Chapter 87: A Dejected Prince with a Cold Outside and Tender Inside (43)

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Translator: asassin
Prince Beiding casts him a sidelong glance: “I thought you were going to take my good girl to the palace secretly.”

Zhao Yin says seriously: “That wouldn’t be fair to Zhao Zhao.”

Only by now does Prince Beiding nod with satisfaction: “Go home for your preparation. There’s one thing I want to tell you. If you slight the preparation, I won’t let her go with you.”

Zhao Yin knows that Prince Beiding does love Ah Zhao so he doesn’t think that his father-in-law is giving him a hard time.

He makes a bow: “Please set your mind at ease, father-in-law. I won’t forgive myself if I have any slight.”

Zhao Yin is crystal clear about the previous gossips.

He is also clear about their authenticity.

But the outsiders aren’t like him.

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They probably think that Prince Beiding's Manor wants to draw a clear line with him since he has taken a downturn.

Now that he has become the crown prince.

Countless people are waiting to have a good laugh at Prince Beiding's Manor.

He’s afraid that if he takes Zhao Zhao back silently to the palace, she would be looked down upon after.

Therefore, he can’t take her back to the palace quietly but with caution and a grand ceremony.

Prince Beiding looks at him and says suddenly: “There’s one thing I don’t know if you are aware of, and I want to know.”

Zhao Yin’s heart skips a beat: “Please, father-in-law.”

Prince Beiding puts down the book in his hand and stands up.

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“When the order sanctioning your marriage from His Majesty came to my manor, Zhao Zhao was very happy.”

Zhao Yin’s eyes widens. He knows what Prince Beiding means.

“If you don’t feel the same way back, you can still stop here. We have no need for a Princess of the Crown Prince in my manor. I’ll still propose to His Majesty for a divorce between you and Zhao Zhao.”

Prince Beiding stares at him: “If you come here to take Zhao Zhao to the palace, you have to promise that you will treat her well for the rest of your life.”

Zhao Yin nods with all seriousness: “Father-in-law, you can rest assured that I, Zhao Yin, will never fail Zhao Zhao!”

Prince Beiding turns away from him: “I’m tired. Your Highness, please make yourself at home.”

Zhao Yin bows to the view of Prince Beiding’s back then turns to leave.

Nobody else knows that the crown prince has gone to Prince Beiding's Manor except those involved.

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The second day.

The whole of His Highness’s honor guards sets out from the palace’s gate which attracts all the attention. Everybody along the road gives way to them.

The mighty guards have taken up the whole street.

One can’t see the end of the guards from where it starts.

“Which important person is this?” A man who is terrorized by this mighty spectacle asks in a trance.

Someone beside him answers: “It’s the crown prince.”

“Ah, His Highness.” The man’s says in awe and veneration.

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Ordinary people hold royals in natural reverence, especially the crown prince, who’ll become the future emperor.

Of course, there are people who are talking about what His Highness wants to do with all those guards, until his carriage stops at the gate of Prince Beiding's Manor.

Prince Beiding, who has received the message way ahead of his arrival, already waits at the gate in court robe.

“Your Highness.” Prince Beiding takes a bow solemnly.

The crown prince is half an emperor.

At such a formal occasion, though Prince Beiding has a hot temper, he’ll show the crown prince due respect.

“You may dispense with curtseying, Prince Beiding.” Zhao Yin helps Prince Beiding up.

His eyes are bright, lifting his head up with his eyes fixed on the gate of Prince Beiding's Manor as if he has seen the woman he has been thinking about all those days without the hindrance of the gate.

“I’m here to take my princess home.”

Male lead: I’ve finally got a chance to show my charisma having restrained myself for 40 chapters. Honey! I’m coming for you!

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