Another half a month has passed before the old doctor finally left the General’s Manor.

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He was reluctant to leave and tried desperately to persuade Ah Zhao to learn medicine from him.

However, Ah Zhao wasn't interested. Huo Jun didn't agree either. Learning medicine was hard work. More importantly, that would take most of his darling's attention.

She should set her heart on him. General Huo declared with perfect assurance.

Soon, winter arrives.

Snow comes to Pingjing later than it does other cities. When the first snow falls in the city, it's already Lunar New Year's eve.

In the General’s Manor, the family sits down and enjoys a dinner together. Several of the late general's concubines leave early as befits the occasion.

Now, there are only Ah Zhao, Huo Jun and Lady Huo at the table to see out the old year and see in the new.

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Lady Huo is stricken in years after all. Shortly afterwards, she leaves too.

Ah Zhao, however, is quite energetic. She and Huo Jun sit there with snacks which help them pass the time.

The two chat casually.

However, soon enough, it turns into feeding each other snacks.

Huo Jun takes pleasure in doing that.

When Ah Zhao eats, she looks happy and content as if these insignificant things make her day. 

He enjoys watching her in that state and has an urge to touch her.

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In fact, he does.

Ah Zhao giggles in his arms. However, as she does, her expression changes for she feels something rises against her body.

Huo Jun's eyes are scorching.

“My Lady, you are better now, aren't you?” He says in a hoarse tone as he lowers his head and kisses her on the lips.

Ah Zhao blushes. 

Though they have been married for over half a year and love each other, they haven't consummated their marriage since Ah Zhao hasn't been well and hasn’t been busy helping Huo Jun get rid of his toxin.

Now, Huo Jun’s kisses have reached her fair and slender neck.

Her long neck bends backward a little and she lets out an ambiguous groan.

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Apparently, Huo Jun has been aroused but he forces himself to stop at that groan.

He looks at the girl in his arms and asks softly: “Ah Zhao?”

She turns to him with watery eyes, inexplicably charming. She is quiet as she bites her lips and puts her arms around his neck.

The next second, she feels a cold breeze on her chest. To her surprise, Huo Jun has ripped the front of her clothes!

Ah Zhao: “These are new!”

Huo Jun glances at the wonderful view in front of him, carries her and rests her on bed.

“Well, tomorrow, I’ll haven them make you ten new.”

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It has to be stated that Ah Zhao’s body was born perfect with porcelain fine skin smooth to the touch that one can't tear oneself away.

Also, she was born slim with slender waist which trembles slightly like a willow twig. However, the parts of her body which are supposed to be ample are indeed ample with two dots of bright red at the top of twin peaks which also shake along with her waist and dazzle the eyes of the man who is about to pluck this flower.

“Ah!” Ah Zhao bursts out crying and then hurriedly bites her lips.

Huo Jun bends down and rescues those poor red lips from her teeth, swallowing all her groans.

Everything is clear without a word.

The clock strikes midnight.

Pingjing is ablaze with lights as numerous fireworks bloom over the city.

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