Chapter 98 The Empress Destroyed Your Country (24)

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Revised and edited on: Otaku Translation

"So that's how it is. Empress, aren't you disgusted?" Even now, Nie Suzhi could use this scene to torture others, but every time he watched it, he felt nauseous.

Bai Tang retorted angrily, "Which eye of yours saw that I'm not disgusted? Nie Suzhi, that beautiful woman trying to feed me dog meat, is it the dog meat from your own dog? If you think that I will go easy on you because of your experiences, then you are sorely mistaken. Nie Suzhi, I will be the one to kill you."

As the saying goes, the gods may have pity on his past terrible experiences, but they will not show leniency when he is being punished.

His past terrible experiences may be a contributing factor, and people should remember to avoid and prevent them from happening, but they cannot be used as a reason to mitigate punishment.

Bai Tang really made Nie Suzhi feel surprised. He even wondered if she was real. How could such a righteous, straightforward person still exist today…

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Those incompetent people were really failing their duties. How could someone like her exist in this world?

"Empress, you're overthinking. I just want to tell you that I'm a pervert. When you fall into my hands, your fate will be even more miserable."

"Fall into your hands? No, Nie Suzhi, you're mistaken. It's you who will fall into my hands. It's annoying to have someone disturb my peaceful sleep, you know?"

Nie Suzhi was good at dreaming, but that was about it.

"Your dream is full of flaws, it's not very interesting." Bai Tang was really speechless about the dream that Nie Suzhi created. What use could such a messy dream have?

Now it was Nie Suzhi's turn to look at Bai Tang with a complicated expression.

Did the Empress know how unusual her behavior was?

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The dream he created was not very advanced, but it made the dreamer feel like they were the protagonist. He had used this method many times, but it had unexpectedly failed in front of Bai Tang. Who would know they were dreaming as soon as they entered the dream? Who could pay attention to so many details in their dreams?

It was clearly a dream full of murderous intent, but it was easily broken by Bai Tang. The hidden plot behind it was truly useless to her.

Nie Suzhi suddenly approached her and said, "Bai Tang, it really is dog meat. You guessed correctly. The dog was indeed mine, but... it was always meant to be eaten. It didn't matter if it died."

Nie Suzhi's eyes were deep and mysterious, and his voice was like a venomous snake coiling around you.

He had taken up keeping a dog on a whim. Nie Suzhi couldn't explain it. He clearly wasn't interested in many things, yet he wanted to keep a dog.

Unfortunately, the old Empress found out and put an end to it.

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Bai Tang took a step back from Nie Suzhi, the pervert. This blackened pervert was blackening very thoroughly...

"Your Majesty, you are destined to be a lonely person, walking alone for your entire life."

Who would genuinely want to follow such a person?

"Hahaha..." Nie Suzhi chuckled softly, unconcerned.

"Empress, do you think I care? A lonely person? I've been that way for a long time."

"Perhaps the Empress hasn't heard how the outside world perceives me? Let me tell you, they say that I am like a pig or a sheep sitting on a heated brick bed, and that I would cook my own kin in a pot. I have killed my father, murdered my mother, and slaughtered my own siblings."

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"If my own relatives despise me, I will disown them all and disregard the bonds of kinship!"

"If the world hates me, then I'll make it a hell on earth where ghosts roam and wailing can be heard everywhere!"

"My blood, my flesh, and every bone in my body are rotten to the core, as black as they come."

The more Nie Suzhi spoke, the deeper and deeper his gloomy eyes became.

Bai Tang wasn't surprised at all that Nie Suzhi would say such things. It was probably his most genuine thought.

"Nie Suzhi, you desire a world of hell, then my wish is a world of prosperity and joy. Let's see who will be the one to kill the other or imprison the other with our own abilities."

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