Who else this “Qing Qing” could be except for Bai Qing?

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Ah Zhao thinks. Lu Yuanzhao was indeed a girl deeply in love.

What a pity that she was infatuated with a heartless woman.

Ah Zhao wonders where Bai Qing gets the nerve to send her such a message.

What she did was an open slap on Lu Yuanzhao’s face. Now that she wants to meet.

According to the memory of Lu Yuanzhao, Ah Zhao knows Bai Qing wants something from her.


Not available!

She sneers and blocks Bai Qing's number without hesitation.

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Noticing her bad mood, Bai Mu Ye asks: “What's the matter?”

Ah Zhao looks up and gives him a grin. “Nothing. Just a miserable soul.”

Inwardly, she sneers again and blocks all Bai Qing's social media accounts she could find. Only by doing that does she feel better.

On the other side, Bai Qing is sure that Lu Yuanzhao will respond to her soon so she waits patiently.

However, nothing happens after a few minutes.

Her brows draw together. She wonders if Lu Yuanzhao has checked her phone.

However, she doesn't even think of the possibility that Lu Yuanzhao isn't going to reply, for Lu Yuanzhao has been good to her over the years, too good that she is totally submissive and available at any time. As for Bai Qing, she takes Lu Yuanzhao as a dog that she could boss around rather than an independent person.

It is often the case that the one who is loved has nothing to fear.

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Right now, Bai Qing is unhappy about how slow Lu Yuanzhao's response is.

However, half an hour passed, there is still no call.

She decides to condescend and call Lu Yuanzhao instead.

When she hears the reminder in the phone, Bai Qing couldn't believe it.

Lu Yuanzhao hangs up on her?

No, Lu Yuanzhao blocked her!

Is that woman crazy?

She opens her social media accounts, trying to get in touch with Lu Yuanzhao only to find herself blocked on every and each one of them.

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So angry that she throws her phone on the ground. The newly bought mode smashes to pieces instantly.

In a gloomy mood, Bai Qing thinks: Lu Yuanzhao, good job. Now that you’ve blocked me, don't come back to me again!

Ah Zhao has no idea what’s on Bai Qing’s mind.

If she does, she might sneer at her: What? Who do you think you are?

It was Lu Yuanzhao who gave Bai Qing her success.

When Lu loved her, everything went smooth for her.

However, the woman that loved her died because of her.

Without out Lu Yuanzhao, Bai Qing is nobody.

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A cup appears in front of Ah Zhao. She looks up and sees Bai Mu Ye who is a bit unhappy.

“What are you thinking about? I’ve called you twice.”

She blinks and takes a sip of the juice in front of her happily as she says smiling: “I’m thinking what a good boyfriend I have.”

Bai Mu Ye, who hasn't been in a relationship before, blushes at that.

“You, did you say the same thing to your exes?” Thinking of that, his mood darkens again.

Ah Zhao bursts out laughing.

Lu Yuanzhao had those men sign non-disclosure agreements. That was just for show. Why would she take the trouble to say any sweet words to them?

[The male lead: jealous, daily.]

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