themselves to his doorstep. It was Yang Yan who insisted on hanging onto this one tree, Xu Ze. Xu Ze actually didn’t care much about whether Yang Yan would keep hanging till death or till broken.

Xu Ze indifferently turned his eyes away, took his phone and checked the time. It was almost eleven o’clock, about time to sleep. Putting the book on the bedside table, Xu Ze glanced at Yang Yan again before laying down. He didn’t say anything, pulled the quilt over his chin, and then closed his eyes.

Yang Yan sat on the side and did not move. That was, he did not lie down and did not make a sound, being still like a statue. However, the dark gaze was still fixed on Xu Ze’s face.

Xu Ze turned over and had the back of his head facing Yang Yan. Yang Yan’s eyes flickered, his eyes were suppressing and restraining something. dsz4UX

Yang Yan extended his hand to turn off the light, then slowly lay down.

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Xu Ze felt an arm fall over him, then that arm wrapping around him and hugging his body over. Following that was the warm breath approaching closer to his ear, then the person behind him dropping a shallow kiss on Xu Ze’s ear.

In the darkness, Xu Ze opened his eyes which did not fluctuate at this action. After waiting and not seeing Yang Yan or any other changes, Xu Ze closed his eyes again.

What happened that night, no one took the initiative to mention it on the second day. The rest was like a small episode, not creating many ripples on the lake. xEO6Dm

After the school exam was over, the results of each subject could be found on the computer. Everyone started to pack their things and go home for the New Year, though some would stay to do some part-time jobs or other things.

Xu Ze called his home and lied that he had to do a part-time job so he would return only after a while. His family members were indifferent and Xu Ze’s phone call seemed to be more like reporting work. Not every parent loved their children that much. For some people, children for them were probably just a part of the job.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

We If kjr bglulcjiis j qfgrbc klat atlc fwbalbcr. Cvvlcu atf ojma atja atfrf qjgfcar kfgf cba tlr gfji qjgfcar, tf kbeiv cba offi ecmbwobgajyif jcv tega yfmjerf bo atf batfg qjgas cba mjglcu jybea tlw.

Yc atf mbcagjgs, We If ofia yfaafg jybea atlr xlcv bo lcvloofgfcmf, rlcmf atlr kjs atfs kbeivc’a cbalmf atja tf kjr vloofgfca ogbw atflg bglulcji rbc. Ktfs jirb qgbyjyis kbeivc’a cbalmf atja tf kjr qgfucjca klat j ylu yfiis. ZM9DsF

During the school holiday, the students in the dormitory left basically at the same time. Xu Ze originally didn’t live in the school at all. After leaving the school for the holiday, he never went to the school again.

The weather was getting colder and colder. If there were no special circumstances, Xu Ze would stay at home most of the time, reading books or watching TV. He still took a certain amount of time every day to go out for a walk.

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Yang Yan seemed to be very busy recently, even sometimes he doesn’t come back for several days. When he didn’t come back, Xu Ze would fall into a silent, quiet state. Otherwise, there would be a pair of eyes staring at him at all times. Xu Ze having a cold heart did not mean that he had no heart. The staring would still have some influence.

Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, Xu Ze was about to leave and return to his hometown. He told Yang Yan the time he was leaving and Yang Yan nodded, expressing that he would drive Xu Ze to the high-speed rail station. 0wnEXD

In the few days before he left, Yang Yan behaved normally. On the second to last day, Xu Ze saw it was very late and thought that Yang Yan would not come back. As a result, in the early morning, Xu Ze was awakened by the movement beside him.

When he opened his eyes, there was darkness around him.

Yet even in the dark, Xu Ze still met a pair of deep eyes, eyes like those of a beast’s, staring at him. Xu Ze held his breath, because for a moment, he felt that the person beside him was not Yang Yan, but a beast in human skin. Xu Ze sensed a faintly dangerous aura floating in the air. A kind of biological instinct made Xu Ze at that moment choose to lie quietly and do nothing.

Xu Ze’s quietness comforted Yang Yan’s dry, pounding heart to a certain extent. raPNB1

He originally thought that he didn’t care about Xu Ze going back to his hometown, since he was only going back for about a week. Xu Ze would come back very soon. In the end, when Xu Ze was really about to leave, Yang Yan suddenly didn’t want Xu Ze to leave.

He was thinking about whether his family would take good care of Xu Ze after he returned, and whether Xu Ze would tell his parents about his pregnancy. They definitely couldn’t take care of Xu Ze as carefully as he did here.

Yang Yan hugged Xu Ze into his arms, not using much force. Xu Ze was bearing his child, so he was afraid of hurting the baby in Xu Ze’s belly.

“Xu Ze, don’t go back, okay?” Yang Yan hugged Xu Ze in the dark and said to Xu Ze in a tone that could be called a request. Gcxhm

Xu Ze blinked. Because the light was not turned on, Yang Yan couldn’t see Xu Ze’s expression at this time, unable to see the calmness and wavelessness in Xu Ze’s eyes.

Silence spread between the two. It was clearly just a few seconds, yet Yang Yan only felt that a long time had passed.

“I have already bought the ticket and told my family that I will be going back tomorrow.” Xu Ze’s calm voice rang out.

Yang Yan curled his lips. The surrounding darkness concealed the loss in his eyes. He thought that he really drank too much, that he would ask Xu Ze to stay and celebrate the New Year with him. Q6XHEJ

How would it be possible? It was clearly impossible.

“I’m joking, I’ll take you to the station tomorrow.” Yang Yan found himself a step to go down.

Xu Ze made an “en” sound, wanting to close his eyes and continue to sleep, when Yang Yan leaned down.

Yang Yan had been drinking with someone at the bar before he returned. There was still a faint taste of alcohol in his mouth. When the two of them touched their lips and tongues, Xu Ze seemed to also have tasted a little bit of alcohol. q7DiJY

Probably because he woke up in the middle of sleep, after kissing for a while, Xu Ze felt that he seemed to be infected by Yang Yan’s alcohol and felt a little drunk. He grabbed the clothes on Yang Yan’s back as the fire gradually started burning in his body.

In this way, Xu Ze only fell back to sleep at two or three in the morning and slept until noon the next day, which caused him to miss breakfast.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After getting up and changing clothes to eat lunch, Aunt Dong knew that Xu Ze was returning home this afternoon, so she specially cooked a rich table of dishes. Everything was what Xu Ze liked to eat. Every time he missed breakfast, at noon Xu Ze would be so hungry that he ate two bowls of rice. If he was not afraid that eating too much will be bad for his stomach, Xu Ze would like to eat three bowls.

After eating, Xu Ze sat on the sofa to rest for a moment, while Yang Yan helped him take the suitcase out of his room and put it in the living room. Because he was only going back for about a week and not too long, not to mention he also had clothes at home, Xu Ze didn’t take too many things with him. et4Rp3

After saying goodbye to Aunt Dong, Xu Ze went out the door with Yang Yan.

Driving all the way to the high-speed rail station, Yang Yan stopped the car outside the station. Before getting off the bus, Xu Ze turned his head and said to Yang Yan, “Just send me here, I’ll just go in by myself.” Xu Ze asked Yang Yan not to send him to the platform.

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Yang Yan didn’t say anything. He pushed open the door and got out of the car, took out Xu Ze’s suitcase from the trunk, and pulled up the lever. Xu Ze walked over and picked up the suitcase.

“I’m leaving.” Xu Ze and Yang Yan’s dark gaze looked at each other. Just as he was about to turn around, Yang Yan’s slightly hoarse voice rang out. vxsjI

“Xu Ze…”

Stopping his foot, Xu Ze thought that Yang Yan would say something, but Yang Yan was silent for several seconds.

“Be careful on the road and give me a call when you get home.” Yang Yan wanted to make sure Xu Ze got home safely.

“En, okay.” Xu Ze could feel some emotion from Yang Yan’s black eyes that were staring at him. This person was reluctant to let him leave and wanted him to stay. B uefJ

“Then goodbye.”

Xu Ze and Yang Yan smiled slightly. After saying goodbye, Xu Ze dragged his suitcase and walked into the station.

Yang Yan stood beside the car, watching Xu Ze’s handsome back slowly melt into the crowd, and then was submerged by the crowd. He took two steps forward, as if trying to find the familiar figure among the crowded heads, but he couldn’t find anything..

The sun was shining on Yang Yan’s face. At that moment, he only felt that there was a small hole in his heart. The cold wind was going straight through it and he felt the coldness all over his body. eysGHK

In the station, Xu Ze dragged his suitcase and took the escalator to the platform. There were still more than 20 minutes before the departure, since he arrived a little earlier to avoid temporary traffic jams on the road. However, he was quite lucky this day, only meeting a few red lights.

After finding a place, Xu Ze sat down, took out his phone and wore headphones to watch videos. After watching a few videos, it’s almost time. There were already many people waiting at the platform entrance. After Xu Ze walked over, he did not push forward, but stood near the back.

There were a few people standing beside him. One of them was a woman holding a baby in her arms. The baby’s face was tender and soft and when they noticed that Xu Ze was staring at them, they actually made “yiya” sounds. The woman thought there was something wrong with the child, so she hugged the child and coaxed for a while. Then the child opened their mouth and giggled. The voice was crisp and lovely and many surrounding passengers turned their heads to look at the child.

As a matter of fact, Xu Ze put his hand on his belly and a thought suddenly popped into his head. He wondered if the child in his belly would be born as cute as this little baby. W6b LX

During the short time waiting for the train, Xu Ze glanced at the little baby several times. 0EMSmZ

The train began to check tickets and the passengers in the queue slowly moved forward.

Taking the escalator and going downstairs, the ticket information was sent to his phone. Xu Ze dragged the luggage in one hand and held his phone in the other, comparing the numbers to find his section of the carriage.

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After getting on the train, he looked for his seat from the back to the front. After finding it, Xu Ze sat on as he put his suitcase under the iron frame. He especially bought the seat against the window, so this way he doesn’t have to get up to let another person in later.

The train departed very soon. Compared to most of the travelers returning home, Xu Ze didn’t feel much of anything. For him, coming home for the New Year was almost like completing a task. uZ3pjt

The train took more than an hour to arrive at Xu Ze’s hometown. When he got off the train, Xu Ze did not go to the bus station, but went outside and called a taxi. After buying the apartment, he still had a couple hundred thousands left of the money Yang Yan gave him. Xu Ze lived at Yang Yan’s place so Yang Yan took care of all the expenses. It could be said that Xu Ze spent very little time spending his money to buy things.

Getting into the car taking home, the scenery outside the car window was both familiar and unfamiliar to Xu Ze. Familiar because he had the original host’s memory, unfamiliar because it’s his first time coming to this city.

Xu Ze called his mother and said that he would be home soon. The voice over there was calm and flat, unable to hear any excitement. The original host’s mother was very restrained in her personal feelings. In the original host’s memory, it seemed that he had never seen his mother excited.

When the car arrived home, Xu Ze made payment with his phone. He quickly stood in front of a dark iron door. With his suitcase in his hand, he opened the door with a key. A woman was sitting in the living room. The woman turned her head when she heard the door open and saw her son appear. With the expression on her face at that time, those who didn’t know would think that she had nothing to do with Xu Ze.


Xu Ze entered the house and called the woman, “Mom!”

“You’re back?”It was only at this moment that the mother slowly got up. She looked at Xu Ze, with her eyes as indifferent as if she was looking at a stranger.

“En, Dad isn’t at home?” Xu Ze looked around the room and then asked.

“He went to your third uncle’s house. Your cousin got married so he went to help.” The mother replied. dGClP8

Xu Ze nodded, the corner of his mouth smiled lightly: “I’ll go and put my luggage first.” After saying that, Xu Ze walked to his bedroom. After entering, he subconsciously wanted to close the door with his backhand but temporarily stopped himself. The sound of the TV came from the living room with his mother sitting and continuing to watch TV.

Putting his suitcase on the floor, Xu Ze didn’t take out the clothes inside immediately, but took his phone out and dialed a number.

On the other end of the phone, Yang Yan had been waiting for this call all this time. He knew that Xu Ze should arrive home at about this time. The wait was not actually long, but in his opinion, every minute seemed to feel infinitely long.

“I arrived home.” Xu Ze said in a low voice as soon as the phone was connected. It was in a low voice because he didn’t want his mother outside to hear him calling Yang Yan. 0CFGfP

“Okay, remember to wear more. The temperature by your house is lower than here so try to put on a scarf when you go out…” After Yang Yan warned a few words, the voice suddenly stopped. He realized that he was talking too much. Xu Ze was not a child. He doesn’t need him to mention these.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

There was a period of silence on both sides at the same time. Xu Ze stood by the bedroom window and he looked out into the black void outside it.

“P klii qjs jaafcalbc.” We If’r abcf vlvc’a oiemaejaf fnfc atf rilutafra.

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“P klii tjcu eq olgra. P ralii tjnf ab mifjc eq ws gbbw.” EuV0R9

Ktf kbgvr “vbc’a algf sbegrfio bea” pera gbiifv bc atf alq bo Tjcu Tjc’r abcuef, sfa lc atf cfza wbwfca tf rkjiibkfv la yjmx.

Cr atf mjii fcvfv, Tjcu Tjc kjr mieamtlcu atf qtbcf. Ktlr kjr bcis atf olgra vjs We If kfca yjmx tbwf, sfa bc atlr olgra vjs, tf ofia tlr tfjga kjr rb fwqas atja tf kjcafv ab lwwfvljafis vglnf ab rff We If. Ktf mbgcfg bo Tjcu Tjc’r ilqr gjlrfv eq jr tf rfio-vfqgfmjalcuis rtbbx tlr tfjv jcv rwlifv

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When he went back that day, Xu Ze called Yang Yan, but afterwards he didn’t take any initiative to contact Yang Yan. Yang Yan on the other hand wanted to hear Xu Ze’s voice every day. It’s just that he didn’t know what he should say to Xu Ze if he called. Should he ask Xu Ze what he ate? Or what he did?

And so, Yang Yan also worked hard to restrain the urge to contact Xu Ze. O0Wtcf

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival arrived. Xu Ze’s family also bought the Spring Festival couplets. He stood on the stool with the Spring Festival couplets and stuck them on the door. After sticking them down, his body shook and he grabbed the wall in time to prevent himself from falling. However, because the movement range was a little big at that time, when Xu Ze returned to the house, his stomach felt a little uncomfortable.

His parents still didn’t know that he was pregnant with a child. Xu Ze had controlled his expression and didn’t let them find out.

In the evening, a family of three sat at the dinner table for New Year’s Eve dinner. It originally should have been a happy event, yet there were not many smiles on their faces. The parents were used to being serious and they seemed to be emotionally restrained at all times. The food was delicious, but Xu Ze didn’t have much appetite. After eating a little, he said he was full.

Xu Ze went back to his room. Someone was setting off fireworks outside the window so the night sky was lit up from time to time. The beautiful fireworks were blooming. That kind of beauty was extremely beautiful, yet it was also fleeting. 9zlkcI

Outside his room, his parents sat together to watch the Spring Festival Gala. There was laughter and celebration on the TV. Xu Ze listened to those sounds yet he could not feel any joy. He put his hand on his belly. The baby inside seemed to be asleep since there was no movement.

It’s quite strange to think that he, a man, was actually pregnant. Xu Ze slowly exposed a smile.

It seemed that more and more people were setting off fireworks. There were sounds of fireworks exploding everywhere. Since it was not early nor was Xu Ze feeling sleepy, Xu Ze walked out of the room.

He notified his parents, “I am going outside to watch the fireworks.” rpG8oP

The parents nodded and their gazes returned to the TV. Even if there were people in this room, it seemed deserted and cold. Xu Ze had no expectations or feelings for this place in his heart.

Walking to the door, Xu Ze changed his shoes. When he opened the door, Xu Ze seemed to remember something. He turned around and went back to his room, where he found a scarf for his neck. As soon as the scarf was put on, his whole neck seemed to warm up immediately.

Opening the door and walking out, Xu Ze took the elevator downstairs.

There were many pedestrians on the street, especially children. The children were running around and making noise. When he got outside, it seemed that the atmosphere of the festival instantly became stronger. A child was holding a firework that was burning. They were holding them in their hands as they watched the burning fireworks. Xu Ze walked forward slowly. F7CgtX

He had no destination in mind, just walking around casually.

Walking to the edge of a square, there were happy voices everywhere. Those voices slowly infected Xu Ze, making Xu Ze’s face to also begin to have a smile.

There were children running around Xu Ze. A child ran into Xu Ze, which Xu Ze then consoled the other party. The child said sorry, turned their head and ran away. The lively figures of the children shuttled through the crowd.

In a few months, the baby in his womb should be born. He should also be as lively as these children. As for him, of course, he couldn’t accompany the child, nor would he accompany a certain person. y6lpf0

After standing by the square for more than half an hour, Xu Ze turned around and walked back.

All the way back, what he saw was people coming out of their homes. Xu Ze was walking in the opposite direction from several people .

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When he arrived downstairs of the home, Xu Ze stopped for a moment.

Just as he was walking forward, Xu Ze suddenly noticed a tall, upright figure standing under a street lamp. If Xu Ze hadn’t glanced over there by chance, he probably wouldn’t have spotted that person at all. QTEZqC

Xu Ze was stunned for a moment. Looking closer, his eyes indeed did not see wrong. It was really Yang Yan. This person actually came to him instead of accompanying his family at home on New Year’s Eve.

Xu Ze stood on the spot. The person under the street light knew that Xu Ze saw him, but he didn’t move immediately/ He just looked at Xu Ze from a distance. The two stared at each other across the crowd.

Later, it was Xu Ze who moved first. He walked to the front of Yang Yan. When he got closer, he could see the other party’s face more clearly. Yang Yan’s eyes were deep and dark, staring at Xu Ze with a torching gaze.

Xu Ze’s heart suddenly fluctuated a little, because of the matter that Yang Yan came to see him this late night. 15zevS

“Happy New Year, Yang Yan!” Xu Ze didn’t ask why Yang Yan came. He knew that reason. He didn’t know when it started, but this person liked him and he seemed to even like him very much.

Xu Ze’s peach blossom eyes were filled with a mesmerizing smile. Yang Yan stared intently without looking away.

After a good while, Yang Yan’s low voice came out: “Happy New Year!”

It’s just a few simple words, yet Yang Yan suddenly felt its weight. 4x7aev

There was a child running by while laughing and smiling. Both of their eyes went over. Yang Yan’s eyes were pulled back first. He looked down at the abdomen covered by Xu Ze’s down jacket. This time of next year, he thought, between them there would be one more baby. As soon as this thought came together, Yang Yan couldn’t help stepping forward. He reached out to hold Xu Ze’s hand. Xu Ze’s hand was placed in the pocket of his clothes, so it was quite warm. This warmth continued up his arm and into his cold lonely heart, which seemed to also warm up in an instant.

Yang Yan raised his eyes and looked at Xu Ze. There were pedestrians on the street, yet Yang Yan didn’t care and kissed Xu Ze’s lips.

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