Overbearing Female CEO vs Civilian Small White Flower (13)

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Xia Ziqing seeing Xia Wanjun was just like seeing a flood beast. He quickly glanced at Gu Shengyin before lowering his head and leaving.

His Fourth Uncle was a transcendent existence in Xia jia. Even those aloof family elders dared not to breathe loudly in front of Xia Siye, even more so for him, a young master of a side branch.

It was in fact this way. It wasn’t just Xia Ziqing; the entire Xia jia treated Xia Wanjun with fear and trepidation. This killing God was a master at making life worse than death. Who would dare provoke him? (事实上就是如此,不止是夏子擎,整个夏家的人对待夏万钧的人都是战战兢兢。这位杀神可是整死人不偿命的主儿,谁敢去招惹他)

Gu Shengyin raised her eyebrows in surprise: “You turned out to be the famous Xia Siye. Tianruo has three lifetime’s worth of luck to actually be able to get Siye to personally talk about business.” (龙天若讶异的挑起眉:“原来是大名鼎鼎的夏四爷。天若三生有幸,居然能得四爷亲自出马谈生意)

Xia Ziqing called Xia Wanjun Fourth Uncle, and being able to be called Siye by the entire Xia jia was only one person.

It would be foolish to pretend to be confused.

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Xia Wanjun smiled lightly: “I have always attached great importance to the cooperation with Long shi.”

Gu Shengyin suddenly felt somewhat cold and unconsciously used her fingers to gently rub her arms.

Xia Wanjun did not miss this detail: “Tianruo is cold?” 

Gu Shengyin gave him a strange look. This man looks the same as usual, apparently not feeling it was abrupt in calling her Tianruo.

If she emphasized something, this appearance of his contrarily seemed to be petty. (他这个样子,若是她去强调什么,反而显得小家子气)

She nodded: “It seems a bit cold.” 

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Xia Wanjun’s eyes were overflowing with a smile. He beckoned towards an attendant at the side and said a few words. The attendant promptly bowed and left.

The two of them stood quietly in the corner. Not a single sentence was spoken, yet they unexpectedly did not feel awkward.

In the eyes of other people, the hidden meaning might not be realized clearly. (放在别人眼里,这里面的意思就不得了了)

Everyone knew that Xia jia‘s Siye usually liked quietness and his mysophobia was extremely serious. Everyone was already baffled at him for being able to come to this kind of occasion, yet he unexpectedly chatted with someone for so long!

Those people looked at Long Tianruo with some profound meaning in their eyes. She deserved to be called the number one younger generation, even settling a person like Xia Siye. (那些人打量龙天若的目光就有些意味深长,不愧是年轻一辈的第一人,就连夏四爷这样的人物,都能够搞定)

There were also many people who looked at the two with an ambiguous gaze. It had to be said that if Xia Wanjun and Long Tianruo were together, a handsome man and a beautiful woman seemed to truly be a match. (也有不少人目光暧昧的看着两人。不得不说夏万钧和龙天若在一起,俊男美女,看起来实在登对)

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There were a good number of people thinking: could it be possible that Xia Siye, who didn’t get close to females, began to have the stirrings of love sprout this time? (有好一部分人都在寻思着:莫非传闻中不近女色的夏四爷,这一次总算是春心萌动了)

The attendant returned quickly with a snow-white rabbit fur shawl in his hands. Please read this at jiamin translation dot com.

Xia Wanjun personally reached out to take the shawl into his hands and draped it on Gu Shengyin’s body.

He draped the shawl around her shoulders from behind, which was equivalent to gathering her entire body into his embrace.

A familiar breath surrounded Gu Shengyin in a flash; she almost could not control the subconscious action of leaning into the man’s embrace. (熟悉的气息一瞬间将顾盛因包围,她差点控制不知下意识的就顺势倚靠在男人怀里)

Xia Wanjun was enjoying this feeling quite considerably. When he looped his arms around Gu Shengyin’s shoulders, a never experienced before urge welled up in his heart making him want to tighten his arms to really receive this person into his embrace. (夏万钧却是相当享受这种感觉,他从身后将双臂环过顾盛因肩膀的时候,心中涌起了一股从来没有的冲动,让他想要将双臂收紧,将这个人,真真切切的收进自己的怀抱里)

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In the end, he still resisted with great willpower.

He reluctantly withdrew his hands and took a step back to his previous position.

“Very beautiful.” He looked at Gu Shengyin admiringly.

This sentence he said was genuine and sincere. Long Tianruo’s five body features were originally hard to approach. Now with this rabbit fur shawl, it added on a luxurious feeling. (他这话说的真心实意,龙天若五官原本就大气凌厉,如今加上这条兔毛披肩,更加给她整个人增添了一份华贵)

“Thank you, Siye.” Gu Shengyin smiled and said, while gathering the shawl on her body and feeling warmth spreading on her body.

Xia Wanjun also said a sentence of satisfaction in his heart: in this way, those loathsome eyes will not always be placed on your body.

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