Chapter 71 A Sword that Runs Rampant in the Apocalypse (71)

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Revised and edited on: Otaku Translation

Bai Tang refused without hesitation. "I'm sorry, it's up to me to decide Shi Minzhi's fate. You know how dangerous he is. Without me, who can stop him? He can control the zombies, make them chaotic again, and has unique abilities."

The doctor attempted to reason with her. "It can help us resist the alien monsters."

Bai Tang replied with a smile, "You want to study him? I can tell you for sure that before the alien monsters come in, he can send you all to hell. Resisting? Don't make me laugh. If you want to resist, you might as well think about how to find the best way to enhance the abilities of the public. How to make all zombies recover, and expand the base for resisting alien monsters. It had been more than two years since the ten year agreement started. The situation is not optimistic for you all."

Usually, Bai Tang does not interfere with disasters caused by others. For her to lend a helping hand was rare.

The doctor's expression turned sour. Bai Tang had really put him in a tough spot.

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As she left the laboratory, Tang Manli approached her, looking tired and with swollen eyes.

"Sister, Gutsy Guts..."

"Don't worry, Manli. Kan Ning and the others can still recover. Shi Minzhi has an effect on them because they haven't completely returned to their normal selves. You still need to work hard for a while," Bai Tang comforted.

Tang Manli breathed a sigh of relief. Gutsy Guts might be a bit stupid, but he was really good to her.

"Sister, where is Shi Minzhi?"

Nearly killed her sister and caused harm to Gutsy Guts and the others— Tang Manli really wanted to stab Shi Minzhi a few times to vent her anger.

Bai Tang rubbed Tang Manli's head and said gently, "I have locked him up. Based on my knowledge of him, he will be imprisoned for life unless he dies."

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Tang Manli was confused and inquired, "But can't Shi Minzhi be resurrected?"

Bai Tang replied with a smile in her eyes, "That's hard to say. There is a chance, but it hasn't been discovered yet."

Tang Manli could only nod her head and let it go.

Shi Minzhi's absence didn't disrupt much. The world continued to function normally as before.

Human survival was facing many crises, both internal and external. There were large-scale zombies, high-level zombies trying to control lower-level ones, mutated animals and plants, and alien monsters from outside of Earth lurking.

But there was still hope, as the vast majority were standing for survival.

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Eight years later, the sky grew darker and the clouds hung lower.

Everyone's hearts were shrouded in a mist of panic.

Bai Tang was preparing to leave this world behind, but before she did, she wanted to visit some acquaintances. Fortunately, they were all doing well.

The original Bai Tang's grandparents relied on their wood and earth-based abilities to purify the contaminated soil and grow fresh and healthy vegetables amidst the mutated zombies.

The little boy, Yang Ziyu, had grown into a man, and his parents had finally reunited with him.

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Qu Qingzi*, who had once liked Xu Songjin*, had found happiness in marrying Li Gai*. The two had a wonderful relationship and a beautiful daughter. As for Xu Songjin, he remained alone.

*Refer to chapter 30

Tang Manli and Kan Ning had overcome their obstacles and were living a good life together, even though Tang Manli would often teasingly criticize Kan Ning for being silly.

After saying goodbye to these people, Bai Tang gave a proper farewell to her dog, Coward. It loved to eat meat and gnaw on bones.

Bai Tang prepared a whole bowl of meat for it, which was the most delicious meat it had ever tasted. When Coward finished eating, Bai Tang put a collar around its neck, with a small bone hanging from it.

Bai Tang rubbed its head and said, "You must live well after I'm gone."

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