Wretched Original Spouse vs Top Mistress (34)

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On the day of winter solstice, the Empress held a banquet in the palace.

After the Empress got married, this was her first time holding a banquet; its significance was naturally not the same. (这是帝后大婚以后,皇后娘娘第一次自己举办宴会,意义自然非同一般)

All the titled women put on their court dress that signified their status, making every effort to give this young Empress a good impression.

Zhang Mingshu was no exception.

She sat in her seat and heard the inner servant call out: “The Empress has arrived!”

She knelt down, not daring to lift her head, until that person above sat down before getting up along with everyone else.

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Zhang Mingshu was quite curious about this Empress, Taifu’s eldest daughter and was Zhenbei Wangfu’s shizi fei.

But now, she became the Empress, Mother of the world, and she, herself, took her place.

She also found that there were many that intentionally scrutinized her. Many people also sized up the Empress’ attitude towards Zhenbei Wang shizi fei.

Unfortunately, many people were bound to be disappointed. From the beginning to the end, Gu Shengyin appeared as if she did not know of this matter and did not give Zhang Mingshu half a glance.

Contrarily, it was Zhang Mingshu who was unable to hold back looking above in the end.

The moment she looked, she overturned the wine cup in her hand due to fright and soiled her dress. (这一看之下,她惊得打翻了手中的酒杯,杯中的残夜弄脏了她的裙摆)

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There were numerous people stealing laughs at the moment, secretly despising how this Zhenbei Wang shizi fei did not know etiquette. However, Zhang Mingshu did not have the energy to deal with it. (当下就有不少人窃笑,暗自鄙夷这位镇北王世子妃不知礼仪。可是张明姝却没有功夫去搭理这些)

This Empress was clearly Meng jie jie!

In that case, those words she had said before… Zhang Mingshu scared herself to the point of cold sweat. (张明姝被自己惊出了一声冷汗)

At that time, it was still known that she was still her biao ge‘s fiancee; however, she went as far as to saying in front of her face how deeply affectionate she and her biao ge were and even scolded her as vicious. Please read this at jiamin translation dot com.

At this moment, Zhang Mingshu only wished she could drill into the ground so the person above could not see her.

It was a pity that Gu Shengyin had always been paying attention to her. Zhang Mingshu only saw the person above say something, and then a female official walked towards her. (可惜顾盛因一直都在注意着她,张明姝只看到上首的人说了些什么,然后就有一位女官朝着自己走了过来)

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She was very afraid, afraid of the Empress punishing her. The female official came and did not speak, just knelt to her.

“Chen fu1 is guilty…” She heard the sounds of snickers in her surroundings.

That female official also appeared to be frightened and said in surprise: “Shizi fei, please rise quickly. I am under the Empress’ orders to lead you to a quiet room to change clothes.”

Zhang Mingshu felt endless shame for a period of time.

She followed the female official into a quiet room, and the female official withdrew to get clean clothes. She waited for a long time until she heard footsteps from behind.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw the person she did not want to see the most.

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“Meng jie jie…”

“Audacious!” The now already senior maid in Kunyi Palace, Jian Jia, also gradually self-tempered herself to put forth an imposing manner. “Seeing the Empress yet not saluting?” (如今已经是坤仪宫大宫女的蒹葭也逐渐磨练出了一身气势,“见到娘娘不行礼?)

Zhang Mingshu knelt on the ground in a hurry and begged for Gu Shengyin’s forgiveness: “Empress, please forgive me. Chen fu did not know you at that time. Please think of it as me being sick and speaking nonsense…” (张明姝慌忙跪了下来,对着顾盛因开口就是求饶:“皇后娘娘请开恩,臣妇那时候并不知道是您,您就当我是生病了说的胡话……)

She also understood it in her heart. If Gu Shengyin wanted to punish her, it was only a matter of words.

Gu Shengyin looked at Zhang Mingshu, who was trembling with fear and without half of a bearing, and felt that it was not worth it for Liang Chenyu. She actually lost to this kind of woman? (顾盛因看着吓得战战兢兢,半分仪态也无的张明姝,心中实在为梁宸玉不值,她居然就是输给了这么一个女人?)

“What is shizi fei talking about? Ben gong does not understand those words. Ben gong simply saw shizi fei not coming out. Feeling worried, ben gong hence came to take a look, that’s all. Perhaps shizi fei drank too much and spoke nonsense?”
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