Chapter 120: An Underachieving School Hunk and Bully (27)

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Translator: asassin
Ah Zhao watches Gu Hong put on a coat.

“It's late. Let me take you home.” Gu Hong says with a smile.

Gu Hong is behind the wheels when Ah Zhao and Gu Cheng sit close to each other on the back row.

The window is open. The wind of early summer is a bit hot and dry but not disturbingly so.

Ah Zhao moves her head towards the window and feels the wind brushing against her face, whose posture gives Gu Cheng a chance to look at her openly.

The setting sun falls on her face and draws a circle of light around it vaguely, from which the fine hairs on her skin is visible.

Gu Cheng feels a slight itch on his hand.

I really want to touch her.

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Gu Hong glances at him from the rear-view mirror and is put off by his son’s look, who doesn’t even hide it.

It’s okay that he likes her but he doesn’t dare to revel his feelings to her.

Looking back, he had directly climbed over the wall into the dormitory of Gu Cheng’s mom's when he was sure about his feelings for her.


In a word, that boy is a coward!

“Right, Gu Cheng.” It seems that something suddenly comes to Ah Zhao. She sits upright and turns to Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng turns his eyes away from her calmly and says: “What?”

“Remember to listen to English audios every day for half an hour. Or listen to it for a while with a headphone before you sleep. But remember to set the time or it will harm your hearing if you listen for too long.”

Gu Cheng: “...”

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He’s a bit disappointed. Ah Zhao seldom takes the initiative when it comes to talking to him and this time, she speaks to him simply because of study.

But he nods obediently anyway, in the hope that he can make a favorable impression on her: “Don’t worry about me. I've promised you to work hard and I won’t let you down.”

Let me down?

Somehow, Ah Zhao finds his choice of words a little weird.

But since he's an underachiever, she won’t find fault with him.

When they arrive at Ah Zhao's, Gu Cheng and his father don’t go to her house and only go back to their car until Ah Zhao’s back inside.

There are only the father and son in the car this time and the atmosphere becomes less serious immediately.

Gu Hong clicks his tongue: “I’ll work hard. Kid, after such a short absence, you do change and should be judged anew.”

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Gu Cheng says a little grumpily: “She likes guys with good grades. The guy who's at the second place of our grade has told her his feelings for her but was rejected.”

“Is it possible that she likes the guy who's at the first place of your grade?”

Gu Cheng snorts slightly: “Haven't I told you? She holds the first place of our grade.”

Gu Hong lets out a sound of surprise and says: “She’s killing it!”

And he means it.

Though Gu Hong has always been an underachiever, he likes top students as well.

This preference perhaps comes from his love for Gu Cheng's mom, who won the first place in the college entrance exam of the whole province.

What gives Gu Hong the most satisfaction of his life was that he won Gu Cheng's mom’s heart at the 81st time that he declared his love for her, despite being rejected for the past 80 times.

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His masterstroke was to keep up his moves.

Gu Cheng glances at him: “Well, I don’t think that will work on Tang Zhao.”

Thinking of her incredible strength which enabled her to smash a desk with one blow, he calculates secretly how many blows he can take from her if he dares to pester her shamelessly.

The answer that he reaches is that he won’t be better off than that smashed desk so he got to change his strategy: becoming the guy that she’s into.

His look gives him a natural advantage.

Heaven knows how much he hated that nickname “The Flower of Second High”.

However, right now he appreciates that he has the appearance which has taken the merits of both his father and mother's looks.

If Tang Zhao could notice him for his look, he doesn’t care if he’s called the “Flower”.

One’s position and persistence mean nothing in front of one's sweetheart, though it is against his principles.

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