Chapter 89 The Empress Destroyed Your Country (15)

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Revised and edited on: Otaku Translation

"As for the chaos of the dynasty, that's even more absurd. Blaming a random woman who happened to cross paths with an incompetent and foolish Emperor, how pathetic and shortsighted!"

Bai Tang spoke with clarity and precision, not a single vulgar word escaping her lips, as she recounted the events to Nie Suzhi from beginning to end.

Nie Suzhi couldn't help but laugh. "My good Empress, I underestimated you. Your thoughts are quite clear."

Bai Tang smiled and bowed. "Thank you, Your Majesty. But how can my clear thoughts compare to yours? Your Majesty even appeared in my dreams and created the King of Hell's Palace for me. Unfortunately, it doesn't look quite right. It's far off."

The fire around them began to burn fiercely, spreading towards Bai Tang.

But she was not anxious at all and leisurely walked towards the flames. "Thank you for the fireworks, Your Majesty. Dreamland is truly the easiest place to get things done. Everything requires no physical basis."

Everything was fake, so there was nothing to fear.

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Nie Suzhi had underestimated Bai Tang. He didn't expect her to react this way, but at the same time, he found it normal. She was different from others.

"My Empress, let me guess where you went," Nie Suzhi said.

Bai Tang didn't even spare him a glance. "Oh, take your time guessing. It's best to follow the map and read out the place names one by one."

It was naive of him to try and guess where she had gone based on her reaction.

"Are you still in the capital?"



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No matter what Nie Suzhi said, Bai Tang's expression remained unchanged. When he mentioned Minnan and Beiyuan, Nie Suzhi must have been inferring from some things she said before.

"Empress, if you obediently come back, I won't issue a wanted poster anymore," Nie Suzhi suddenly said.

Bai Tang stared at Nie Suzhi as if he were a fool. "Is Your Majesty a three-year-old toddler? Or am I the one with a malfunctioning brain? I'm supposed to come back to you? To be beaten by you again? If I insert those two pieces of red-tasseled spear into your body and kill Your Majesty, do you think you can easily let me go?"

Could it be that people's IQ drops in their dreams, hence Nie Suzhi's stupidity?

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Nie Suzhi, "..."

Nie Suzhi spoke up, "Empress, you better not let me catch you."

Bai Tang interrupted impatiently, "Stop it, Your Majesty, who can't talk tough? You better not let me catch you either. Otherwise, I'll skin you, pull out your tendons, and kill you over and over again. You resurrect once, and I'll kill you once. I want you to die and pay for the innocent people who died because of your absurdity and the weak ones who died because of your cruelty."

Nie Suzhi reached out to strangle Bai Tang's neck, but Bai Tang slapped his hand away with a solid hit.

She stepped back and exclaimed in surprise, "You actually have a tangible presence! You weren't dispersed by my slap!"

Nie Suzhi’s face sank and he swept his foot towards Bai Tang, who quickly dodged and angrily said, "Very good, Nie Suzhi. Aren't you the one who dragged me into the dream? In my dreams, you're still so rampant. Get the hell out of here!"

Nie Suzhi, lying on the soft bed, suddenly opened his eyes, filled with shock.

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This dream was quite trash, but there was no way Bai Tang should have figured it out so quickly! What was even more unexpected was that she was able to kick him out.

This was something Nie Suzhi had never encountered before. Holding onto his clothes, Nie Suzhi smiled inexplicably.

This was the kind of woman who deserved to be called an Empress.

Thinking of something, Nie Suzhi immediately went to write it down. In summary, he declared the previous six empresses deposed, and Bai Tang was the only Empress he truly recognized.

At the same time, Nie Suzhi increased the reward for Bai Tang's head, from ten thousand gold to ten thousand gold and ten thousand silver, and twenty rolls of brocade.

Thus, when Bai Tang, disguised as a couple with Wen Yueqing, saw the new notice, her face had a constipated and complicated expression.

What was this all about?

Was the Emperor, Nie Suzhi, really so casual?

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