Iron Blooded Female Admiral vs Vengeful Female Adjutant(4)

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Gu Shengyin looked at her slumped figure on the ground, and stretched out her hand to press a button. Soon, several fully armed soldiers arrived, and saluted Gu Shengyin: “Your Excellency.”

Gu Shengyin raised her chin slightly, glancing at Qi Lin: “The origins of this person is highly suspicious. I suspect that she deliberately approached the core commanding group of the Storm Lion Legion with some nefarious aims. Take her to the Imperial Military Court.”

Those soldiers knew that this adjutant had previously been highly valued by the Admiral, and were all shocked when they heard this. However, their military professionalism stopped them from questioning their commander, so they saluted and arrested Qi Lin.

Only after Qi Lin was secured did Shen An ask his commanding officer: “General, what exactly happened?”

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When facing this partner that had accompanied Situ Jin for over ten years, Gu Shengyin’s face softened: “Regarding the battle you spoke of just now, Qi Lin is one of the soldier’s children. She came to enact revenge against our Storm Lion Legion.”

Shen An’s expression changed, and a trace of disgust flashed through his eyes. He sneered coldly, and said: “For those utterly inhumane people, Lin Qi… Qi Lin even has the audacity to mention revenge? She must not know that, at that time, even the President of the Federation acquiesced.” 

The Federation’s President and the Head of State representing the Senate hold opposing political views, and have always been scheming to gain political power over the other. The reason why the Empire’s military operation was completed so smoothly back then, was also due to the Federation President’s interference.

Gu Shengyin shook her head: “I suspect that she doesn’t know anything at all. She was probably tricked by others into coming here for revenge. We’ll simply have to wait for the result of the Military Court’s investigation.”

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After dealing with Qi Lin, Gu Shengyin still did not relax much. After all, she was well aware that it was impossible for Qi Lin to have formulated such a thorough plan to approach Situ Jin. There must be someone behind her that was manipulating everything.

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Moreover, it was very likely that that person held influence over parts of the military. In regards to Situ Jin, he definitely held negative intentions.

Because Qi Lin’s revenge plot succeeded in the original story, the mastermind behind everything never revealed himself, and the system had no way of providing information beyond the story plot to Gu Shengyin.

No matter, she would take it one step at a time. Since Qi Lin had already been dealt with, the other party most likely had no way of planting a new pawn within the Storm Lion Legion in the short term.

After a full day and night, the fleet from the Storm Lion Legion finally arrived at the planet where the Stormwind Commerce State was located — Stormwind Star.

With Gu Shengyin’s identity as the Chief Admiral of the Galactic Empire, she was ranked even higher than leaders of some of the minor planets outside the Empire.

Of course, the group was personally received by the President of the Stormwind Commerce State.

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“Isn’t it rumored that Admiral Situ is an old hag?” Several Stormwind Star natives had only ever heard of Situ Jin through her reputation and were whispering amongst themselves.

“I don’t know. Outside of military achievements, I rarely hear rumors about this official.”

The military department kept the information of the great generals strictly confidential. When they appeared in public, all kinds of monitoring equipment were placed under harsh restrictions. Even if it a photograph was taken, it would immediately be destroyed.

Unlike the men, many women from Stormwind Star were standing here purely to admire and welcome the first female admiral of the Empire.

Situ Jin had countless fans throughout the Milky Way. Even if they had never seen her face, this would never prevent these women from choosing her as their idol.

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Ari’s Corner:

my semester ended! i have a week or so until my winter classes start so this is my time to pop back to life again on here before disappearing sporadically once more

also, I have to confess it’s been so long since I translated this that I had to go back a few chapters to check what terms I used for certain location/state names

I’ll be using admiral and general rather interchangeably since they’re of equal military rank and I just forget to use admiral sometimes…

happy holidays everyone!

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