Crossdressing Female General vs Alluring Malicious Beauty (24)

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In his anger, the emperor did not control his strength, and Princess Shuhe was directly slapped to the ground.

She cupped her cheek, and there was no need to look to know that it was already swelling.

“Imperial Father?” Princess Shuhe looked at the emperor in disbelief, it was impossible to believe that he disregarded his own status to slap her himself. 

“You really are just, such a disappointment to zhen!” The emperor looked at his daughter that was as beautiful as a flower.

He had numerous children, with more than ten princesses alone. And yet, among them, Princess Shuhe had always favored and spoiled by him due to her noble birth and most outstanding appearance.

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However, the emperor’s favor had its limits.

“The way zhen sees it, it was because zhen doted on you too much, which resulted in you cultivating such an ignorant1 temperament!” The emperor looked at Princess Shuhe as he spoke coldly.

“Do you really believe that Yunzhen marrying you is above his status? Why don’t you go ask any of the princesses within the palace, whether or not they’re willing to marry to Yunzhen!” 

“If you simply had some pettiness and arrogance, then zhen could tolerate it. As zhen‘s daughter, you should naturally be proud, and yet you can’t even understand matters of importance!” The emperor looked at this daughter in disappointment, “An essential official of this dynasty, the great general that defended this country, how dare you hire assassins to kill him!”

Upon hearing this, Princess Shuhe, who had been feeling blameless and aggrieved all along, finally realized that her worst-case scenario had finally happened. Imperial Father knew what she had done.

Her heart sank. She understood her Imperial Father, he was a true imperial ruler, which meant that no matter how favored she was, she would never compare to the good of the country.

She hurriedly pushed herself off the floor, walking on her knees to the emperor’s side, and grabbed the hem of his robe: “Imperial Father, erchen2 understands that she was wrong, erchen was just obsessed to the point of confusion, erchen really does know that she was wrong. Besides……besides, isn’t General Fu perfectly fine?”

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Seeing that she was still making excuses, the emperor’s heart chilled; she had attempted two assassinations, did she really know that she was in the wrong?

He coldly shook off the bitterly crying3 Princess Shuhe: “You stay here and carefully reflect, if you really do understand your wrongs, then there will be plenty of opportunities for you to atone for this dynasty’s court! Hmph!”

He snorted coldly, and walked away with a flick of his sleeves.

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Fang-guifei, who had rushed over in a flurry after hearing the news, was first stopped outside of Princess Shuhe’s palace by the guards in charge of her confinement, and then also denied entry when she went to meet the emperor, before finally realizing the seriousness of the matter.

However, no matter what she imagined, she never would have guessed what kind of mistake her daughter had committed.

Gu Shengyin was summoned into the palace by the emperor. 

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“Once those assassins were brought to Dali Temple, they all committed suicide via poison. As such, the investigation failed to discover the culprit behind them.” The emperor spoke to Gu Shengyin rather apologetically.

“Fortunately, His Highness Rong-wang is safe and sound.” Gu Shengyin was not at all surprised that the emperor concealed this matter. After all, if such a situation was exposed, the entire imperial family would lose face.

The emperor would never allow his reputation to take a hit.

“Also, I have already decided. Princess Shuhe is suffering from a serious illness, and is now recuperating in Ganquan Palace. Unfortunately she cannot marry you, as such, the marriage between the two of you will be canceled.” The emperor seemed a little tired. He waved his hand at her, and let her retire after he finished speaking.

Soon after Gu Shengyin arrived back home, she received an imperial decree from the palace, as well as many generous rewards. This clear indication of honor and favor made many of the people who had laughed at Gu Shengyin for the marriage annulment speechless.

Only Gu Shengyin understood that this was just a different form of compensation from the emperor.

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1. [天高地厚 – tiāngāodìhòu – quite literally, she doesn’t know/understand how high the sky is, how wide the earth is; basically she doesn’t know her limits as well, as well as not having any common sense]

2. [儿臣 – er chén – child-subject; the way children of the emperor address themselves when talking to the emperor]

3. [涕泗横流 – tì sì héngliú – crying to the point of tears and snot flowing everywhere]

Ari’s Corner:

seems like the domain website name expired, so it’s returning to jmin’s original wordpress name;; it’ll take a bit for all the links to be fixed, as I’m currently busy with midterms and essays, and jmin is also working full-time

also, apologies for the two(?) week delay in update, I was in a minor car accident two or so weeks ago, and fell behind in school work in the ensuing chaos, right when midterms were starting this past week

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