Chapter 111

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Late at night, in the hospital.

The ECG display in Ward No. 3 suddenly made a long beep, and the ECG display suddenly changed from a waveform to a straight line.

Xi Ying, who had fallen asleep by the bed, was suddenly awakened by the sound.

She looked at the electrocardiogram and lose her head out of fear 1. She then pressed the emergency bell on the bedside continuously.

The doctor and nurse opened the door hurriedly and came in to check the patient’s condition.

The attending doctor shook his head at Xi Ying.

“Restrain your grief and accept the fate. The man cannot come back to life after death.” He tried to persuade Xi Ying.

Xi Ying covered her mouth and tears pouring out from her eyes.

She looked at Shen He, who was covered by a bedsheet by the nurse, and she was so heartbroken making she couldn’t speak.

The door of the ward was open, and a caregiver passed by.

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The caregiver was attracted by the situation in the ward and glanced casually.

When the caregiver saw the patient covered by the bedsheet, the caregiver stopped and prayed in a Christian way then left.

Shen He was declared dead, and the nurse sent his body to the morgue.

Xi Ying cried until she was out of breath and couldn’t speak at all. She could only follow the nurse behind.

After the nurse put Shen He into the morgue, Xi Ying’s condition improved a little.

“Can you let me be alone with him for a while?” she asked while choked up with sobs.

“Well, as long as you are not afraid.” The nurse glanced at the corpse in the morgue, and he shrugged at Xi Ying.

At three o’clock in the morning, the nurse avoided the surveillance cameras and came to the morgue.

Since Shen He was hospitalized, the nurse had already paid attention to Shen He.

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Such a young and handsome man, his kidneys must also be delicious.

It turns out that this nurse is a pervert who specialized in picking the kidneys of corpses.

He firmly believed with no doubt that eating a man’s kidney can boost male sex drive, and he deeply loves it.

In European and American countries, he had committed countless crimes, but no matter what way the FBI tracked and locked him, he could not be arrested and brought to justice.

This time, he extended his evil claws to the dead Shen He.

The foul odor permeating the whole morgue, and he doesn’t know if it is because of the freezer, or because there were too many dead bodies here.

The nurse walks in the morgue as if he was driving a lightweight chariot on a familiar road 2.

In his eyes, he had nothing to fear about these corpses.

They are all his food; he was just picking the best food now and nothing more.

He came to the freezer for Ward No. 3 and stopped in his in front of the freezer.

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Just when his hand touched the handle of the freezer, a panicked female voice came from behind him, “Who are you, what are you going to do!”

The nurse turned around and saw Xi Ying.

“Hello, I want to check the body of the patient in Ward No. 5. I am his nurse.” The man said calmly.

“But this is the corpse of a patient in Ward No. 3.”

“Oh, I read it wrongly.” The man said and he was about to bow his head and leave.

He didn’t want to expose himself.

“Oh? You didn’t admit it.” When the man passed by Xi Ying, he heard a burst of cold laughter.

Suddenly, he felt his neck was strangled by an iron chain, and his limbs were tightly bound.

Xi Ying who was still full of panic just now smiled and pulled the chains in her hands. “When you emptied the kidneys of a corpse, did you think you would have such a day?”

“Want to eat my kidneys? When I ate human flesh, you were still a child playing with mud.” Shen He walked out of the dark secret place with a dark red smile in his eyes.

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“You… aren’t you already dead! What did you say!? Cannibalism? You are abnormal!” The nurse was shocked.

“Abnormal? That was my identity from the past. Now, we are the special agent of the FBI.” Shen He came out facing him, holding a small stone hammer in his hand. “Moreover, do you think I really died? This is merely a game to tempt you.”

The game between Shen He and Xi Ying lasted for three months.

“Could it be that you are the ones who have made everyone feel terrified in the past few years…!” The nurse felt that he was about to be strangled by the chain.

He thought that in the past few years, many suspects of abnormal homicide cases were either arrested or disappeared directly, and there was also a rumor that there were special people in their circles who were the ones killing them.

Xi Ying chuckled and smiled, “Yes, it’s specifically to kill you big, abnormal, and unstable people.”

As soon as the voice fell, Shen He ended the nurse’s life with a stone hammer.

Xi Ying loosened the iron chain and smiled at Shen He in the eerie morgue.



Lose one’s head out of fear = to be thrown off one’s balance; to lose the use of one’s good sense or judgment, through fear, anger, or other emotion. To drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road = to do sth routinely and with ease / a walk in the park.

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