Chapter 68: A Dejected Prince with a Cold Outside and Tender Inside (24)

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Translator: asassin
Since they got here, both of them have been avoiding this topic intentionally.

It never occurs to Zhao Yin that Ah Zhao would bring it up first.

“Princess, you believe me?” Zhao Yin asks softly as if he is chocked.

Ah Zhao looks at him seriously: “Though I don’t like a lot of things about you, but you are not the kind of person who would do such an evil thing as to curse your own father.”

Zhao Yin: “...”

If she stopped after the first sentence, Zhao Yin would have been more touched, to be honest.

He laughs a little frustrated and says: “But my father believes that I did it.”

Which is something Zhao Yin couldn’t put behind him.

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He doesn’t mind if someone set him up or if someone doubts him.

But Emperor Huizong, the one that he cares about, doesn’t trust him.

To him, the doubt from his family is most hurtful.

“Why didn’t he trust me?” Zhao Yin looks a bit disoriented, what he said sounds like a question to Ah Zhao as well as a question to himself.

Ah Zhao thinks for a minute and says: “His Majesty is a wise emperor. I believe he wouldn’t have the same reaction if it happened to any other prince.”

Zhao Yin is confused and asks: “What do you mean?”

Ah Zhao sighs. Maybe the one in the game is always in the dark.

“Because His Majesty loves you.” She says casually.

Zhao Yin looks at her.

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Ah Zhao continues: “Let’s consider it from another angle. You are so upset just because His Majesty doesn’t trust you.”

Zhao Yin couldn’t help but refute: “I’m not!”

Ah Zhao: “Okay, okay, you are not. Don’t interrupt me!”

She gives Zhao Yin a glare then keeps saying: “Then think about how bad His Majesty would feel knowing that he was cured by his own son.”

Zhao Yin looks shocked.

His expression changes and he says after a good while: “I didn’t.”

Seeing him like this, Ah Zhao couldn’t bear it and says softly: “Well, I know you didn’t do it and His Majesty hasn’t thought this over since he has been so hurt and angry.”

“After His Majesty thinks it over, he is sure to find that something is wrong about all this.”

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Outside the Palace of Happiness, beyond a wall which has been dug open by someone.

Emperor Huizong stands there in a trance and listens to what the two inside the palace are talking about.

“An He, did I really act on my impulse?” He says Suddenly.

With his head down, Eunuch An, chief steward, doesn’t dare to say anything.

He knows that at the moment, His Majesty doesn’t really need an answer from him.

Emperor Huizong raises another question: “If you are Ah You, would you do the same thing to me?”

Eunuch An’s body bends lower and says: “I am a nobody. I really don’t dare to be compared to His Highness. But I really envy the affection between Your Majesty and His Highness.”

It suddenly dawns on Emperor Huizong.

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That he didn’t trust his own son but believed the outsiders.

Seeing that the emperor remains still for quite a while, Eunuch An gathers his courage and reminds him: “Your Majesty, do you want to go in and have a look?”

Emperor Huizong shakes his head: “Let’s go back.”

He is going to go back and have this whole thing properly investigated.

After Emperor Huizong has left, Ah Zhao has a sigh of relief.

Just now, the system told her that Emperor Huizong was eavesdropping outside the palace. Thinking it an excellent opportunity, a great idea came to her and she put up such a show which led to that abrupt conversation.

Looking at the male lead who’s sitting to her opposite distracted, a previous question suddenly occurs to Ah Zhao.

She reaches out her hand and waves it before Zhao Yin, her face all serious: “In fact, I have question for you which has been on my mind for a long time.”

Zhao Yin returns to himself and looks at her: “What question?”

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