Ch9 - Wearing Green Hat

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Yang Yan knew that Xie Chengzhou didn’t give up on Xu Ze, since he understood his friend. Interesting things will eventually land in his hand to play. He only wanted that child. After the child is born, whoever Xu Ze wants to be with is Xu Ze’s freedom.

That’s what Yang Yan thought at the time. It’s only that he didn’t know that just a few days later, he was slapped papapa in the face by himself. 

It wasn’t Yang Yan who saw Xu Ze first, but was Yang Yan’s little lover, Lu Sheng.

Yang Yan was inviting some friends for dinner and brought Lu Sheng with him. While leaving a hot pot restaurant, Lu Sheng accidentally saw Xu Ze.

Other people may not know, but Lu Sheng, as Yang Yan’s lover, had heard Yang Yan answer the phone several times and vaguely knows something. For example, Xu Ze now lives in Yang Yan’s house.

Lu Sheng had been to that house once or twice, but he never would have thought that Yang Yan would arrange for Xu Ze to go there. 

Listening to the content, it seemed that Xu Ze had a small problem, so Yang Yan specially arranged for someone to take care of Xu Ze.


Lu Sheng still remembered the situation when he met Xu Ze last time. At that time, Xu Ze was in very good condition. It didn’t seem like a physical problem no matter how you looked at it. The reason why Lu Sheng himself was with Yang Yan was because he wanted to earn some benefits from Yang Yan. The only reason why he was hostile to Xu Ze was entirely because he personally felt that Xu Ze had the same purpose as him, yet he acted as if they were not of the same kind.

Who was more noble than others? They’re obviously the same. In addition to him, Yang Yan also raised Xu Ze, this lover, and Lu Sheng couldn’t help but eat vinegar. But he couldn’t run in front of Yang Yan to say bad things about Xu Ze, since he and Xu Ze basically never had any interactions.

What surprised Lu Sheng was that he would actually meet Xu Ze under this situation. Xu Ze was sitting together with a few young boys and girls of similar age.


The boys and girls were split in half in the middle. Several people were sitting in front of a hot pot table. Sitting next to Xu Ze was a beautiful girl, and the two were very close to each other.

Not knowing what they’re talking about, the people at the table are talking and laughing, Xu Ze was also laughing. Those charming peach blossom eyes and his smile were more gorgeous than spring flowers.

The girl seemed to be going to get something, Xu Ze was also reaching out to get it, and the hands of the two met. The girl raised her eyes and glanced at Xu Ze quickly. After a moment, she lowered her eyes, her face looked timid and shy. As long as one wasn’t blind, they could see that the girl was interested in Xu Ze.

As for Xu Ze, Xu Ze did not refuse. Not refusing was, to a certain extent, expressing acceptance. 

And so Lu Sheng stopped Yang Yan who was walking, and pointed to the inside of the hot pot restaurant: “Brother Yang, over there……”

He didn’t have much to say. Although he wasn’t with Yang Yan for a long time, Lu Sheng roughly understood Yang Yan’s temper. Yang Yan liked quiet, well-behaved, and untroublesome people.

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So he only pointed in a general direction.

The air pressure around him suddenly dropped, and Lu Sheng pursued the corners of his lips. It was Xu Ze who was smiling at the girl. He obviously was following Yang Yan, yet he went behind Yang Yan’s back and hooked up with other people. As for what will happen later, Xu Ze asked for it and had nothing to do with him. 

Lu Sheng removed himself, waiting for the next development.

Yang Yan looked at the chattering and laughing people in the hot pot restaurant through the glass window. He recalled the last time Xu Ze smiled at him like this. His memory became blurred, as if Xu Ze never smiled at him like this in his memory.

An emotion called betrayal and deceit surged and the waves rolled. He let Xu Ze stay and rest on his own for these ten months, and take care of the fetus.

Yet what did Xu Ze do? He came out behind his back and fooled around with women. 

Yang Yan pinned his gaze on that girl beside Xu Ze, as if he wanted to tear her apart.

Yang Yan’s eyes were sharp and cold. The girl who was originally eating the hot pot shuddered suddenly, feeling uncomfortable all over, as if someone was staring at her from a distance, their gaze terrifyingly cold like a wild beast.


When the girl tried to look over and find it, she did not find it.

Xie Chengzhou was walking behind, since he was also there for dinner this time. As he walked, he saw Yang Yan’s footsteps nailed in a place. His face that was just calm, became dark and reached the extreme in the blink of an eye. 

Xie Chengzhou’s heart was curious so he walked up quickly. Following Yang Yan’s gaze, Xie Chengzhou saw Xu Ze in the hot pot restaurant nearby.

The boy smiled like a flower, his handsome face directly pressed down the other girls at the same table when compared. Wherever he was, the light seemed to always be on him, making it difficult to notice others.

There were a few familiar faces among them. The boys were classmates of Xu Ze, but they didn’t know the other girls.

Looking at the situation of how the few people get along, Xie Chengzhou wasn’t to the point of being unable to guess it. It’s most likely a situation similar to a college dormitory friendship get-together. 

When arriving at university, every young boy’s and girl’s heart sprang up. In high school, they studied at night and every day was just studying. When they arrived at university, free time just appeared. As for what to do with their free time, most people basically chose to communicate with others, and find a boyfriend and girlfriend to date.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktlr qblca kjr nfgs ecvfgrajcvjyif. Wlf Jtfcuhtbe aegcfv tlr fsfr ab ibbx ja Tjcu Tjc yfrlvf tlw. Zjsyf Tjcu Tjc vlvc’a fzqfma atlr rmfcf. Zjsyf Tjcu Tjc atbeuta tf kjr lc mbcagbi bo We If. Lf vlvc’a xcbk atja atlr qfgrbc kbeiv mbwf bea ab rbmljilhf klat batfgr yftlcv tlr yjmx.

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Seeing that the group of people get along well, maybe after this hot pot there would be several pairs.

“Bearing your seed and flirting with other girls, what are you going to do?” Xie Chengzhou approached Yang Yan and asked in a low voice. 

He was looking forward to what happened next very much. Speaking of which, he had been pursuing Xu Ze during this period of time. But Xu Ze’s answer was very clear, letting Xie Chengzhou know that he did not need to waste time on him.

“How could it be a waste of time? Xu Ze, I really want to be friends with you.” Xie Chengzhou’s tone was very sincere at the time.

“Be friends with me?” Xu Ze chuckled, and then he said, “What kind of friends? The kind that could be slept?”

“Is it because you know that my body can give birth to children, and is different from other people, able to satisfy some people’s curiosity? That’s the main point, isn’t it?” 

“I don’t like to be played with by someone. Before I messed it up once. I’ll be really stupid if I mess up again.”

This referred to the period when he was with Yang Yan before.

“Xu Ze, sometimes you should try to trust other people. Maybe you can meet with someone truly sincere!” Xie Chengzhou played as a good person.

Similar kinds of people would gather in groups. How good could someone who can become good friends with Yang Yan be? What’s more, Xie Chengzhou only asked Yang Yan to call Xu Ze out to meet him because he wanted to sleep with Xu Ze. 

Now he opened his mouth and said that he was sincere. If Xu Ze didn’t know that his pregnant body couldn’t be emotional and couldn’t do anything casually, he would have picked up a brick from the ground and blown Xie Chengzhou’s dog head.

Xu Ze didn’t explode Xie Chengzhou’s dog head, But afterward, no matter how Xie Chengzhou behaved, Xu Ze didn’t give any response looking at Xie Chengzhou with a cold face.


Faced with Xie Chengzhou’s question, Yang Yan looked over. Xie Chengzhou raised his eyebrows, an expression of waiting to watch the show.

If it weren’t for his provocative words, perhaps Yang Yan would be a bit more comfortable. 

Yang Yan didn’t say a word. He took out the phone and called Xu Ze. In the glass window, Xu Ze’s cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone to see that it was Yang Yan calling.

In the past twenty days, Yang Yan seemed to have completely disappeared from his sight. Only in the place where he lived and the aunt taking care of him, Xu Ze knew that these were provided by Yang Yan.

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The last meeting can be said to be very unpleasant. If Yang Yan suddenly gave him a call, Xu Ze subconsciously felt that it might not be a good thing.

It could be said that from Xu Ze’s view, as long as Yang Yan does not appear, it was a good thing. 

The other party’s phone call already came, and the nine and a half million hadn’t been received yet. For the sake of the money, Xu Ze answered the phone.

“Xu Ze, come out!” As soon as the phone was connected, the other side gave an order that seemed to contain anger.

Xu Ze was stunned, naturally, he wouldn’t have thought that what came out here was different from what he thought.

“I’m outside, not in the house.” 

“I know, you’re eating hot pot with other people!”

This voice had a little bit of a smile, but the smile here wouldn’t make Xu Ze feel that Yang Yan will be in a good mood. When Yang Yan said the two words hot pot, Xu Ze slowly turned his head and looked around, his neck turned half a circle, and suddenly his eyes froze.

Several people stood outside a glass window, and the middle one was talking to him with a mobile phone in his hand.

And that person’s face was almost covered with the words “I am very angry now, you’d better recognize it and get out by yourself immediately.” 

In the face of Yang Yan’s icy gaze, Xu Ze’s heart missed a beat for a moment, but after that he quickly calmed down.

It wasn’t difficult to guess what Yang Yan might have misunderstood.

Xu Ze didn’t hang up the phone and got up. He told his classmates and the get-together fellow girls that he’s going out to answer the phone, then Xu Ze left his seat. Everyone did not suspect him. This hot pot restaurant tasted good and everyone ate very happily, so they didn’t notice the strangeness in Xu Ze’s situation.

Holding the phone, Xu Ze walked out of the hot pot restaurant, walked out the door and turned right. Xu Ze saw familiar faces standing beside Yang Yan. His little lover and Xie Chengzhou were also there. 

Once Xie Chengzhou saw Xu Ze come out, he raised a smiling face and said hello.

“Hey! Xu Ze, what a coincidence!”


Xie Chengzhou and Xu Ze greeted each other, and beside them, dark clouds were covering Yang Yan’s face.

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Xu Ze glanced at Xie Chengzhou and didn’t respond much. He walked straight to Yang Yan, but he didn’t get too close, keeping a safe distance from Yang Yan. 

Yang Yan’s gaze lingered. For a moment he even gave Xu Ze the illusion that he was going out to hook up with other people behind Yang Yan’s back, making Yang Yan wear a green hat.

“Not explaining?” Yang Yan spat out a few words from his thin lips, every word rolled over an ice blade.

“The classmates in the dormitory came out to socialize with other schools, and pulled me to match headcounts.” Xu Ze gave a reply cleanly.

“Headcount? Why can’t I see that? You were smiling quite happily!” Yang Yan sneered. 

There were people coming and going. The few of them were standing here and almost blocked the way.

And someone was already looking here. Xu Ze took two steps forward. He would get five hundred thousand in a few days. Xu Ze wouldn’t cross over with money.

After all, was there still something that’s cuter than money in this world? At least Xu Ze hasn’t found it yet.

“…I don’t want to go to the hospital again today!” Xu Ze suddenly said these words. 

Hearing this, everyone except Yang Yan all looked at each other.

Yang Yan frowned. When he wanted to get angry again, he immediately thought of the scene after a conflict with Xu Ze, where he sent Xu Ze to the hospital. It was always others who went along with him. He never had to control himself, but here Yang Yan had to take a sigh of relief. He thought it was for the child, not for Xu Ze’s body. It wasn’t to avoid seeing Xu Ze’s pale face. As for what the underlying reason was, only he himself knew clearly.

Author has words to say:

Mini Theater: 

Yang Yan: Your eyes can only have me inside! Not allowed to look at other people! not allowed to laugh with other people!

Xu Ze: Alright, but you have to add more money!!


Yesterday, my body was uncomfortable. Didn’t edit the chapter. Only finished editing this morning. 

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