Overbearing Female CEO vs Civilian Small White Flower (3)

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“Ding~” The elevator made a noise as it opened.

The first thing that entered Wang Zhenzhen’s eyes was a pair of well proportioned slender, long legs.

Immediately after, Wang Zhenzhen saw the owner of those legs.

She is very tall. This was Wang Zhenzhen’s first thought. She was one meter six, but this person in front of her appeared to be taller than her by a head.

Gu Shengyin gave a glance as light as a feather towards Wang Zhenzhen’s side and turned towards the parking lot without any emotions. (顾盛因轻飘飘的看了立在一边的王珍珍的一眼,毫不留恋的转过身,朝着停车场走去)

Wang Zhenzhen waited until she walked far in the distance before recovering her wits. Just a moment ago, that glance made her feel as if she had been seen through. (王珍珍等到她走远了,才缓过神来,刚刚那一眼,让她有一种自己整个人都被看穿的感觉)

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She knows who this person was. On the finance and economics news, the company had printed several publications that had her figure.

Long shi‘s big boss, she also had no chance to come in contact with this top person in her lifetime.

Wang Zhenzhen shook her head and walked towards the bus stop outside the company.

Gu Shengyin sat in the car recalling the moment she saw Wang Zhenzhen.

She was indeed a person who completely lacked a sense of presence. It was quite difficult to imagine how this kind of person could actually pay someone to murder. (确实是一个看起来毫无存在感的人,很难想象这样一个人,到最后居然能做出买凶杀人这种事情)

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Long Tianruo’s life was extremely self-disciplined. On a usual day, apart from work, she never went to places like bars or nightclubs. Her leisure time was usually spent exercising, practicing yoga, occasionally listening to a concert or two, and going to the gatherings of close friends. (龙天若的生活极其自律,平日里除了工作,从不去夜店酒吧这种地方,平日的闲暇就是健身练瑜伽偶尔去听两场音乐会,,跟几位相熟的朋友聚一聚)

In regards to her status, being able to make friends with her in that small circle were only a few people. (到她这个身份,能和她相交的也不过就是那个小圈子的几个人)

“Jie! Are you free tonight? Lin ge returned to the country last night and we’re meeting up.” The person calling was Long Tianruo’s childhood friend, Zhu Xiaoxiao. This girl and Long Tianruo differed in personality. Her family elders pampered her, and there were several older brothers holding her up. She was a small princess not just in name, but also in reality. (“姐!今晚上有空没?林哥昨晚上回国了,咱们一起聚聚。”打电话是和龙天若一起长大的发小朱筱筱,这姑娘和龙天若不一样,家里长辈.宠.着,家里的事情都几个哥哥顶着,名副其实的小公主)

However, when this small princess first saw Long Tianruo as a child, she was captivated by her appearance and straightforwardly said that she wanted to marry her, causing the two families to laugh for a long time. Please read this at jiamin translation dot com.

Later, Zhu Xiaoxiao understood the difference between a male and female. Although she no longer made noise about marrying Long Tianruo, she became her number one little sister fan. In her eyes, Long Tianruo was the best, even to the root of her silky hair. Even her elder brother had to stand aside. (后来朱筱筱知事了,明白了男女之别,虽然不再吵着要嫁给龙天若,却成了她的头号迷妹,在她眼里,龙天若连根头发丝儿都是最好的,连自家大哥都要靠边站)

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Long Tianruo’s relationship with her was excellent. She had no siblings, so she regarded Zhu Xiaoxiao as her younger sister and spoiled her. (龙天若和她关系极好,她自己没有兄弟姐妹,拿朱筱筱当亲妹子疼)

Zhu Xiao Xiao had opened her mouth; she naturally could not refuse.

During the evening, Gu Shengyin opened Long Tianruo’s wardrobe, and immediately, various custom-made suits completely packed inside, appeared before her eyes. (晚上的时候,顾盛因打开了龙天若的衣柜,顿时,满满当当的各色定制西装出现在了她的眼里)

Gu Shengyin: …

She opened another wardrobe, picked out an outfit that appeared less formal, and drove to the destination that Zhu Xiaoxiao had said.

This was A City’s famous entertainment street. On this entire street, whatever you want to play, you could play. As long as you had money, you could enjoy it. (这是A市出名的娱乐街,整条街里,你想玩什么,只要有钱,都能享受到)

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When Gu Shengyin got off the car, she attracted a lot of people’s attention. After those people saw her car, they understood that she was also a person who did not lack money. There were also people whistling at her in the middle of the street. (顾盛因下车的时候吸引了不少人的目光,那些人看到她的车之后就明白这又是一个不差钱的主儿,还有人当街朝她吹起了口哨)

Regarding those people, Gu Shengyin certainly did not care.

The place Zhu Xiaoxiao and the others chose was an upscale clubhouse. Gu Shengyin informed the address and was lead inside by the waiter.

She pushed open the door; inside was currently bustling with excitement. Seeing her come in, all eyes turned towards her. (她推开门,里面这会儿正热闹,见到她进来都把目光放到了她身上)

“Pretty good ah, Tianruo. Today, I’ll give you full points!” A punk-dressed youth closest to the door raised up a thumb towards Gu Shengyin.

The rest of the people also cast over surprised looks. (其余人也纷纷投来了惊.艳的目光)

They couldn’t be blamed for making a fuss. It was actually because Long Tianruo usually dressed in work clothing. Today, it was rare to see her change styles; she was truly called bright before people’s eyes.
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