So, the Sixth Lady needed to find herself someone else to hate to keep her life going.  

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Huo Jun, Huo Huai Ying's only son, who looked a lot like his father became her natural target.

As Huo Jun listens, he remains calm, without a trace of anger as if it isn't a big deal that this woman in front of him has poisoned his father, then him.

“My father killed your lover by mistake, you took revenge on him. A son should pay for his father's debt, you take revenge on me.”

Says Huo Jun slowly. “Well, what wrong did my wife do that led you to lay your hands on her?”

After the Sixth Lady told her story, she feels a load off her mind.

Hearing that, she starts to chuckle: “The Young Lady is a good person. But she is your wife.”

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Suddenly, she bursts out laughing: “How can I let Huo Huai Ying have any offspring? You have a wife. If she bears you a child, I’ll have one more enemy.”

Something suddenly occurs to Huo Jun. “Is it you behind the rumor that I’m a jinx to my wife?”

She answers gently: “They were all good girls. Why did they have to marry into such a filthy place?”

He says coldly: “So, you killed them.”

Standing up, he looks down at her and says calmly and clearly: “Li Ge, revenge or selfishness, you know well why you’ve done what you’ve done all these years. I’m not interested.

His eyes go to another direction. “Huo Xian Xian, talk to your mother.”

The Sixth Lady's body shakes.

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She hurriedly turns around and sees her daughter standing under the pergola with tears rolling down her face.

“Xian Xian...” She calls, flurried.

Huo Jun leaves the mother and daughter alone, to say their final goodbye.

After what the Sixth Lady has done, there is no way she is going to live.

Huo Jun feels a lump at his throat.

He returns quickly to his own yard.

Ah Zhao is still asleep. He stands by her bed. Looking at her quietly, he is seized by a fear in hindsight.

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Thanks god.

Thanks god she didn’t die like those women before her, before their wedding, before she even met him.

Huo Jun never considers himself kind, so he doesn't think about his previous fiancées except for a fleeting pity and compensation for their families.

However, Ah Zhao is different.

Whenever he thinks she would have ended up like those girls if she was less lucky, dying quietly before anyone noticing the Sixth Lady's scheme, it suffocates him.

General Huo, who has always been obsessed with his work takes a rare break. He takes off his coat, goes to bed, and puts his arms around the girl who is deep asleep.

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Only in this way does he feel she is alive, that she belongs to him.


He lowers his head, leaves a kiss on her forehead seriously, and closes his eyes.

In the evening, Ah Zhao receives news that the Sixth Lady passed away.

She has a rough idea as to how the Sixth Lady passed away.

It feels that the atmosphere of the whole manor suddenly becomes very grim.

Under Huo Jun's command for her to recuperate, she is kept to her bed.

A couple of days later, when Ah Zhao is finally allowed to get out of her room, Huo Xian Xian comes to bid her farewell.

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