Chapter 21 Carrying a Scandal

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 Regarding the relationship between her and Chen Chong, half was because he coaxed her, and the other half was liked she said to the agent, it was indeed with a revenge mentality.

Song Que can cheat, so why can’t she cuckold him?

She regretted it after she did it, and she didn’t let Song Que know about it in the end.

When she thought that Song Que knew it now, Zhang Menglu felt that she couldn’t breathe.

Seeing her emotional breakdown, and thinking about the unfinished words, what else did the agent not know?

Chen Chong was notorious in the circle. At first, he acted recklessly and forced one actress. Later, that actress almost committed suicide. Fortunately, she was persuaded by her husband. That time Chen Chong was severely reprimanded by his father. After that, he held back and paid attention to the other party’s wishes. But a beast was beasts, no matter how much they learn to become a human, they can’t help but show their feet. Chen Chong was not a person who could restrain his desires. For him, the one who jumped to him, it didn’t take long for him to lose interest. And the one that won’t take the bait no matter how much he fish, it’s worth his effort to tackle it and achieve a certain kind of wish.

There was no doubt that Zhang Menglu was so unlucky to become a target of Chen Chong. He broke the family of the person he deceived.

The agent thought about it and asked, “Can you contact Song Que?”

Zhang Menglu immediately understood what the agent wanted to do, shook her head desperately, and said, “I, I can’t, I have no face…”

The agent said: ” You don’t have the capital to be willful now, I’ll contact his agent first. If it doesn’t work, you contact him in person, apologize to him, and see if he can help you.”

After knowing that Song Que did not cheat, the agent looked back and found that Song Que had an excessive indulgence for Zhang Menglu. Between men and women, this indulgence was mostly due to old feelings.

After Zhang Menglu heard this, she said with difficulty: “No, I’ll ask him myself…”

What was the difference between her agent’s inqury and hers? Maybe it will make Song Que feel that she was hypocritical. Even though she did something wrong, she hid behind others and begged him for mercy.

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When Song Que received the call, the cast was sitting and resting together. He looked at the caller ID, stood up after it was connected, and walked to the side.

Zhang Menglu had exhausted her courage to make this call, and her voice was stuck in her throat for a while, unable to pronounce a single syllable. There was no sound at all on the other end of the phone, Zhang Menglu seemed to be able to see Song Que’s indifference, without the demeanor she had known. She felt suffocated.

Song Que was overwhelmed by gossip these days, so he made sure that others couldn’t hear him, and said, “Lulu.”

This familiar sound made Zhang Menglu cry.

Song Que was a little helpless. It seems from the past to the present, everyone liked to cry to him on the phone.

“Are you calling because of the recent matter?”

Zhang Menglu said, “I… I’m sorry… I’m really sorry.”

Song Que was silent for a moment, then said, “Don’t worry, this matter will pass soon.”

She received a word of comfort, Zhang Menglu couldn’t hold on anymore, she couldn’t ask Song Que to help her. She quickly apologized again and hung up the phone.

After Song Que returned to the hotel, he took out his computer and pondered, his fingers flying across the keyboard.

After the system found out what he was doing, it was a little surprised: “How does your value jump so fast?”

Song Que didn’t know what it was talking about at first. He opened the panel and took a look. After a while, he said, “Yes, I shouldn’t know this.”

Song Que looked at the computer screen, he felt very novel to this. When he didn’t realize it, he never thought he still that had this skill. And once he realizes it, it felt like an innate skill. Song Que said: “Could it be that I was a computer genius?” 

The system said in a straightforward manner: “The system doesn’t know much about host’s life.”

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Song Que said, “Life? Am I dead?”

System: “The system doesn’t know anything about the host before being bound.”

Song Que stopped joking with it and instead said: “This Chen Chong is really a scumbag, I want to help the person who wants to mess with him.” 

The system has no opinion on this and does not know why Song has reported this to it.

Song Que speak again: “I’m not breaking my character, I’m temporarily offline to engage in private work. Although Song Que’s character can’t handle Chen Chong, he can reach the top without Chen Chong, so I didn’t cheat.”

System: “…The system doesn’t have so many requirements on the host.”

What kind of character design and cheating were all made up by Song Que himself?

Song Que said: “Be serious, How can games be fun without rules?”

System: “…”

Who is playing games with you?


Zhang Menglu couldn’t say it herself and didn’t let the agent do it. When the two sides were at a stalemate, a turning point appeared.

Chen Chong’s new revelations have appeared. There were more than ten actresses involved this time. Except covering for a few who were deceived, other money and sex transactions were mercilessly exposed.

The whole Weibo exploded.

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[Weibo is a microblogging application, launched by Sina Corporation in 2009. The china version of twitter] 

Although there were still people who remember Zhang Menglu, she has changed from being the only center to a teeny tiny bit, and her pressure has plummeted.

There was a significant number of passers-by that started to ridicule Song Que for being a coward, with no courage and uprightness. It was a waste as a man.

As soon as that person said this, he was scolded badly. Mostly asked what he meant. What did it mean to have no courage and uprightness? Is cheating the only way to show courage and uprightness?

The man didn’t quarrel with anyone, he silently threw a sentence, “Anyway, he was a coward, and he didn’t even dare to say a word when he was cuckolded.”

Fans were all guarding Song Que, but they also felt a little strange. It was a bit shameful to be wearing a cuckold, but Song Que’s silence really makes others feel a little subtle.

This matter was not too big or small, and it didn’t bother Song Que, so Ke Ai solved it.

Didn’t know where she got the tidbits of the filming of 《Double Crime》. It was when Lin Tiancheng hung on Song Que to make fun of him, and Song Que asked him to come down but he ignored it. Then Song Que gave a princess hug.

Ke Ai has become more thoughtful now. When she thought of using this video, she communicated with Lin Tiancheng’s agent first. This video was very entertaining and it was not a cuddling with female stars. The other party readily agreed. Only then did Ke Ai find someone to put this video on, and then went to guide the direction of public opinion.

As soon as this video was released, everyone was overjoyed. The little girls who had been heartbroken because of the Song Que airport straight man incident once again can eat sugar. They shouted sweetly and hooked on real-life topics. All of it said that the most flirtatious were straight men, be careful when they bend.

[吃糖 (Chi tang) Eating sugar, buzzwords on the Internet which come from fans. It means indulging in everything about their favorite CP, such as movies, novels, etc]

On the other hand, Lin Tiancheng’s physique was considered first-class among his peers. He was thin in clothes, fleshy when undressed, and not light in weight, but Song Que picked him up easily. Everyone couldn’t help but recall the suspicion that Song Que was a martial arts master. They had a deeper understanding of Song Que’s force value.

At this time, someone connected this incident with the previous incident.

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“I feel that Brother Song is not cowardly, but restraint. Cowardice is a person who is timid because he has no power, but it is obvious that Brother Song is a powerful person, and he is not afraid to use this power. Miss Zhang cheated and framed Brother Song, the reason why Brother Song didn’t respond to anything must not be because of fear. What is there to be afraid of? The worst situation has already been detained by Miss Zhang, and no matter what he does, it will not be worse. The reason, there can only be two, one is precisely because he has a strong heart, and he doesn’t want to care too much about that kind of villain. He can return to the peak and even surpass himself by relying on his own strength. Then why should he be entangled with the villain who is messing around? You and I are tearing each other down, and in the end, no one could wash themselves clean, and even lower his grades for nothing.”

This passage was liked to the top, and the messages at the bottom were all “I understand the truth, what about the second reason?”

The blogger arrived late and replied: “There is another possibility that it is true love. He can’t say a single heavy word to his ex, he gives everything he can and even gives his heart. So I think it’s the first one, and I reject the second reason.”

This blogger speculation has attracted a lot of backlash, all of which proved that Song Que and Zhang Menglu have become strangers. The most obvious was that Song Que thanked so many people in the acceptance speech, but did not mention Zhang Menglu’s name. And even if he had feelings, after being madly targeted by Zhang Menglu’s team so many times, it was almost exhausted.

Someone weakly interjected, “My relative is working as a staff member at the awards ceremony, and I heard that someone saw Song Que talking to Zhang Menglu in the corner”, but it was quickly drowned and failed to attract any attention.

After all, it’s hard to tell the difference between black and white these days. Any of them could be “my relatives” and “my friends”. It seems objective, but it was difficult to say whether it was true or not.

Everyone was reluctant to believe in true love, but the more they were reluctant to believe it, the more they cared about this idea in their hearts. After thinking about it over and over in their minds, they unconsciously leave some impressions. As for the question of being cowardly or not at the beginning, not many people remember it.

Ke Ai also took advantage of this momentum to let the marketing account post some specious chicken soup, “True gentleness is about having the power and refraining from using it”. This title is quite accurate, without Ke Ai guiding this post, the fans spontaneously posted a still photo of Song Que below, saying that the person they like is the most gentle person in the world.

After all these were dealt with, Ke Ai told Song Que about the matter. She had found out long ago that Song Que didn’t care about things other than acting and Zhang Menglu. These things wouldn’t affect him, but he can’t know nothing about it.

After listening patiently, Song Que smiled.

“Xiao Ke, you’ve really become a very good agent.”

Ke Ai felt a little embarrassed, a little shy, and a little happy.

She knew that Brother Li had come back to find Song Que, but Song Que gently refused and did not find another bigger agent, insisting that she be in charge.

She can get to where she was today, thanks to Song Que’s trust.

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