Overbearing Female CEO vs Civilian Small White Flower (10)

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She stepped forward to look at the already unconscious Xia Ziqing. After determining that the other person was indeed unconscious, she leaned over……and lifted him up. (她走上前去看了一眼已经人事不省的夏子擎,确定对方意识确实已经昏迷之后,俯身……将人给提了起来)

That was right! Although her stature was tall, she, still considered a slender girl, lifted up a big man of 1.8 meters.  (没错,这个身材虽然高挑却依旧算得上纤细的妹子,将一个一米八多的大男人给提了起来)

She did not bring the person to the car. Xia jia‘s influence covered A City entirely. Xia Ziqing just didn’t have any strength and temporarily stayed at this remote area. (她没有将人带上车,夏家的势力遍布整个A市,夏子擎方才不过是没有力气了才在这么个偏僻的地方停留了下来)

Gu Shengyin looked around before bringing Xia Ziqing to a bench to rest at the entrance of the underground mall. 

She was certain that there will be people from Xia jia who would come and take him away in less than five minutes.

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After finishing this matter, Gu Shengyin dusted her hands and walked away without reluctance.

She did not see that the man, who should originally be unconscious with his eyes closed, unexpectedly expended great effort to open his eyes and glanced towards her direction before falling back into deep sleep. (她没有看到,身后本应该闭目意识昏迷的男人突然费力的睁开了眼睛,朝着她的方向看了一眼才复又沉沉睡去)

Gu Shengyin did not go directly to the garage, but went inside the mall and came out carrying a bag of things.

She believed that with Xia jia‘s strength, Xia Wanjun wanting to find out who put Xia Ziqing there was simply as easy as a hand’s turn1. In that case, if Gu Shengyin did not buy anything and left directly after saving someone, that would contrarily not be a good explanation. (她相信以夏家的实力,夏万钧想要查出是谁将夏子擎放在那里简直易如反掌。那么,如果顾盛因什么东西都不买,救了个人就直接离开的话,反而不好解释)

In this way, it would be very easy to understand: Long Tianruo originally went to the mall to buy something and encountered the injured Xia Ziqing along the way. Due to morality, she brought the person to a place where Xia jia‘s people could see him.

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Everything was very perfect. (一切都非常完美)

Her explanation was this. As far as to whether other people believed it or not, that was the business of other people.

Gu Shengyin drove straight home. Please read this at jiamin translation dot com.

This was not Long shi‘s old residence. Living in the old residence were several of Long jia‘s elders of direct descent. Long Tianruo did not want to listen to them nagging all day, so she simply bought a villa and lived there. She would only return there once a month for a family meal gathering. (这里不是龙氏的老宅,老宅里面住着龙家嫡系好几位长辈,龙天若不愿意整天听着他们唠叨,索性自己一个人买了套别墅,住在这里。只一个月回去同那些人聚一次餐)

She did not like strangers coming in and out of her place. Therefore, inside such a large villa, besides the worker who comes to clean up at every week at a fixed time and Zhu Xiaoxiao who likes to stick to her the most and would come over a few times occasionally, there was almost no other person’s footprints. (她不喜欢陌生人进出自己的地方,所以偌大的一座别墅里边,除了每个星期定时过来清理的钟点工,和最喜欢黏她的朱筱筱偶尔过来几次,几乎再也没有旁人的足迹)

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This was also the reason why Xia Wanjun’s subordinates could move their hands so easily. (这也是夏万钧的手下下手这么容易的原因)

After opening the door, the first thing Gu Shengyin did was take off her suit jacket.

She always wore formal clothes at work with a white collared shirt under the suit jacket.

But now, she causally unbuttoned the collared shirt’s two top buttons that were buttoned during the day, revealing a delicate collarbone and sparkling, translucent skin. (不过这会儿,白天里扣到最上面一颗扣子的衬衫被她信手解开了两粒扣子,露出了精致的锁骨和下面一片晶莹肌肤)

A little further down was an undulating ravine vanishing gradually underneath the tight collared shirt. (再往下一点,一道起伏的沟.壑隐没在严严实实的衬衫里)

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Some people have said before that clothes like collared shirts were unsuitable for people with body figures that were too sexy to wear. Really, the originally most serious-looking clothes unexpectedly gave a feeling of suppressing desire when worn on Gu Shengyin’s body. (有人说过,衬衫这种服装,不适合身材太过火.辣的人穿。确实,原本最是严肃不过的衣服,搁顾盛因身上偏偏有了那么一丝禁欲系的感觉)

Not to mention that this beauty, whose long hair was draped loosely to the waist, was opening a bottle of red wine while sitting on the sofa with a lazy appearance.

Xia Wanjun habitually turned on the screen and saw this scene. 

Long Tianruo’s appearance was undoubtedly beautiful, but the her during the day was sharp and too vigorous, making people feel that she had a very powerful presence at first glance and very few people would focus on her face. (龙天若的长相无疑是美的,只是白日里的她,锋芒太过旺盛,让人第一时间感受到的是她强大的气场,而极少有人会将注意力集中在她的脸上)

Now she took off the sharpness she had during the day, and her cold appearance relaxed. Under the lights, a pretty and flirtatious beauty unexpectedly appeared. (这会儿她褪去了白日里的锋芒,白日里看着凌厉的眉眼放松下来,在灯光之下竟生生的透出了一丝妖冶的艳色来)

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