Chapter 53: A Dejected Prince with a Cold Outside and Tender Inside (9)

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Translator: asassin
Seeing that their faces takes on a ghastly expression, the eunuch is happy.

However, just yesterday, they were still one of the most respected couples in this world.


Anyone can hit them when they are down.

"Right, here's the breakfast for the two of you."

Another maid puts a food box on the ground.

Neither Zhao Yin nor Ah Zhao touches the box.

After saying that, the eunuch is still there.

He stares at Zhao Yin with malice and says in a ghastly voice: "All of these are imperial favors from His Majesty and Her Majesty. Commoner Zhao Yin, you should learn to be more appreciative. How about you kowtowing several times towards the directions of their palaces?"

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Zhao Yin's eyes goes cold.

But someone is quicker than him.


Ah Zhao touches her palm which hurts from the slap with a bit of regret. This eunuch does have thick skin! One slap and my palm is already red!

It doesn't occur to the eunuch in a million years that Ah Zhao still has such a hot temper in a place like this.

He covers his face with a hand and stares at Ah Zhao: "You…"

Ah Zhao raises her chin: "You what? I am not deprived of my title yet. I am still a Princess of the first rank in all seriousness! That not included, I am still titled Princess Chaofeng by His Majesty!"

"Who gives you the nerve to make a scene in front of me? Besides,"

She turns her head and points to Zhao Yin, "Open your snobbish eyes and have a good look at this man. He is my husband. If you humiliate him, you are humiliating me. Who do you think you are? How dare you humiliate me?"

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The eunuch is shaking with anger: "Someone, someone come here."

Ah Zhao doesn't even give him any look. Her eyes are full of disdain. "Call whoever you want. I would like to see who on earth has the nerve to even touch me."

Zhao Yin looks at the woman in front of him with a complicated expression.

At the moment, her clothes are a mess, and she doesn't have any make up or jewelry on.

But just like that, she's able to outpower those in the yard combined.

He hears her clear voice, which is full of dignity. "I'm right here. Who dare to come near me?"

No one dares to answer.

Zhao Yin sighs and walks up to her. He softly takes her hand into his.

Only by that moment does he realize that her hands, which are hiding in her sleeves, are shaking.

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She's afraid.

Even though she's afraid, she still stands up for him, not willing to see him humiliated by those snobs.

Ah Zhao's palm quivers and she's going to take her hand back without further thinking.

But Zhao Yin's grip is even firmer. His deep voice rings by her ear: "Thank you, Princess."

Zhao Yin looks down at the eunuch and says coolly: "I know who you work for. But you better use your brain. Though I'm in a difficult situation right now, at least my surname is still Zhao."

"If anything happens to me. Your master can get rid of all accusations, but what about you?"

The eunuch's heart trembles, as if he's enlightened.

He comes to himself in an instant and breaks out in a cold sweat.

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He is so steeped in the amazement of being in Noble Consort's good graces and is lost in the excitement of seeing the once royal member go downtrodden in one short day, he forgets where he comes from.

No matter how downtrodden Zhao Yin is, he's still the son of His Majesty and he has the royal blood running in his veins.

Someday when His Majesty recalls the affection between father and son, then he himself, a servant who used to humiliate Prince Yan…

He dares not give it any further thought.

The group of them comes to the Palace of Happiness full of vigor and pride and leaves in dejection.

Now there are only Zhao Yin and Ah Zhao in the deserted yard.

Ah Zhao's hand is still in Zhao Yin's grip. The hotness of his palm boils her up and she is almost short of breath.

She looks displeased and tries to get her hand out of his grip, which she fails.

Zhao Yin chuckles lightly: "Princess, you are so impressive. It's a real eye-opener to me."

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